
Secondhand and Antiquarian Bookshops in the UK and Republic of Ireland

New shop BOOKS (Peckham)
Crofton Books has moved
New shop Rare Books and Curios, Greenwich Market
New stall Ginger Kitty Vintage, Greenwich Market

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BOOKS/PECKHAM/20 Maxted Road (entrance on Oglander Road)
BOOKS        Phone before travelling
20 Maxted Road (entrance on Oglander Road)  PECKHAM  SE15 4LF
tel:  07709117224  e-mail   web  
Open: typically Thursday - Sunday 11 - 6 but check Instagram or text for confirmation
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Small two-room shop selling secondhand books and a selection of self-published zines. Constant rotation of stock, most priced between £1-3.

Gems may be discovered in these two tiny rooms full of interesting and unusual stock at rock-bottom prices; I found an obscure monograph by a Lithuanian photographer: five quid. Peter Willis, the knowledgeable proprietor, issues a lively zine including handwritten verse by the New York poet Rochelle Baker; she was in the shop and eager to chat. Uplifting good karma just a few minutes from the maelstrom of central Peckham; highly recommended.   Nicholas Sack 06.07.21
It may be small but packed with interesting carefully-selected stock. To give an example, the wall of fiction is strong in 20th century classics and classic crime, and chicklit and mass-market paperbacks are conspicuous by their absence. Books are typically £2 or less that would be a fiver or more in many other places. But the owner intends to find similar stock and to continue to sell at these very keen prices.  Adrian 06.07.21
Interest piqued by the last two reviews, I had a tortuous journey from central London by bus (The 176 runs almost to the top of Oglander Road and the 42 back to Liverpool Street). It was worth the journey. The level of tidiness belies a lack of organisation that is almost enjoyably challenging and I bought more here and for less than I did in central London. Given the mount of books in boxes the owner could do with twice the space. It is actually worth a detour as the gems found, I have been looking for for some time.  Firedrake 30.09.21

Bakehouse Bookshop/BLACKHEATH/Bennett Park
Bakehouse Bookshop  Phone before travelling
Bennett Park   BLACKHEATH   SE3 9RB
tel: 020 8318 9105  e-mail  web 
Open:  Second Saturday of each month, except August and December 10.00 - 4.00.
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Charity bookshop selling donated books.

I claim this shop has the briefest opening hours in the land! Good general stock at very reasonable prices, sold in aid of the Age Exchange charity.  Nicholas Sack 01.11.14
Not open in February either it would appear. The Age exchange library/gallery (the Bakehouse is behind it) suggested checking out their website first. I think this counts as more of an occasional sale than a shop.  John Allen 14.02.15
Sorry to hear of the confusion, John, but I visited successfully on the day you posted: 14 Feb, second Saturday of the month as advertised. Came away with a book of Bill Brandt's photos for a song.  Nicholas Sack 20.02.15
The absurd opening times mean that it can only sensibly be recommended to people living locally but there are good things to be found here. It's set out as a proper bookshop (if a small one) and the categories are well organised. There's rather a lot of paperback fiction which I always find a lowering sight but I suppose it's what customers want.  Laurence Purcell 11.11.18
Yes this is a bookshop, but really operates as a book fair, being only open once a month for 10 months of the year! However I do make a point of looking in if I can. Plenty of other book shops in the area (Greenwich, Lee just minutes away) and have come away with very reasonably priced finds in the past.   Steve Newman 02.04.22

Beaumont Travel Books/BLACKHEATH/33 Couthurst Road
Beaumont Travel Books  Open at advertised times
33 Couthurst Road   BLACKHEATH   SE3 8TN
tel: 020 8293 4271 
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Travel, history & exploration.

Book Aid/SYDENHAM/Bromley House Kangley Bridge Road
Book Aid   Open at advertised times
Bromley House Kangley Bridge Road  SYDENHAM  SE26 5AQ
tel:  020 8778 2145    web
Open: Tuesday - Thursday 9.00 - 5.00
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A large shop with plenty of chairs and quiet corners. It supports a Christian charity and the stock is strong on Christian theology. See website for directions.

An enormous stock here, but very little indeed in the way of non-Christian books. Instead, there is shelf after shelf of theology, histories of seemingly almost every Christian denomination, volumes of works by Christian thinkers, Bible commentaries (arranged by individual books of the Bible), biographies of Christians, accounts of missionary work, books on Christian living and a whole lot more on