
Secondhand and Antiquarian Bookshops in the UK and Republic of Ireland

New charity bookshop No 8 The Old Bookshop
New bookshop The Warehouse Bookshop
New bookroom in Em's Emporium Dersingham
Turret House Books seems to be long gone
M & AC Thompson are now online only
Books for Amnesty have moved closer into Norwich centre
The Movie Shop Norwich has closed.
New shop the Holt Book Gallery
Old and New Books closed some years ago
New bookshop Read & Digest Tearoom by the Old Pump Walsingham
New bookshop By the book Hunstanton
Em's Emporium Dersingham has closed
Torc Books has reopened
New shop Castle Acre Bookshop
Ceres Bookshop of Swaffham has closed
New shop Old School Bookshop
Shiloah Books Cromer has closed
Books For Amnesty Norwich has closed
The Wells branch of Crab Pot Books has closed
New shop Islington Books King's Lynn

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Blickling Hall Bookshop/NORWICH/Blickling Hall (National Trust)Blickling
Blickling Hall Bookshop    Phone before travelling
Blickling Hall (National Trust)   Blickling    NORWICH  NR11 6NF
tel:  01263 738030    web
Open:  7 days 11.00 - 4.00 (March - October). Winter opening times may differ
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A substantial stock of very reasonably priced good quality books all donated by visitors and supporters. All proceeds are for the benefit of the Blickling Estate. East Anglia's largest secondhand bookshop and now in its 15th year of trading. The house contains one of the trust's most important libraries and there is now a stamp shop with similar opening times to the bookshop. Free to visit but parking is £5 for non-members of the NT.

Not visited, but reputedly has larger stock than at Felbrigg.  Richard Beaton 
Well worth a visit. A small hall and room with a wide range of books. All very clearly guided and sensibly priced. Staff very helpful. I left again with half a dozen bargains. Bookshop can be visited free.  Will George 27.03.08
I agree with Will George - best second hand bookshop attached to a National Trust House, that I know. Good tea shop just outside - so books AND buns what could be better!  Angie Santa 02.04.08
I have to confess that the shop turned out to be much better than I had expected, and the two bags of books we bought rounded off a most enjoyable visit.  TBG 18.06.08
I arrived shortly before closing not realising how large it is - apparently it was the first, and is the largest, of the Trust's Norfolk bookshops. Well worth a visit.  Henry Middleton 05.10.08
More than 10,000 books, shelf subject index, reasonable prices, helpful staff. A 3-carrier bag visit!  Richard Bridgland 30.06.09
Agree this is the best of the NT shops, excellent collection at good prices - at least 2 carrier bags!  Norman Davies 16.07.10
Certainly worth visiting but quality of stock this time seemed more the average charity shop fare. The Hall, cafe and bookshop get very busy most days, so don't expect a quiet browse.  Mark 08.06.12
Best NT shop I have seen and a strong selection in several areas eg classic fiction. Can you find the "top shelf"?  Herne 01.11.12
The "Top Shelf" hides behind a door near the Crime Section. Eighteen and over only, please!  Chris Porter 19.11.12
Well worth a visit. This shop has an excellent stock at very reasonable prices and the setting is quite delightful. I came away with a couple of full bags and will certainly be returning whenever I'm in the area.  Nicholas Pendower 01.03.14
Super bookshop, very large stock, found that a price was negotiable if too overpriced, so spent a lot more than I would have done.  Paulp 26.03.15
Revisited this week. Even bigger and better, frankly this is by a distance WWAD and is excellent for comprehensive variety and prices. A 2/3 full bag shop.  Norman Davies 01.05.15
Largest NT selection I've seen. Well organised, plenty under most topics. Prices very reasonable except in the antiquarian and collectible bit which looked a bit steep from the books I looked at, for not a lot.  Flip M 05.08.16
An excellent and well-organised bookshop that is full of the ordinary and the extraordinary. I have found a few hidden gems - out of print books - that I was delighted to find here. Worth a lot of browsing time and you can break for a coffee to peruse your new acquisitions right outside the shop. If you like browsing for books, stop by. You don't need to pay to enter the house to get to the bookshop or coffee shop.  Mark 06.10.16
Never know what you might find. Like a book of the Icknield Way. What a find!  Emma Kaye 19.12.16
Made a detour to revisit Blickling Hall bookshop. It certainly outshines most Oxfam shops. Well ordered, reasonably priced, chairs to sit on and friendly staff. The ephemera boxes are always worth a look.  Mary C 31.07.17
Exceptional bookshop, with a good stock and very reasonable prices and which would merit that description even if it were in a big city. The fact that it is situated in a picturesque setting with walks galore, two cafes and even a pub makes it even more worth taking the short excursion out from Norwich.  Steven kelly 13.11.17
Well worth visiting. Good prices. Came away with a boxful and bagful. By far the best NT bookshop we have seen. wwad.  David 09.04.19
I visited recently after a gap of some years and was amazed by the quality and variety of the books in stock, which must be the pick of what is donated. And the prices asked are not just ‘reasonable’, they’re give-away - presumably to aim for the highest possible turn-over so that however often you visit there will always be plenty of new stock available. We left with a dozen excellent buys for less than £20.  Henry Middleton 26.07.21
Quite a large space, housing a number of genres.

Very busy on the day I visited. I bought a couple of fashion books and bargain prices. Fiction was a little disappointing, but well worth a visit if you in the area
  Archive61 29.07.22
This is a very large charity bookshop. Apparently the largest NT bookshop. It’s easily as big or bigger than the largest Oxfam bookshops. It has a good range of books on most subjects. 3 full size bookcases of history, another 4 of military history, around 10 bookcases of fiction and 4 more of literature. Also sections of folio and ‘curious’ bookcases. Also good section on art, topography, gardening, natural history and cookery. Also the shop is incredibly well organised and it’s easy to find everything. For example it has baskets of leaflets, and booklets and guides organised by county. It is light on technical, science and academic books - but this is to be expected of a charity shop. All in all I was very impressed with its organisation. Prices of the paperback fiction are cheap and most of the non-fiction are reasonably priced - sub Abebook prices. Really worth a trip.  PeterD 12.09.22
I got to the gates to be met with a sign which read: "Sorry. Hall and Bookshop closed today due to bad wind." The mind boggles.  Chris 14.03.23
This is a very well laid out shop. Prices fair. Most sections covered although fiction dominates. Nothing for us on this occasion.  David 28.09.23
This is the biggest and best National Trust bookshop I have been to. There is no bookshop anywhere I look forward to visiting more. (Well...maybe, Barter Books) Visitors should not begrudge the £5 parking charge. (NT members are free). It gives you access to Blickling's outdoor estate, the coffee shop and bookshop. The bookshop visit alone can be worth its weight in gold. The welcome is genuine, the management of the stock is first rate, the prices can be very good and the quality of donations is high. Every visit I've ever made has been positive and yielded treasures. Two weeks ago I left £175 lighter and could have spent more. If I could afford the Norfolk house prices. I'd live here & just rock up to this place each week. Needs music. If only they would play some early Van Morrison ...'And it stoned me to my soul, Stoned me just like goin' home....'  SaltaireTom 03.08.24
Blickling is nearly always very very busy and so is the bookshop: good for them. But if you like a quiet browse, as I do, this is not the place: it tends to be noisy. Unlike others, I found the stock a bit mundane. It did once have a good selection of vintage hardback fiction, but now it's mostly paperbacks. Others with particular non-fiction interests may well have finds, no doubt.   Mark V 15.09.24

Book Heaven/DOWNHAMMARKET/The Marketplace
Book Heaven     Phone before travelling
The Marketplace    DOWNHAM MARKET  PE38 9DE
Open:  Saturday 8.30 - 4.00
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Although mainly a market stall full to the brim of paperback novels, the surprise was finding a section dedicated to military history. The considerable number of books on offer looked quite good but I am not an expert on this subject.  Chris Harte 21.09.10
Singularly invisible! Small market area - no bookstall even charity shops were poor.  Jon Morgan 22.10.12
Only on Saturdays, I was told by another stallholder as I searched about the market. I was there on a Friday (but of course).  Laurence Purcell 12.02.22
Laurence did not miss much. Just a small market stall selling mainly remaindered fiction. 7 for £5 cheap I guess if that takes your fancy.  Steve Newman 17.07.22
Some history but mainly large runs of popular fiction authors. All as Steve says, remaindered or otherwise as new so it seems questionable to call it a secondhand bookshop.  Adrian 30.07.22

Book Sale/WELLS-NEXT-THE-SEA/58 Staithe Street
Book Sale  Open at advertised times
58 Staithe Street   WELLS-NEXT-THE-SEA   NR23 1AQ
Open:  Unknown
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Pulp / popular fiction / military not bad, some records 'Organised' by author but perhaps 'organised' is a little strong. Very little room to move and an overpowering stench of unwashed humanity - a client I suspect rather than staff(?)(although perhaps humanity is a little strong). Worth a browse if passing, NWAD (Take some strong mints.  Jon Morgan 17.08.12
Good place this, man is a birder, ask him about local spots. He has a good selection of wildlife books. Not for the faint hearted. Good atmosphere.  IAW 19.12.13
The shop opening hours are a bit haphazard. The owners have health problems and are not early birds so do not arrive before 11.00 a.m. Books and CDs are crammed in. Worth persevering.  Lucky Eddie 17.01.15
One fairly small room stacked out chiefly with modern popular paperbacks especially crime, thrillers, romance, but not really any collectables.. Well organised. Opens around 11.00 am.  Mark V 09.05.15
Mainly fiction from what I could see, sorted by author, across several bookcases. Also vinyl and CDs towards the back of the shop. Couldn't venture too far in as it's a very small shop and there were people in already which made it difficult to browse (late Friday lunchtime). I did see some Observers books on a shelf so guessing there is some non-fiction too but fiction seemed to be a specialty.  Flip M 03.08.18
Arrived midday on a Tuesday in April. Shop shut and no indication on when it might open again.  David 09.04.19
Been twice and closed each time.Opening times not advertised.  Alison Longhurst 15.02.20
This is a shop full of paperbacks by popular fiction authors- Philippa Gregory, Derek Forsyth, Wilbur Smith, Jack Higgins, Mills & Boon etc etc. All books are £3 each or 2 for £5. Suitable for many people’s on-the-beach holiday reading. In does not sell non-fiction books. This book shop has nothing for the bibliophile or academic reader.  PeterD 14.09.22
Not open mid-morning on a Monday. Nobody local could offer any information on when it does open.   Mark V 15.09.24

Bookworms of Cromer/CROMER/9 New Street
Bookworms of Cromer  Open at advertised times
9 New Street   CROMER   NR27 9HP
tel: 01263 515078 
Open:  Monday - Friday 10.00 - 5.00, Saturday 11.00 - 5.00, closed Wednesday.
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Large general stock.

Competitively priced general secondhand books in consistently good condition.  TBG 
Situated in a side street it was a joy to enter the shop just to get away from the chip fat smell which permeates the surrounding area. General stock which was being snapped up by holiday-makers trying to find something to occupy their time in a rather depressing town.  Chris Harte 24.02.10
Fairly limited but well presented and good condition stock. A little pricey.  Norman Davies 16.07.10
Always pop in when visiting from Norwich. Rarely come away empty-handed.  Bill E 07.07.11
Excellent books, good range and well priced.  Andy 31.08.11
A very well-kept selection and good on biography and fiction.  Herne 01.11.12
Chris Harte has it absolutely right for the town and this bookshop is a surprising oasis. It has a good general stock and the lack of a wifi signal did not stop the ever helpful owner allowed me on line on his desktop to check Librarything. Check it out if in town. there is really no other reason to be there!  Jon Morgan 14.08.13
This is indeed a good if smallish shop: Much Binding in Church Street has more books. Shocked by the criticisms above, I wish to write in defence of Cromer which is a charming, old-fashioned seaside town well worth anyone's time to visit!  Laurence Purcell 29.08.13
The window display in itself is delightful, frequently changed, always enticing.  Margaret 21.08.14
Delightful shop - a pleasure to while away time in here, and have always picked up half a dozen books on my visits, very reasonably priced. And I too always enjoy my visits to Cromer.  Yossarian 14.11.14
Revisited this week, good general stock at reasonable prices, I like this old fashioned but well organised shop. I think bookshops like this and seaside towns go well together making for a good day out.  Norman Davies 01.05.15
A surprising find in such a location, but there were plenty of customers when I visited so perhaps it helps! I made several purchases at reasonable prices and was offered a small discount. I too would defend Cromer - architecturally interesting and an important part of British seaside history.  Henry Middleton 20.07.15
Bookshop that looks as if it ought to be in a model village (sash windows and shadowy interior), but nestles incongruously between takeaways. Like many shops in resorts, it seems to go in for specialisms like local history or transport, but there's also plenty of fiction and books on the arts, the window display is enticing, and prices are fair. The "chip fat" mentioned before is actually from the county's best fish and chip shop, which is in the same street.  Paul O 15.11.15
Well organised with very reasonable prices.Owner not the most chatty person but kindly gave me a small discount on 4 books. But why no opening times displayed?  Roger Cooper 10.06.16
Lovely bookshop, friendly staff, good stock in good condition.  Bazza 02.09.16
A lovely bookshop! Hidden away behind a wooden door with only a small shop sign to give a clue, its a great little bookshop and the prices are very reasonable - 2 book we found were old hardbacks in excellent order for only a pound each! Doesn't smell musty but still smells like an old bookshop. Well organised shelves meant it even got my wife's seal of approval! Small but interesting and WWAD.  Flip M 18.02.17
More than ten years has passed since my last visit and this little shop is still one of the best things about Cromer. Small but interesting selection and the kinds of prices that make you buy more than you had intended. WWAD.  Steven Kelly 27.02.17
Decent stock as usual and very fair prices. Quite a few bargains I reckon. This shop is always a pleasure to visit and I always exit with a purchase.  Ian 01.07.17
Never disappoints, looking forward to my next visit always good value.  Bazza 15.09.18
Well worth visiting. Have been here twice now and always find something. Good stock and good prices.  David 09.04.19
Clean,tidy, very reasonably priced & friendly. A must for any book junkie like me. I have visited this shop since it opened in 1988 and always manage to find something. Easily the best bookshop in Norfolk!  Sallyann 10.10.19
Smallish but well stocked. Reasonable prices. Nice shop.   PeterM 18.03.22
Not been to Cromer for 15 years so pleased to see this shop still open. We decided to get lunch first but when we returned (10 to 2), shop was locked with no opening times displayed. We guessed it was closed for lunch and when we came back later it was indeed open. Perhaps a sign in the window? If we’d not already walked past and seen it open earlier we would have assumed it was closed for the day and not returned. The shop is small but has a good range of fiction and non fiction, all very reasonably priced. We both bought books and had a chat with friendly owner. Busy with lots of holiday makers. A good traditional secondhand bookshop where not every book has been checked on the internet.  HB 27.06.22
This is a small but well run bookshop. Basically there are two small rooms of books which are extremely well organised and displayed. It has modest sections on most subjects with some good hardbacks at very reasonable prices. It’s art and architecture sections are noteworthy, as is the section on Norfolk. Worth a look if you are in town.  PeterD 13.09.22
Agree with previous comments. Not the biggest but definitely one of the best. Always worth a visit.  David 28.09.23
A pocket battleship of a shop. Small but perfectly formed. Excellent well considered and curated stock at all levels at prices that are affordable. Run by a book person with excellent literary experience who knows what her customers look for. WAD certainly. One of the better bookshops in North Norfolk.  SaltaireTom 03.08.24

Brazen Head Book Shop/BURNHAM MARKET/Greenside
The Brazen Head Book Shop  Open at advertised times
Greenside  Market Place   BURNHAM MARKET   PE31 8HF
tel: 01328 730700 
Open:  Monday - Saturday 9.30 - 5.00 & Sundays in summer.
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Very large general stock and children's, art, topography and gardening.

Excellent range, good prices and in the process of expanding.  Kim Andrews 
On the day we visited it was impossible to get into the architecture room because a bookslide had completely blocked the doorway. Still, the downstairs rooms are more organised, with plenty of good books in the front room cabinets.  TBG 18.06.08
A high turnover of fresh stock coming through the door at sensible collector-friendly prices.  Avid Book Collector 01.04.09
Stunning location, great selection, good value prices - well worth a visit  Brett 17.09.09
A lovely shop worth return visits with good turnover and sensible prices. Particulalry good on topography, art and travel.  Norman Davies 16.07.10
This shop is all that others have said. Some of its stock however was a little tired and difficult to see in the rear rooms as the shelving was so close together. The children's fiction (vintage and modern) is outstanding.  Jon Morgan 17.08.12
An admirable bookshop, with a particularly strong selection of interesting and unusual paperback fiction and vintage hardback fiction. A pleasure to browse.  Mark 21.11.13
Of all the bookshops I visited on the north Norfolk coast this was probably the best, with a fairly comprehensive and realistically priced stock (art being particularly well represented). It very much depends what youre looking for as to whether a special visit would be fruitful, but, as with all of the other bookshops in this part of the world, Im afraid that I found nothing to excite me.  Nicholas Pendower 12.02.14
Revisited last week, I do like this real s/h shop and a s usual I came away with some interesting volumes. To me is WAD for the general collector and a a pleasant village with nice teas nearby.  Norman Davies 01.05.15
One of those old fashioned bookshops where it looks quite small from the outside but then once inside, another room becomes visible, then another ... Lovely! Prices were a mix - I found 3 books for 11 quid which I was happy with - but there were a couple of things which I thought were a bit steep. Lots of choice though - most categories covered and certainly a lot to browse through, makes this shop one to return to, next time I'm up that way - and WWAD. Burnham Market does seem to get clogged with traffic, which is a shame (about 10 am on a Friday, our visit) but there is a big new car park a short walk from the market square.  Flip M 05.08.16
A 2nd visit - also on a Friday morning and far quieter in the village this time. Shop is still a joy - lots of shelving to meander through and upstairs rooms to peruse. I popped in on the off chance an obscure old football book I spotted last year was still there - and it was! Turned out to be a bargain after all. Came away with that and a couple of other things. WWAD, once again.  Flip M 18.02.17
My memory from years ago was of a small and somewhat exclusive shop. I suspect that for some reason I only saw the front room.

Revisiting, I find I could not have been more wrong. This is a large general bookshop over several rooms, with something in most subjects. I suspect stock is refreshed and unusual finds are likely. Prices seem mostly reasonable, nothing I saw seemed silly.
  Adrian 26.08.23
I went to the Bookshop this morning (Saturday 22/6/24). The bookshop was advertised as being open until 4.30pm. I waited around for an hour, but it didn't open. There was no notice to say why, or when it would open. When I phoned the shop, there was no answer and no answerphone provision. Neighbouring shops couldn't help. It was a pretty dismal experience, really.  MHC 22.06.24
Excellent for vintage hardback fiction, in the room at the far end of the shop. Also for poetry, local topography, contemporary paperback fiction. Probably the best traditional type bookshop in North Norfolk.   Mark V 15.09.24

Buffer Stop Books/NORWICH/Wroxham StationBelaugh RoadHoveton
Buffer Stop Books   Phone before travelling
Wroxham Station  Belaugh Road  Hoveton    NORWICH  NR12 8UU
tel:  01263 733 858    web
Open: Wednesday 10.30 - 3.00, Friday 10.00 - 3.00, Saturday & Sunday 10.00 - 4.15
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Fund-raising bookshop with over 5,000 pre-owned books for sale and a wide selection of records, CDs and DVDs.

Advertised as "over 5000 pre-owned books for sale" and housed in a large wooden shed next to the platform at Wroxham. Most books are £1 (even the hardbacks) but some are also priced individually. The volunteer behind the counter apologised for one of my purchases being £3 - "is that alright?" My wife thought there was a good spread of fiction titles, whilst the other subjects were less represented but there still appeared to be some bargains available. Worth a look if in the area: the shed is a couple of minutes walk from the "proper" railway station at Hoveton & Wroxham, and less than ten minutes walk from the centre of town.  Graeme Rendall 18.06.16
Good all-round stock with a predictable bias towards railways! Almost everything bar their best railway and local stuff is priced at £1. Curiously maps are all £2 but they say people cheerfully pay the premium for any map which is fair enough.

This bookshop is on the road to Coltishall and on the edge of Wroxham with plenty of parking. Definitely worth visiting if in the area and it's not far from the outstanding National Trust bookshop at Blickling.
  PLF 28.04.24

By the book/HUNSTANTON/9 High Street
By the book  Open at advertised times
9 High Street   HUNSTANTON  PE36 5AB
tel:  01485 522349  e-mail   web  
Wednesday - Saturday 9.30 - 5.00, Sunday 10.00 - 4.00
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Small independent high street bookshop stocking quality preloved and new books in the heart of Hunstanton.

Small new bookshop in Sunny Hunny. I always feel a seaside town needs a bookshop. This has limited stock due to size but a friendly owner is eager to please. Books are in good condition and reasonably priced. Good luck.   BAZZA 17.02.23
A great selection of books for adult and kids. We came in to buy only two books and ended up buying four.   mylifeinpoems 22.02.23
A long narrow shop, bookshelves on all walls. Yes, every seaside town should have a bookshop like this, and now thriving Hunstanton now actually has one. I visited after a long and tiring day and didn't give it the time and attention I should have.

What I saw was very much what tourists would buy, mainly fiction of the last few decades, but it is large enough that it's by no means just mass-market and pulp. A yardstick other people use, Observer books filled a small shelf, all later editions in good condition.

We asked for one novel - not in stock but the chatty owner could instantly tell us so. I'll give it more time when next in Hunny.
  Adrian 27.06.23
Another visit, and another without time to properly inspect the stock. Mainly because I spent the time I had chatting to the pleasant owners. I'm pretty sure there is a lot more stock, and I understand they are planning to expand, partly for their own literary events. Still sensibly aimed at holiday reading for the tourists but there's a bookcase of more general and older books where a sought-for item may be lurking.  Adrian 04.06.24
Alas not open in Friday 13th (!) when we called. Note on door saying open Saturday.   Mark V 15.09.24

Castle Acre Bookshop/CASTLE ACRE/High Street
Castle Acre Bookshop  Open at advertised times
High Street  CASTLE ACRE  PE32 2BQ
tel:  01760 755 334    web  
Open: Saturdays and Bank Holidays 10.00 - 4.00
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Secondhand, antiquarian, contemporary novels and reference books, sold in aid of The Friends of Castle Acre Church.

Two rooms, not very full as shelves are not full height. Typical standard donation fare but also older books of a wide range of quality, and currently a collection or collections strong on boating, model trains and others. Pleasant volunteer and prices very reasonable.  Adrian 09.09.23

City Bookshop /NORWICH/10 Davey Place  
City Bookshop   Open at advertised times
10 Davey Place    NORWICH  NR2 1PQ
tel:  01603 626113  e-mail   web  
Open:  Monday - Friday 9.30 - 5.15, Saturday 9.00 - 5.45, Sunday 10.30 - 4.00
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Stock in the tens of thousands. Situated in the heart of Norwich on a bustling pedestrianised street linking the historic Norman Castle with Norwich Market, The City Bookshop is an independent family run bookshop with over 30 years experience in the book trade. We sell new local plus remaindered, second-hand and antiquarian books on a range of subjects including Local History (Norwich, Norfolk, Suffolk and The Broads), Art, Children's, Cookery, Fiction, History, Military, Topography, Transport to name a few. Our experienced staff are always there should you need them.

Good collection of new & secondhand books, remaindered titles and antiquarian stock (50-60 titles, some local and fairly rare ones too!). Purchased some local history titles and browsed their antiquarian stock, very knowledgeable proprietor, helpful staff and well priced books. Some bargains to be had, definitely.  J Simo 11.12.10
A little over 18 months on, I should like to endorse J. Simo's comments. The East Anglia section was very strong and there were also a lot of good military history titles.  Geoffrey Warner 14.08.12
Very convenient for the castle and a good CD/DVD shop next door. Two floors with a mixture of secondhand and remaindered. Good topography section and some interesting history volumes.  Herne 01.11.12
Revisiting after two years to find the CD/DVD shop gone alas but this shop still has plenty going for it. Transport generally well catered but still strong in the areas mentioned above.  Herne 20.02.15
This is an excellent shop with a good range and volume downstairs and a very strong local and older section upstairs including a print room. For me the best shop in Norwich.  Norman Davies 01.05.15
When I complimented the owner on his shop a nearby gentleman cried hear hear! Very neat shop, well stocked with a variety of books I particularly liked the way the books in the locked cabinets are clearly marked with the price. And I really liked the half price room, every shop should have one!  PaulP 03.07.15
Not a bad place if you are heavily into a) Norfolk and regional topography and b) remainders, Very few 'proper ' second hand books on view. The stock, with the above caveats, is reasonable over two floors in a side street off the main market square.  Jon Morgan 26.09.15
Decent shop - bought a good near-new item for £4.99.  Chris K 13.07.17
Good location. Couldn't find much secondhand stock of much interest to me, but the half price room upstairs and the £1 books outside were certainly acceptable.  Mary C 31.07.17
The death rows of remaindered books seem to have gained on the secondhand stock since my last visit but that may be in my imagination. Still well worth visiting especially for the large sections of military history and transport.  Laurence Purcell 27.08.21
Agree with the last comment that the remaindered books seem to be taking over. That said a well laid our shop with interesting stock. Is it my imagination or are 'Norfolk' prices on the high side compared with the rest of the country, and even London?  Steve Newman 28.10.21
Definitely stronger in terms of remaindered stock than second hand or collectible.

I came away with a couple of purchases at reasonable prices, but nothing particularly old
  Archive61 29.07.22
Don’t be mislead by the ‘10s of thousands’ in the store description. Most of these books are new cheap versions of classics or remainders. The fraction of used books is quite low. Quite a lot of cheap art books and some strange stock discarded from libraries. So, for example, if you want of set of volumes on the county by county hearth tax records of 1666-8 then this is your shop. But strangely categorised and erratically priced - some bargains but a lot of volumes are overpriced. So those hearth tax volumes are under academic not history. Quite a large stock of Norfolk and Norwich books and other topography. All together quite a strange shop.  PeterD 10.09.22

Crab Pot Books/CLEY/High Street
Crab Pot Books  Phone before travelling
High Street   CLEY   NR25 7RN
tel: 01263 740218 
Open:  Monday - Saturday 10.00 - 5.00.
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I know this shop exists because a number of readers have referred to it, but as yet no one has visited, and I can't find a phone number for it.  TBG 12.07.07
According to the board outside opening hours 10.00 - 5.30 Monday to Saturday. However, on an August Tuesday afternoon at 1.45 p.m. the door displayed a notice (untimed) which read "Back in 30 minutes". It was still present (and the shop still shut) an hour later when I (and the other potential customers I noticed with noses pressed against the window) decided to call it a day and move on.

Perhaps I shall call in next summer, if it is still in business. This was a shame, since the stock looked good, and I spotted through the window several books in which I would have been interested. What would Drif have said?!"
  Henry Middleton 13.08.07
I'm so sorry to have disappointed Henry Middleton when he visited in August. It really is very rare for us to have to close unexpectedly, and I know exactly the day he refers to. I'd had to ask my partner to come and pick me up from the dentist having had a tooth extracted; there were some complications, and we were ages getting back. Still, that hardly helps. Do pass on our apologies, and we hope to see him next summer.  Louise Abbott (Crabpot Books) 29.09.07
These things do happen, and the Norfolk coast road can get very busy at times. I hope the tooth is better now, and I hope to be that way next summer to call in.  Henry Middleton 08.10.07
Bright, well laid out, and offered a surprising variety of competitively priced secondhand books. Norfolk and natural history are an obvious choice of specialism, and there was a well-stocked bookcase of New Naturalist titles.  TBG 18.06.08
It is one of my favourite bookshops. I visit 4 or 5 times a year and always walk away with something. Broad selection of books with good sections on natural history and ornithology. Always worth a visit.  Trevor Cook 23.12.11
Pleasant, light and spacious shop with resident langorous cat. Good selection of literary fiction, art and Folio books, reasonably priced. Well worth a visit.  Mark 08.06.12
Great book shop, very knowledgeable owners and very friendly - especially the cat! Always look forward to visiting, never leave without a number of purchases. Looking forward to seeing the new shop in Wells-next-the-Sea. Good luck with it.  Stevie Gray 12.07.12
Did not manage to visit this one but stopped in at the above mentioned new one in Wells Next the Sea. Very limited stock in a light and airy, pleasant shop in The Staithes.  Jon Morgan 17.08.12
What a great secondhand bookshop. No stock is on the net and the prices are often very reasonable . I found some quality items . Worth a special visit and open as published despite review below. This shop is strong on ornithology but great other sections to.  Ed Yardley 21.06.14
Like Ncholas Pendower I have to say this and Wells shop below were nice, pleasant, friendly, and very strong on locals, ornithology and natural history-type books, but dissappointing for other areas with mainly modern books. So do visit if in the area but take note of specialities. Super cat in Cley.  Norman Davies 01.05.15
Always worth calling in if passing (and the availability of the parking space outside is a bonus in Cley!). Friendly owner and good stock, strong in ornithology and natural history, as one might expect given the location. There is an outstanding selection of the New Naturalist series but at prices high even by NN standards.  Henry Middleton 20.07.15
We make sure to pop in to visit Marcie and Louise when we are up and usually find several gems that my husband has been looking for for years, or me finding a new gardening, cooking or bird book. We are very lucky to have Crabpot Books.  Allison Holmes 08.08.15
Despite making two visits here on different days and at different times we did not succeed in finding it open at it's advertised times.  David 09.04.19
I did find this shop open. The owner was quite aggrieved by the review above as she was ill. This is a nice shop in a precarious location. (I strongly recommend parking in the Free Car Park at the Village Hall and walking back through the lane.) The stock is all in good condition but all the books I checked were well above Abebooks prices. It does have a whole wall of ornithology books which I would recommend. Otherwise, it contains a mixed stock with some very nice volumes.   PeterD 14.09.22
A well-organised and pleasant bookshop, strong on bird-watching and natural history and with a long wall of literature too. Free parking in the village hall car park (signed).   Mark V 15.09.24

Dormouse Bookshop/NORWICH/29 Elm Hill
The Dormouse Bookshop   Open at advertised times
29 Elm Hill    NORWICH  NR3 1HG
tel:  01603 621021 
Open: Tuesday - Saturday 10.00 - 4.00
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Medium general stock, East Anglia, travel, natural history, crime fiction, entertainment and science fiction.

Small shop in a lovely old street. Flagstone floor. Pleasant, friendly owner is a good salesman. No stock on the internet. WAD (Worth A Detour)  Chris K 16.07.10
Thought I ought to correct some details about this shop. No science fiction however loads of children's books, local books and military history. Helpful owner. For me the best book shop in Norwich.  Fontis 27.07.10
Lovely shop in beautiful street. Shop packed with interesting stock. Friendly owner. Plenty of crime fiction. Will be returning next opportunity.  Helen 30.07.11
My favourite bookshop in all of Norwich! the owner is very friendly and always helpful. The quality and selection of books is superb, prices are very reasonable. Situated in the historic Elm Hill it's the perfect setting for this little shop. I am a regular visitor.  Lenore 03.03.12
Helpfully arranged shop - transport and military history are well represented.  Herne 20.02.15
I don't like criticising small shops at all but this one is damp, very damp, cold even on a hot day, for the sake of the his health (and his books) the owner should invest in a dehumidifier and a blow heater. otherwise agree with above comments.  PaulP 03.07.15
I agree with all the comments above, particularly regarding the friendliness and helpfulness of the owner. Can't say I noticed any damp! A must to visit if you are in Norwich!  Henry Middleton 20.07.15
The first thing you notice is the smell of damp which I have to say is common to many bookshops in old premises. None of the books I looked t were damp tho. It recalled the bookshops of my childhood and there ws good solid stock here with some quality old children fiction. The prices for the limited stock of modern fiction - esp. Terry Pratchett hardbacks (Death seems to fix a premium) seemed a little steep, all the more so considering I later bought two in the charity bookshops for under £2. However worth a browse and worth supporting.  Jon Morgan 26.09.15
Back again and found the more updated Shell Guide of Norfolk. Cost me £9.50. It's a fairly small shop but lots of interesting items to check out.  Chris K 13.07.17
Cramped, higgledy piggeldy and poorly lit, this shop is nonetheless a joy to visit. Especially strong on older fiction (including crime) and children's books (fans of Biggles, Jennings and Bunkle, hurry, hurry, hurry!). I suspect that you may not find many bargains, though.  Laurence Purcell 27.08.21
Visited 27/10/21 but closed. Disappointing as I have usually found something interesting when visiting. Notice on the door said 'closed due to unexpected circumstances', or some such. So might be worth a phone call before your visit.  Steve Newman 28.10.21
Small, good stock, competitively priced. Pleasant owner. Strong on crime fiction, lots of green Penguins.  PeterM 18.03.22
Really helpful and enthusiasm owner should was prepared to search his stockroom unprompted, for things he thought I might be interested in. No bargains, but the prices were fair. I came away with about 6 or 7 books.  Archive61 29.07.22
What an appropriately named shop- but not any room for the cat too!! I was lucky to arrive as 4 people were leaving - I am not sure how they all got in!!

Interesting stock crammed in a very small space with an owner very eager to please. Also the rare kind of owner who actually knows his stock. Some interesting titles but not really an academic bookshop. Still worth browsing to try and find the odd gem. Realistic prices but I doubt if you will find a real bargain.
  PeterD 10.09.22

EACH Charity Shop/DISS/32-33 Chapel Street
EACH Charity Shop  Phone before travelling
32-33 Chapel Street   DISS   IP22 4AN
tel: 01379 651939 
Open:  Monday - Saturday 10.00 - 4.30.
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EACH gives the whole second floor over to second-hand books (circa 2,500 books, mostly paperbacks and hardback reprints). The EACH charity has a policy of rotating stock between their various shops. However, EACH don't sell online via ABE or Ebay so bargains may still be had.  Avid Book Collector 12.09.08
Very disappointing: we drove down from Norwich on purpose to visit the shop, got there at 3.50 and found it closed.  Sue Sims 24.08.13
Space given over to books has been reduced a little (Jan 2015) and of late the quality of books on offer has been rather more run of the mill.  Chris M 24.02.15

Felbrigg Hall Bookroom/NORWICH/Felbrigg Hall
Felbrigg Hall Bookroom  Phone before travelling
Felbrigg Hall  Garden & Park (National Trust)  Felbrigg   NORWICH   NR11 8PR
tel: 01263 837444  web 
Open:  Check website for opening times.
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Some useful fiction stock.  Michael Mendelblat 
The stock is tiny, a few hundred dull books, at best - not worth a detour.  Stephen 22.05.09
New bookroom opened recently. Now large selection, very good prices, WAD.  Norman Davies 16.07.10
Now stuffed with books, good varied stock but too many books I looked at were priced twixt £10 and £20 for 4 or 5 quid books so not many people where buying .. Price to sell is always best in charity shops to get the turnover and money rolling in.  Paulp 26.03.15
What a let down after Blickling! Have a look as you never know, but some ABE-inspired prices with no decent discounts and limited stock, some of poor condition, were a real disappointment.  Norman Davies 01.05.15
One small room of typical charity stock but moderately priced and some interesting chance finds. Car parking £2 unless National Trust member.  Mark V 09.05.15
A well organised room but not large. Prices seemed very reasonable. Did seem to be "typical charity" stock and not WAD unless visiting the property anyway.  Flip M 18.02.17
This is a small charity shop to raise money for the NT. It does not have a big stock but it is very cheap. But still a reasonable number of fiction paperbacks. £1 by donation for any paperback! It’s a lucky dip and you just might find a bargain - I actually found 2 good books that would cost up to £20 each or so on Abebooks. I would say that it is not worth a special trip but have a look if you are there. If you are making a special trip then go to the nearby Blickling Hall bookshop instead - see above.   PeterD 12.09.22
This book room is close to the cafe, toilets and Felbriggs retail space, unmanned so you pay in the NT shop. A single fair sized room with level entry. A lot of good condition paperback fiction. Non fiction section is smaller though still a good browse. PeterD's review spot on. Prices are excellent value. Less collectable, more readable stuff here.   SaltaireTom 04.08.24

Freya Books _ Antiques/TACOLNESTON/St. Marys Farm
Freya Books & Antiques  Open at advertised times
St. Marys Farm  Cheneys Lane   TACOLNESTON   NR16 1DB
tel: 01508 489252 
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It's been a while since I visited, but this is basically a bloke who owns a farm which has a large barn full of antiques culled from sweeps of Europe. He also has a small room full of books which are reasonably interesting.  Avid Book Collector 08.08.13

Handcrafted Leather and Books/NORWICH/1 Market Place
Handcrafted Leather and Books  Open at advertised times
1 Market Place  Row A (top of the market) Stall 18   NORWICH   NR2 1ND
Open:  Monday - Saturday 12.30 - 4.30.
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Handmade leatherware / repairs and a whole array of secondhand fiction and non-fiction books are also sold.

Bought a very good item for £7.50. 'Norwich Photographic Memories' by Terence Sackett.  Chris K 13.07.17
I cannot recomend this stall. There are two long shelves of assorted and bewildered-looking hardbacks; everything else is paperback.  Laurence Purcell 27.08.21
Agree with the last comment. Stock limited and not in the best condition.  Steve Newman 28.10.21

Holt Book Gallery/HOLT/Lion Court Yard, 26 High Street
Holt Book Gallery   Phone before travelling
Lion Court Yard, 26 High Street  HOLT  NR25 6BH
tel:  01263 715858  e-mail   web   
Open: Thursday (July - September, November & December also Wednesday) - Saturday 10.00 - 1.00, 1.30 - 4.00
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Newly opened secondhand branch of the Holt Bookshop next door, selling out of print & secondhand books, collectors editions & classics, first editions, gift books & book ephemera.

A very well ordered shop, strong on topography, art and history. Not so much in the way of fiction. Prices on the high side…  Archive61 29.07.22
A well organised and presented shop. Not a huge stock but some interesting volumes. Most of the prices are too high - I examined around 10 books where the price was up to 200% of the lowest Abebooks price. On the other hand a small minority of books were substantially under priced. I bought 2 old rare books which were less than 50% of their true value. So an interesting shop worth the visit but you will need to check the pricing as most books are priced too high.  PeterD 15.09.22
It’s good to find a new bookshop opening in Holt rather than an old one closing, so the Book Gallery is to be welcomed. It’s not the largest of shops and the stock isn’t the cheapest but there is an interesting and varied selection on offer and all of it in excellent condition. I shall certainly be making a point of visiting whenever I am in the area.  Henry Middleton 13.06.23
An artful gallery display of well chosen books in a long glass-enclosed space with good natural light. A distinctly bookfairy feel to the stock. More on the collectable & collecting spectrum than elsewhere. Some good material and beautifully presented. A shop to dip into rather than inhabit. The high prices reflected the quality stock. Not a huge amount on the shelves but all of interest & nicely considered. Best nearby coffee shop - Horatio's.   SaltaireTom 04.08.24

Horning Post Office and Shop /NORWICH/39 Lower Street   Horning  
Horning Post Office and Shop   Open at advertised times
39 Lower Street   Horning    NORWICH  NR12 8AA
tel:  01692 630225  e-mail
Open:  Monday - Friday 8.30 - 5.00
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Norfolk/Suffolk local interest; Arthur Ransome novels, collectable and first editions; history, literature. Also greetings cards, jigsaws, stationery.

About 200 books fairly priced in bookshelves set amongst the other things post offices sell, plenty of Ransome and Broads history, a few shelves of other non-fiction, pleasant lady in charge, next to an excellent deli/cafe.  Paulp 26.04.19

Islington Books/KING_S LYNN/11 Tower Street
Islington Books  Open at advertised times
11 Tower Street  KING'S LYNN  PE30 1EJ
tel:  01553 617202, mob: 07818047707    web
Open: Open: Monday - Friday 9.00 - 4.00, Saturday & Sunday by appointment
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New and secondhand books, specialising in West Norfolk, military, naval, war, trains, fishing and game shooting.

J.C Books/WATTON/55 High Street
J.C Books   Open at advertised times
55 High Street    WATTON  IP25 6AB
tel:  01953 883488 
Open:  Monday - Saturday 10.00 - 4.30, closed Thursday pm.
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A large general secondhand stock and particularly, the theatre and performing arts. PBFA Member. Free parking in Goddard's Court next to the shop.

The owner and his wife where the best! I left 107 pounds lighter and feeling warm with the feeling of accomplishment of acquiring some great books on field sports and others on dogs.  Linda 
A good old-fashioned stock, well-organised and a knowledgeable owner.  Kim Andrews 
One of the best bookshops in East Anglia: wide ranging, interesting stock. Watton is not on the major routes through Norfolk but is well worth the detour.  Richard Beaton 
Definitely worth a detour!  Henry Middleton 
Although they don't buy much in, they still have a wealth of top range antiquarian stock in addition to much vintage theatrical ephemera.  Avid Book Collector 01.04.09
What a super bookshop. This is what I remember them to be like years ago. A most pleasant owner for whom nothing was too much trouble (even to the extent of offering to stay open late when I phoned ahead to check his closing time). He took me to the shelves where I needed to search and provided me with a chair. As you can imagine I found numerous books to purchase among his quality stock. I enjoyed looking through the shelves; the friendly attitude, and was quite taken with the East Anglian holdings. Very much a top of your list visit.  Chris Harte 24.02.10
Slightly disappointing given all the preceding reviews. It looked very promising despite the rain with a co-op car park at rear and the books on two floors receding into the distance. However the majority of the 1st floor is an Art Gallery with some very naff art. The fiction section has few titles from the last 10 years with it has to be said some good selections although not huge. Downstairs a good selection esp. in military history . Not close to the other bookshops of Norwich so it requires a detour. Is it worth it? In the spirit of keeping bookshops open rather than virtual, I would say yes! NB do not bother with the charity shops in this town as far as books are concerned.  Jon Morgan 16.02.13
I spotted this shop on my last Watton visit. Bookshops like this are becoming extremely rare in Norfolk. I wasn't disappointed. I found the 'film history' section and was in my element. Can't wait to go again.  Greg Chapman 24.04.15
Well off the booklovers' beaten track which might explain the absence of recent reviews. Big, I think five rooms. The upstairs gallery now also contains the art and crafty books. Also on the top floor a room of fiction and another more or less devoted to performing arts. A whole bookcase on ballet and dance is not something I can remember seeing elsewhere. Of the ground floor stock there's a large and good antiquarian section at the front, with history, sport, transport and other subjects in the large room behind. Prices seem very fair. Easy parking. The pleasant owner threw in a book I was looking at, making a generous unasked discount on my purchases. WWAD.  Adrian 09.09.23
As Adrian says, this one is somewhat out on a limb. Large stock, some double rowing. Plenty of parking. Very pleasant owner.  David 28.09.23
Great to listen to an owner enjoying his chosen business, not just the income. Knowledgeable and always has time for his visitors.  Mr A R Trewartha 27.04.24

JR and RK Ellis/NORWICH/53 St. Giles Street
JR and RK Ellis   Open at advertised times
53 St. Giles Street    NORWICH  NR2 1JR
tel:  01603 623679 
Open: Tuesday - Saturday 10.00 - 4.30
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Medium general stock including paperback fiction and publishers remainders.

Mainly fairly recent general stock. However, ideal for the student as there was a lot of used and remaindered academic material.  Chris Harte 24.02.10
A nice bright shop, with a helpful proprietor. The main shop room is floor to ceiling books with a strong modern language section and plenty of space so you do not feel confined. This room gives on to two others one main area with a very good fiction section.  Jon Morgan 16.02.13
Nice shop with helpful owner but nearly all recent material so do go if you are looking for recent fiction or more recent titles in most areas.  Norman Davies 01.05.15
Some good modern fiction with stock in most areas of interest. As previously observed, nothing of interest in older books for the 'collector'. That said a good welcome, good stock and reasonable prices. There is a multi storey car park along the road, convenient for most of the city centre bookshops  Jon Morgan 26.09.15
Main room is light and airy with well-labelled subject areas. Smaller room off has good variety of genre fiction.  RuthP 03.07.17
Back again after 7 years. Shop is well run. Bought a nice £3.99 p/b one.  Chris K 13.07.17
The book I purchased at the shop and had mailed to Canada arrived well wrapped and in good time. Thanks! Great service, and a lovely bookshop with a great selection.  C De Boeck 09.08.18
Generally well stocked and well worth a visit, though paperbackitis is rampant in the fiction section in particular.   Laurence Purcell 27.08.21
One of the better Norwich bookshops. Well laid out stock, helpful staff, and prices slightly below the Norwich average!  Steve Newman 28.10.21
Slightly disorganised with subject matter being split between the two rooms and piles of books growing on the tables. With a good re-organisation and re-stock, this place could be a gem. Its stock is not bad per se and I spotted many books, at decent prices, which I have bought elsewhere in the last year. Not one for the collector but plenty for the general reader.   Firedrake 22.01.22
I last bought something from here some 40 years ago. It hasn't changed very much since. A mix of remaindered and used books and more for the general reader as said above.  Stive 26.03.22
A quaint little shop, but very disappointing stock wise. Nothing unusual, rare or collectible…  Archive61 29.07.22

Much Binding/CROMER/36 Church Street
Much Binding   Appointment necessary
36 Church Street    CROMER  NR27 9ES
tel:  07776 185 858  e-mail   web
Open:  By appointment only pending sale
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A general secondhand stock with a leaning towards history, science and older books.

Only seems to open in summer months.  Chris Harte 24.02.10
Bit of an old books home. Pleasant, helpful lady on duty.  Chris K 16.07.10
An excellent, decent-sized shop with good stock of literary fiction and detective fiction, but also plenty on other subjects. Courteous and knowledgeable owner.  Mark 08.06.12
Very pleasant owner and a good stock of (sometimes vintage) paperbacks for the general reader.  Herne 30.10.12
Closed for a week or two when visited in early October.  Mark 21.11.13
Have been in Cromer several times over the years, and not once has this shop been open. Sigh. Its not that I'm angry, just disappointed, and a little jealous of the owner's lifestyle.  Yossarian 14.11.14
Behind a window full of bric-a-brac (not sure why), you'll find a stacked-to-the-rafters bookshop that holds a few surprises. For example, several shelves of English-language African novels, piles of literary anthologies I've never seen, and the metaphysical thrillers of Charles Williams. There's some absolute lumber too, but it's great to browse.  Paul O 15.11.15
Just confirming its still there - and still has old bric a brac in the window; most odd. A little card on the closed door said reopening 1 May, so I guess the "summer months only" rule still applies.  Flip M 18.02.17
Open on my Saturday visit in June. Fascinating stock. Loads of hope here. Achieves that rare thing...organised chaos. Really enjoyed my browse. But it had to be short. Looking forward to returning with more time. Expect surprises, though probably not bargains.  Ian 01.07.17
Fascinating shop full to the brim with just my sort of books! Helpful, friendly owner who knows his stuff.  RuthP 03.07.17
This is a large old fashioned secondhand bookshop with many older and vintage books. The husband and wife owners are very knowledgeable and take their profession seriously. Particularly impressive are the sections on philosophy, theology, local topography, and the history of different countries. This is not a shop where you will find a bargain, but it is a shop where you will find interesting, out-of-print books. So this is a shop for the serious bibliophile. The owner admitted to me that he checks every book on Abebooks and prices accordingly. He was taken aback by my drawing attention to one book that he had priced at nearly double the Abebook price. (But it was a nice copy and he did reduce it by 10%!). Worth going to take look.  PeterD 13.09.22
3rd June 2023, owner is planning to retire and the shop is now closed to general buyers. Access by appointment only until the existing stock is sold.   Jan 08.06.23
Much Binding still very much closed with a notice in the window, "This property & business for sale." The contents 'Marie Celeste' like all still inside.   SaltaireTom 02.08.24

No 8 The Old Bookshop/DOWNHAM MARKET/8 High Street
No 8 The Old Bookshop   Open at advertised times
8 High Street  DOWNHAM MARKET  PE38 9DB
tel:  01366 387874  e-mail   web
Open: Tuesday - Friday 9.00 - 3.00, Saturday 10.00 - 4.00
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A charity bookshop supporting the West Norfolk Deaf Association

A well organised and laid out bookshop with better than normal charity shop stock. Friendly staff. Prices obviously checked so can be high for a charity shop but still good value. Lots of paperback fiction, reasonably priced, good selection of non fiction, including railway and military.   HB 25.09.21
Like a big Oxfam but much more attractive. Too many paperbacks for my liking but plenty of other stock. Prices seemed very reasonable EXCEPT for anything deemed "collectable" (however timeworn) for which some giddy and quite unrealistic sums are asked. There's a whole cabinet of Observer books. The staff are indeed very friendly and helpful.  Laurence Purcell 12.02.22
I noticed the small bookcase of Observer books, also another of classic Penguins and Pelicans. Pricing variable, with many books of greater value finding themselves in fixed price sections at £1.95 or less. As others have said, better quality and range that nearly any charity bookshop I can think of.  Adrian 15.07.22
Well organised shop, with as others have noted a decent varied range for a charity book shop. I have called in this shop a number of times, as my sister lives nearby in Wisbech. Whilst I have often found cheap transport related books here, and found one on this occasion too, however the price of anything deemed 'collectible' can be extremely high.

I collect Observer books. There are quite a few here, as noted. 254 on the day of my visit in fact. When I first reported this shop having discovered it in 2018/9 there were also around 250 Observer books. Sadly at the prices asked, well in excess of current values, I fully expect there to be 250 Observer books there next time I call in too! Steve
  Steve Newman 17.07.22

Old Reading Room/HOLT/The Street
The Old Reading Room  Open at advertised times
The Street   Kelling   HOLT   NR25 7EL
tel: 01263 588227 
Open:  7 days 9.30 - 4.00.
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Tea room and gift shop with a general stock of secondhand books.

Varied stock with emphasis on rural topics, birdwatching etc. You need to weave in and out of the tables to check the stock.  Michael Mendelblat 
In a decade of visiting, the stock has barely changed. I feel it's there as much for decoration as anything else, something for the cafe customers to read while they have their coffee and cake  Stephen 25.05.09
We love this place - friendly atmosphere, great food and we've picked up all sorts of interesting ephemera & books at reasonable prices.  Charles & Geraldine 31.03.11
A small stock, Increasingly becoming a tea room rather than a boookshop.  Andy 31.08.11
Small stock, much of it in bookcases behind tables where people are eating and drinking, so hard to get at. The books seen were often tatty and over-priced. Not worth a detour.  Mark 08.06.12
This is an old fashioned Tea Room where all the tables are surrounded by books. There are many books here scattered in bookcases all around the large cafe. Most of the books are not recent and not very well categorised. At the moment they seem to selling them at half price, but I could not find anything I wanted to buy. Some of the book shelves are double stacked and so it is hard to make out exactly what they have or find it. There is even a very large bookcase behind the tea shop serving area, but I could not see what was in it properly. There was a whole book case devoted to books about the Royal Family. Beware that the place is not exactly where the app indicates on the map. It is actually at the junction of The Street and the main A149 in Kelling. It does have a good car park behind it for customers.  PeterD 13.09.22

Old School Bookshop/OLD BUCKENHAM/Church Rooms, The Green
Old School Bookshop   Open at advertised times
Church Rooms, The Green  OLD BUCKENHAM  NR17 1RN
tel:  01953 550525  e-mail   web   
Open: Friday - Sunday 10.00 - 4.00
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Second-hand contemporary fiction and non-fiction books in excellent or as-new condition.

Old Station Pottery _ Bookshop /WELLS-NEXT-THE-SEA/2 _ 4 Maryland  
The Old Station Pottery & Bookshop   Phone before travelling
2 & 4 Maryland    WELLS-NEXT-THE-SEA  NR23 1LY
tel:  01328 710847  e-mail   web
Open:  Friday - Monday 11.00 - 5.00. Tuesday - Thursday closed. Closed for lunch 12.30 - 1.30.
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Three rooms of secondhand books, particularly older children's ("Ripping yarns and improving tales"), art, poetry and a large stock of paperback fiction.

3 rooms of books in the main building and a fourth (mainly paperbacks) in the garden. Strong on Victorian/Edwardian children's books and fiction. When you've found something you want to buy, ring the old handbell vigorously to call the owner down from upstairs.  Richard Beaton 
Good for children's fiction and art, and there are also two remainder and secondhand paperback shops in the main street.  TBG 18.06.08
Did not look terribly promising but the building, the old Station in Wells is fascinating with displays of how it used to look, It appears dilapidated but has some gems in the main building - Very strong on children's and its modern fiction appeared anything but - the annex however more than makes up for it. The Pottery itself is excellent and graced by a 19 year old fluffy ginger cat by the name of Norman.  Jon Morgan 17.08.12
Unusual, characterful stock in a fascinating building, with interesting ceramics and bric-a-brac too. Opening hours a bit erratic but worth persevering.  Mark 21.11.13
Atmospheric premises, for the pottery and the memory of the railway station. A good mixed stock, including some Penguins, but some of the latter 'ambitiously' priced.  James Mackay 26.07.14
For me the best s/h shop in Norfolk, nicely laid out in an old station building. I found much in my topographic, children's, history and transport interests and found the prices average. Took me back to the good old days of lovely old shops which have disappeared from so many towns.  Norman Davies 01.05.15
Sign on door saying "Taking short break". No indication of how short. Definitely need to phone if travelling any distance.  Mark V 09.05.15
Fascinating and sprawling. Open till late on the Sunday I visited. Several rooms of stock that is decently organised when you've got past the fact that it looks chaotic. It isn't. Excellent children's section. Visit the cash point first. Old style. Big thumbs up.  Ian 01.07.17
A truly lovely shop, full of character. Didn't see the owners (doors were open and a sign said 'ring bell for attention' which left us alone to browse). Their pottery shares space with the books but there are plenty of books across several rooms to look through, including an annexe out the back (doors all open so just follow the sign). Quite a wide general stock across many subjects, well organised and prices seemed ok, although some of the books I pulled out were looking more than a bit tired. Didn't find anything this time but would certainly visit again.  Flip M 03.08.18
Visited this shop today. Sadly it was closed but the owners had left a very nice message on the door explaining their extenuating circumstances. There were many books left outside with an invitation to take away whatever the browser felt useful. I have a sense that these owners are nice people. It’s a shame that owners can’t (or don’t) post their temporary closures on this website to save visitors coming needlessly from a long way away!  PeterD 15.09.22
Have much enjoyed this unusual assembly of books, ceramics and curios before, but alas closed this time with note on door to say away for a few days. Some free books on tables outside.   Mark V 15.09.24

Oxburgh Hall Bookroom/KING_S LYNN/Oxburgh Hall (National Trust)
Oxburgh Hall Bookroom  Open at advertised times
Oxburgh Hall (National Trust)   KING'S LYNN   PE33 9PS
tel: 01366 328258 
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It is located in the 'Gunroom', in the gatehouse, and non-National Trust members will have to pay to access it. The stock is general and it is not very large, but there was some interesting material when I was there.  Henry Middleton 
Better than Felbrigg but not a patch on Blickling. Was a bit dismissive on first glance but unearthed a real old gem at the bottom of a pile so just shows it is worth persevering.  Norman Davies 01.05.15
Visited yesterday. Good for a NT place but with a paperback historical novel costing 3 quid, not the cheapest. A few daft prices. Stock fairly unremarkable but they do of course depend on donations. The valuable books crate was a collection of old hardbacks with no DJs in many cases. Drew a blank here this time but if you're visiting the property anyway (which is glorious) then visiting it is a no-brainer.  Flip M 05.08.16
This un-staffed bookshop is in the grounds of Oxburgh Hall walled garden. It's housed in The Old Potting Shed a short distance from the pay entrance point. The Oxburgh visitor manager assures me one-off free entry just for the bookshop is allowed. (Though the gardens are wonderful here and worth the NT ticket price.) The bookshop has a modest range of general titles. All donated items. They are not priced. Payment can be via donation in the collection tins in the shop or by cash & card at the pay entry point. Few really collectable titles were seen. A good supply of paperback & hardback fiction, gardening & cookery also feature. Biography and some local history. Maybe a thousand books in a single room with level entry. I found one item. Not WAD but if you're a history buff Oxburgh with its £6 million restoration now completed is such a peaceful place to visit.  SaltaireTom 23.07.24

Oxfam Books and Music/NORWICH/9 -11 Bedford Street
Oxfam Books and Music  Open at advertised times
9 -11 Bedford Street   NORWICH   NR2 1AR
tel: 01603 628392  web 
Open:  Monday - Saturday 9.30 - 5.30.
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In 'The Lanes' district, among up-market boutiques. Medium sized. High prices. Lots of items with some wear to boards and/or dust jackets shelved in film front bags. Unusual.  Chris K 21.07.10
Usual Oxfam fare, but possibly the most overpriced Oxfam Shop I have ever come across. Unlike the majority of the bookshops in Norwich which were reasonably priced, the prices charged by Oxfam are outrageous. £9.50 for a rather shabby 'Red Guide' to Felixstowe for instance. One to avoid perhaps!  Steve Newman 17.01.11
Disgraceful prices for shabby, donated items. Oxfam should realise that they can't charge the same as an experienced dealer selling quality books for which they have paid! I am boycotting oxfam.  Sam Glen 04.08.11
Not a bad stock on two floors, Rather light on modern fiction , but good modern languages section Prices on a par with most other Oxfam Bookshops i.e. high. I was about to commit murder but then they switched the Enya type music off and replaced it with Bach!  Jon Morgan 26.09.15
Well-stocked small bookshop over two floors. DVDs seem to be winning the wall-space war at the back of the shop. Reasonable prices, strong on travel (lots of OS maps).  Steven Kelly 03.06.16
Was not open on Wednesday 5th of July. Returned the next day but found the shop rather poor.  Chris K 13.07.17
There are generous donators of good stock in Norwich. Oxfam should be grateful and stop charging ridiculous prices -e.g. £12 for London Museum booklet. Please give readers, collectors and dealers a chance with your donated books.  Mary C 31.07.17
On the small size for an Oxfam bookshop, but in an older part of the town where smaller premises prevail. Stock well laid out and in good condition though, and very helpful staff. But expensive, even by Oxfam standards.  Steve Newman 28.10.21
At least the music being played had improved (The Clash - London Calling!), Earwigging the rather martinet-type manager berating her volunteers and then them slagging her off when she had disappeared was entertaining ... the books, however, take up one third of this rather poor Oxfam shop if you can avoid tripping over the usual Oxfam hand-knitted yoghurt rugs, sustainable washing liquid and half price Christmas cards (It is supposed to be a BOOKSHOP!) - The Magdalen Street one, although not a dedicated shop is much better stocked. Here the collectables inaccurately dubbed ' antiquarian,' are hilarious - a 1965 road atlas was £26.00 and the fiction section was sub par even for Oxfam. NWAD  Firedrake 22.01.22
Large stock, not as much space taken up with gifts as previously reported. Stock tired looking though and given the often ludicrous prices this is unsurprising. I could see nothing worth buying. The whole shop has a cramped and depressed vibe.  PeterM 18.03.22
Prices are eye-watering and certainly anything but realistic but don't let that put you off. The staff is super-friendly and open to offers. I came away with a handful of books for a small fraction of the ticket price. If the books have been languishing on the shelves for a while according to the ticket date, feel free to offer what you think they are worth. The shop has plenty more at the back and they need the shelf space.   Stive 26.03.22
A rather gloomy place which wouldn't matter if the stock was more interesting. It isn't. The ANTIQUARIAN books aren't really that, of course, but the poor things there today certainly looked as if they'd led a rough life.  Laurence Purcell 04.08.22
This is the real Oxfam bookshop in town. Fairly decent sized stock but quite a lot of the books were not really in the right sections. Large piles were just resting on the window sill not classified at all. Unusually for an Oxfam bookshop they had quite a lot of science and technology books. They also have a ‘collectible section’ which is mainly discarded folios rather than older or rare books. Prices are very much driven by Abebooks prices - so no bargains to be had. But still worth a visit.  PeterD 10.09.22
I've known this shop for 3 years and usually thought it interesting. Yesterday I was shocked at how expensive everything was, even by Oxfam standards, and with nothing of interest. Very disappointing.  PLF 28.04.24

Oxfam Shop/NORWICH/8/10 Magdalen Street
Oxfam Shop  Open at advertised times
8/10 Magdalen Street   NORWICH   NR3 1HU
tel: 01603 665508  web 
Open:  Monday - Saturday 9.00 - 5.00, Sunday 11.00 - 3.00.
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Decent place with a pretty good selection of books. Bought 2 good local Norfolk items for less than £3.00.  Chris K 13.07.17
Although not a dedicated bookshop, there are a large number of books present. Prices far more reasonable than other bookshops in Norwich, and stock well presented. In fact I bought three books yesterday whilst looking round the Norwich bookshops, and two of them were from this shop!   Steve Newman 28.10.21
About 50 % general toot and 50% books in a large and light shop. A much larger stock than the so called dedicated bookshop in Bedford Street. Could do with a bit of a clear out and organisation. A biography of Michele Obama in fiction ?? Worth a browse although the books themselves are general Charity shop stuff. Close the the Loose Emporium across the road. and Elm Street bookshop round the Corner and just down from Tombland too!  Firedrake 22.01.22
The book section is as large as some dedicated Oxfam bookshops. Sensible prices and interesting stock, nicely displayed. This is how to run a bookshop! Don't miss this shop.  PeterM 18.03.22
Didn't find anything of interest here but the shop is light and airy, unlike most Oxfams. Books were mostly the usual charity shop offerings.  Stive 26.03.22
Uninspiring.  Laurence Purcell 04.08.22
I agree with the comments above. Part of a much larger Oxfam shop selling the usual cornucopia. The books are a motley crew. Not many that would interest me but lots of your standard donations (cookery, cheap art, media and pulp politics etc). Interestingly though it’s not using Abebook searched prices, so you may find a bargain. Worth a look if you are passing but not really worth a special trip. Not a place for academic books or scholars.  PeterD 10.09.22

Peter_s Bookshop/SHERINGHAM/19 St Peters Road
Peter's Bookshop    Open at advertised times
19 St Peters Road    SHERINGHAM  NR26 8QY
tel:  01263 823008  e-mail   web
Open:  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 11.00 - 4.00, Saturday 10.30 - 4.30
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General stock of older secondhand books covering most subjects. Payment in cash only.

Jam-packed with books to the very ceiling (steps and ladders provided). Very strong on fiction, but with a little of everything. East to find, 50 yards from the Poppy Line railway station, and well-worth seeking out. The owner's also have another shop (Peter Pan) with more modern stock including remainders etc.  Richard Beaton 
So many of my childhood memories included a trip to this shop. The wonderful booky smell that hits you as you enter. The treasures hidden and found. My love of reading came from this place. It is best to go there without a specific book in mind - you will leave with many happy hours of reading ahead of you. A 'must' in any trip to Norfolk.  L Stevens 18.04.08
My visit started off well with the person on duty helping me to find my areas of interest among the rabbit warren of floor-to-ceiling books. After a dusty time I went to the counter triumphant with what I had found. After a consultation with someone behind a closed door I was allowed to purchase but a few. The excuses are not worthy of repeating but it begs the question as to why have titles on the shelves if you don't want to sell them?  Chris Harte 24.02.10
Very disappointing largely because although there is a reasonably well organised very large stock, books seemed familiar from previous visits. They were also very ordinary and a notice seemed to suggest that there were 000s of better books elsewhere.  Norman Davies 16.07.10
One of my favourite shops but one that may kill me. I suspect that I will be found one dreary wet summer's afternoon buried beneath a pile of books, after having tripped in a walkway which would have risk assessors breaking out into an excitable sweat. Alternatively the sinus infection that I have just developed - replete with blood-soaked discharges of a nasal variety - may see me off. It was acquired after standing at the top of a rickety stepladder, rummaging about amongst the books which had been pushed all but out of reach on the highest shelves. I pulled down a 1st edition of Gavin Holt's detective mystery "Six Minutes Past Twelve" (price £2.00) but was immediately consumed by a cloud of wet dust and mouldy plaster. On previous occasions I have been close to fainting through oxygen starvation, for in scrabbling about on the floor to peer at the densely packed shelves one risks both physical ill health as well as one's sanity. But despite this, the shop remains a classic vintage seaside shop, full of interesting stock, rewarding for both casual holiday readers and determined collectors. The occasional finds of obscure or collectable books has been drawing me back for several years, in contrast to other tidier, less well-stocked shops, which I studiously avoid.  Avid Book Collector 08.08.13
Chaotic with its own form of organisation (?) Nevertheless well patronised with some real gems. There would have been much more if I could have been bothered to get down and dirty and move some of the piled stock. Danger of death is very real as evidenced by the chap in the next aisle putting a book back on the shelves and dislodging several on my side onto my head. Beware the back room where the language books are. I spent several minutes fruitlessly pulling the light cord before I spotted the torch placed by the door for my illumination. Some real finds if you have several hours and knee pads ...  Jon Morgan 14.08.13
Every town should have a second-hand bookshop, and it is great that Sheringham still has one, but if youre a serious collector or dealer you soon discover that there are those that are worth a detour to visit and those that are not. After a day trip around the north Norfolk bookshops I came away empty handed and depressed, wondering how on earth most of them managed to make any sort of living. Reading between the lines of the previous reviews I really should have realised that this place was not for me, as hints accurately describe this quant but fairly disappointing shop. Yes, there are lots of books and the prices are reasonable, but the stock contains a fair proportion of items that are fairly unlikely to sell whatever the circumstances the sort of stuff that nobody wants. This place needs a big clear out in order to make room for more interesting items sadly, at the moment you would be wasting your time if you made a special trip.  Nicholas Pendower 12.02.14
Large stock in several rooms, very reasonably priced, some in high bookcases or piles. Interesting things to be found with perseverance. In the street opposite the railway station entrance, on the right 2 minutes away. Pay & display parking adjacent the station.  Mark V 09.05.15
A noble survivor from a more robust, less sanitised age of bookselling. Floor-to-ceiling shelves even in the doorway, the eponymous Peter almost hidden behind a rising tide of stock, a creaky rocking horse in children's books, and yes, if you want to feel like a speliologist, you can still clip on a torch and explore the back room. Everything's very affordable and I came away with an armful of English and French literature.  Paul O 15.11.15
Pluses: lots here from paperback fiction to 1st Editions, a wide variety of subjects, reasonable prices. Minuses: it is a mess; some shelves simply can't be looked at without first removing the piles of books that are on the floor. Some books need chucking out because they are so old and grubby. Still definitely worth a visit, especially if you don't mind rooting about in the muddle.  Archy 14.07.16
Closed on my visit today, Sunday. Card in window says "As Peter has passed the official retirement age he does not intend having the shop open seven days a week. Five is enough. The shop will not be open on Wednesdays and Sundays. Rumours about complete closure should be ignored if the date mentioned is before 2025".  Ian 01.07.17
Good old fashioned bookshop with reasonably priced well categorised stock. Helpful owner too, some gems to be found so well worth calling in if you are in the area.   Steve Newman 13.11.21
This is a great bookshop full of bargains. It’s not very big - basically the ground floor of a terraced house but it is crammed full of books. Some might say too crammed as there are many places with piles of books and it is necessary to rummage down through the layers. It also has some curious sloping shelves!! But the owner has been in the trade for nearly 40 years and knows what he has got. I strongly advise asking him if you are looking for a specific book or subject - you could save yourself a lot of time! The owner told me does not use the internet (for anything) so you can rest assured these are not Abebook prices. I bought 5 great bargains - three of which I did not know existed. Definitely worth a visit if you are in Sheringham.  PeterD 13.09.22
Generally I like bookshops that are a bit disorganised but this takes it to a new level. The friendly, helpful owner is submerged in a corner behind a barricade of books. The shelves have books stacked waist or chest high in front of them making it impossible to clearly see whats for sale. I have a word of advice to the owner, reduce your shop stock, which would make a visit more enjoyable. Having said that I still found a couple of goodies.  Bazza 09.10.22
Piles and piles of books everywhere yet the owner knew where his categorised stock was to be found. Of my two main interests, the first had some fairly scarce titles while the other had treasures I quickly purchased. Take your time when visiting and you will be surprised what you find.  Chris 14.03.23
Great shop but you do need time to look through everything as piles of books are stacked in front of shelves. As previously noted if you know what you are looking for it saves time to ask the owner. Otherwise just get in there and search. We came away with a bagful of very well priced volumes. Definitely worth the visit.  David 28.09.23
The owner takes only cash payment, (the nearest cashpoint is a 15 minutes round walking trip), he has no email address & says he's not posting out books to customers due to expense. Has no truck with the digital age. This small house is swamped with 40 years of accumulated books. A great deal of it has been here for too long. Stock management is minimal and consists only of adding to the boxes & piles of books which already obscure & impede access to the shelves.

Shelves reach the ceiling everywhere but the passageways are tight and congested. The ladders and stools too often have no practical floorspace to set them up. Many shelves are hidden by piles of floor stock. Its a chaotic, tottering, ergonomic nightmare. Not disability friendly. Generally well categorised stock but of no help if you cannot reach the books. Condition of the books is very variable. You will have to work physically hard and long to uncover something you want. But if you do the prices here are very reasonable.
  SaltaireTom 20.07.24

Read _ Digest Tearoom by the Old Pump/LITTLE WALSINGHAM/54 High St
Read & Digest Tearoom by the Old Pump  Phone before travelling
tel:  01328 821332  e-mail  
Open: Monday, Wednesday - Sunday 10.00 - 4.30
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A nice little bookshop in a fantastic tearoom in a famous wonderfully historic little village. It has several rooms of books amid the tearoom tables. Don’t miss the upstairs!! Books are mainly not priced but 2 we bought only cost £4. So not Abebook prices and there are some gems. Even better is that you can sit and have a great tea or coffee and wonderful homemade scones and take as long as you like reading and browsing. Worth dropping in if you are on the pilgrimage!!  PeterD 15.09.22
A small quaint teashop worth a stop for pleasant tea, sandwiches, soup and cake. The books are a bit miscellaneous, some interesting, but others unremarkable, and you do have to manoeuvre gingerly around sipping and supping customers.   Mark V 15.09.24

Tombland Bookshop/NORWICH/8 Tombland
The Tombland Bookshop   Open at advertised times
8 Tombland    NORWICH  NR3 1HF
tel:  01603 490000  e-mail   web
Open:  Tuesday - Saturday 10.00 - 4.30
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Large constantly changing stock of secondhand and antiquarian books on most subjects on two floors in a 15th century building. Also specialist and academic books. Keen to buy rare and fine books and good quality secondhand books in any quantity.

Met the collector's curse on my visit. "The owner isn't here today but leave us your phone number and I'm sure he can get you what you want." I'm still sitting by the phone.  Chris Harte 14.04.09
Had another attempt. None of what I collected was on show in the shop but was told to send a list and they would check the barn where "we hold much of our specialist material." Books on the shelves were quality and prices appeared to be reasonable. Any collector should put them on a visiting list.  Chris Harte 24.02.10
This is the best used bookshop in Norwich. Will be my first port of call on my next visit.  Chris K 16.07.10
I can't comment on quality of stock or prices. The first time I visited this shop I had to leave all my bags by the till near the shop door and it seemed like I was being followed whilst I went to look at the children's books. Since then have not paid them a visit. Don't think they saw me as a serious collector.  Lenore 03.03.12
A classic old-style antiquarian bookshop well-situated opposite the cathedral. Left to browse contentedly. Good range of stock, maybe just edging higher end of pricing but not unreasonable.  Mark 21.11.13
Full of character, clambers and odd nooks...a collectors bookshop mainly, the smell of buckram and old leather, a wide range of prices from "why on earth is this £75?" to "gosh only a fiver". Lovely shop, charming staff, a must if you are in Norwich.  Paulp 02.04.15
Super shop, worth a visit and the higher end range prices for an excellent selection of mainly older volumes in most categories. Helpful staff. Really enjoyable browse ending in several purchases. A must for the serious collector, and by the way I always leave my bags at the counter of any shop I visit and don't see the problem with that?  Norman Davies 01.05.15
This place is everything a good antiquarian and second hand bookshop should be and shouldn't be missed. I made a couple of good purchases at reasonable prices and found the owner (if it were he) to be very friendly. I agree with Norman Davies regarding leaving bags by the till.  Henry Middleton 20.07.15
A really nice shop but little for me as very little modern fiction. Quality just oozes from the shelves on two floors and a mezzanine. Relatively decent prices given the type of stock.  Jon Morgan 26.09.15
Very traditional looking. Interesting stock of the old and not so old.. Lots of antiquarian but also a large military section which saw me grabbing a few things quite cheaply. Prices seemed fine to me. Pleasant enough service. Would visit again, next time I'm in Norwich.  Flip M 30.01.16
Traditional, antiquarian-looking secondhand bookshop from the outside but actually quite a broad range inside, from antiquarian titles to reasonably priced recent titles. Strong on art, particularly architecture, children's titles and topography.  Steven Kelly 03.06.16
Huge range of stock from paperback penguin philosophy to antiquarian. The upper floor is a large peaceful space perfect for browsing. And I offered to leave my bag at the desk but the owner waved me on :).  RuthP 03.07.17
Sorry but couldn't find any items I needed. (Had already bought quite a few items elsewhere.) Did spend quite a lot of time there as it was raining hard.  Chris K 13.07.17
Always enjoy Tombland. 'Proper' bookshop, pleasant staff, offered to leave bag but waved on. Good stock and many categories. Prices reasonable. £1 books outside worth looking at.  Mary C 31.07.17
Good old Tombland, with its distinguished premises always well stocked. Many new arrivals awaiting sorting when I was there today, always an excellent sign!   Laurence Purcell 27.08.21
Probably the best of the Norwich bookshops. Two floors of well organised stock, good quality and helpful staff too. Norfolk prices still apply sadly, but I did come away with one book at a reasonable price. If you only have time to visit one or two bookshops whilst in Norwich, this one and the nearby Dormouse Books are the ones to head for.   Steve Newman 28.10.21
I don't usually expect to buy anything here but the stock is sensibly priced and diverse and I bought a nice copy of Patrick Leigh- Fermor's 'A time of Gifts with dust cover (4th impression ) for a fraction of the on-line prices I had noted elsewhere. The stairs were a bit of a challenge for my creaking knees but I will always visit and it is much improved, seeming less-rarefied than on previous visits.  Firedrake 22.01.22
Found a couple of things I liked but the prices on those were far too high to negotiate down to something sensible. One of the better shops for fiction in Norwich. Definitely worth a visit.  Stive 26.03.22
I visited some months ago and thought I'd commented at the time. Many non-fiction areas seemed to have unusual and interesting things and I was happy with some scarce early technical books, at perfectly reasonable prices.  Adrian 15.07.22
Quite strong on fiction, and a whole section devoted to first editions. Not cheap, but not ridiculous either. I came away with a bag full of books…  Archive61 29.07.22
This is a proper academic bookshop. Lots of unusual books that are quite hard to find. The stock is strong on poetry, literature, sociology, literature, politics and history. That being said you are unlikely to find any real bargains. Very much the place to visit if you are searching for that out of print volume or looking for ideas of what to read on a specific subject but don’t know the literature.  PeterD 10.09.22

Torc Books/SNETTISHAM/9 Hall Road
Torc Books          Phone before travelling
9 Hall Road    SNETTISHAM  PE31 7LU
tel:  01485 541188 
Open: September Wednesdays & Saturdays 10.00 - 1.00
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15000 secondhand books over six rooms: early editions, antiquarian, collectables. Special interest books on a wide variety of subjects.

Although the owner has more or less retired and is now only open on Fridays and Saturdays, we still managed to find one or two interesting books.  TBG 18.06.08
A really traditional bookshop a good stock esp military. Owner 80 years old has run shop for 35 years and is an example to all the taciturn and uncommunicative shop owners we come across. Superb ! WAD.  Jon Morgan 22.10.12
Large, varied, interesting stock, and very pleasant and helpful owner. Moderate prices. Well worth a visit.  Mark 21.11.13
Visited on a Wednesday last week and can confirm shop still going with the same opening hours! Should have read this guide more closely first ...  Norman Davies 01.05.15
How nice to see the lovely old Torc open again. The original owner is now in her nineties and can't run the shop, but a well-informed lady who also works at the Brazen Head bookshop in Burnham Market is there for a few hours on Tuesdays and Saturdays. This Saturday it was as busy as I've ever seen it.

I used to visit every few weeks before lockdown, but didn't generally find new things to buy in my narrow areas of interest. Visiting again with fresh eyes after a gap, I realise how much here will be of interest to a lot of people. Stock is all carefully chosen. This time I bought a rare local history book and friends bought a two-volume Folio edition in slipcase in fine condition for a perfectly reasonable £20.
  Adrian 27.06.23

Undercover Books  /NORWICH/Upstairs@Loose_s  23-25 Magdalen Street  
Undercover Books    Open at advertised times
Upstairs@Loose's  23-25 Magdalen Street    NORWICH  NR3 1LP
tel:  07745 924388  e-mail   web
Open:  Monday - Saturday 10.00 - 5.30, Sunday 10.30 - 4 .00.
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Around 10,000 books. A large and ever-changing selection of modern period 'classic' fiction in hardback and paperback, crime, sci-fi, 'pulp', horror. A good children's selection including early Puffin and pictorial board books are always in stock. Art books and hard-to-find titles in various genres. A solid travel section and a number of antiquarian books. Local interest, of course, and academic books too. Enquiries welcome. PBFA member.

The fleamarket is an Aladdin's Cave and that's what, I think, they call it anyway. Undercover Books is set up upstairs at the front of the building on the first floor and it's a real delight. I was able to pick up some long lost sci-fi at a very reasonable price and could have spent a whole lot more time here just browsing a great selection of really interesting stuff. It's really a little gem. Highly recommended.  singsong64 04.02.12
Appearing but once a week with an ever changing array of genuinely difficult to find titles curated by a veritable pulp meister - Nigel! (for that is his name) Go undercover and discover a world you thought was only in books ...  book farmer 20.02.12
Went back to Undercover Books after over a year and it is clearly on the up. Increased stock of high quality. Impressed by the fiction, modernism, crime, SF, drama, theory; also posters, comics, pamphlets ... a good atmosphere and a strong sense that the bookseller knows his onions. Prices seemed very reasonable. One of the best second-hand outlets of its kind in Norwich at the moment?  pinefox 12.09.15
My first visit was disappointing as I stayed on the ground floor an found a lacklustre selection of books on shelves at the back of this vast emporium. Then I read the reviews above and realised that I had actually missed the real Undercover Books on the first floor at the front. A good selection in almost every genre with a very knowledgeable and attentive owner. He obviously knows the trade and the stock. Other charity shops in a large Oxfam with a good stock of charity stock books almost opposite.  Jon Morgan 06.07.17
A large amount of fairly average books in a gem of an Antique/Collectable/Junk shop (I think the modern term is Emporium) that I assume was once a large departmental store. One could spend half a day here just looking through the fascinating stock on offer. But then there are the books! I did find several items I liked, but prices far too high I'm afraid. It must be a Norwich/Norfolk thing!   Steve Newman 28.10.21
Someone has taken this upstairs corner of an indoor flea market and brightened it. Much better arranged, organised and presented. Books are accessible, no longer piled here and there and the stock is visible and you feel you want to browse as opposed to leaving quickly. You will need a good hour in the book area alone and another to potter around the rest of the building. Card and cash accepted. There are other small concentrations of books scattered around the premises so it is worth a browse.  Firedrake 22.01.22
Larger than most second hand bookshops, full of interesting stock. No charity shop rubbish here. I spent an hour without realising. Prices good for the highly collectible stuff I bought (15 books).  PeterM 18.03.22
Came away with a couple of books. Prices on the higher side of average. Located upstairs at the front of the shop. A lot of the books were not in the best condition, however.   Stive 26.03.22
For me, this was the best bookshop in Norwich and it’s environs. Every shelf I browsed had things I was interested in. The prices were OK and I found some really unusual titles in great condition. Quite a large space within a large antique centre. I could easily have spent half a day in this one location.  Archive61 29.07.22
Most certainly worth a visit. Unusually, the stock seems to be predominantly literature and especially fiction, with many sub-categories thereof(rather confusingly presented). There are books by many authors seen only rarely in hardback these days, from Margery Allingham to Somerville and Ross, but not all are in great shape. I confess that I never quite got the hang of the layout of the premises so other categories may be more strongly represented than struck me today.  Laurence Purcell 04.08.22
Upstairs from Loose’s Antiques Emporium. (No sign outside of there being a big book store upstairs.) Large space and many books. Mainly fiction and literature but a whole bookcase of old books. Unusual mixture of books in other sections - scattered with the odd gem. Not very high prices and a couple of books I checked were well below Abebooks prices. History section is light and not in the same league as Tombland books. Well worth a visit.  PeterD 10.09.22

Warehouse Bookshop /SETCHEY/Garage Lane
The Warehouse Bookshop   Open at advertised times
Garage Lane  SETCHEY  PE33 0BE
tel:  01553 812000  e-mail   web   
Open: Monday - Saturday 9.00 - 6.00, Sunday & bank hols 10.00 - 4.00
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Bookroom in part of a large warehouse. About 5000 books, general secondhand but with a good proportion of older books. A unit in the general antiques centre has about 600 non-fiction books, childrens, transport, militaria etc. The large warehouse also houses Britain's biggest beer shop and a Steiff toy shop.

Revisited after a year to find a reasonable change in stock. Most of the older but unexciting books have been replaced. I don't feel this is a place for overlooked gems but plenty of standard middling-quality stock means you may well find something you want here.  Adrian 15.07.22
Rather dull book stock but lots of it. A large corner of an antiques warehouse dedicated to secondhand books. Tidy, well shelved & categorised. Prices are pretty fair though the stock is generally unexciting. The benefit though comes from the whole package provided here. A large antiques centre, a huge international bottled beer emporium and a rather good bar/cafe/restaurant hidden at the back. All found in an unprepossessing warehouse complex 2 miles south of Kings Lynn. Recommended as a perfectly good rest/stop-off point for those book-hunters intent on North Norfolk arriving from the west or the north.   SaltaireTom 22.07.24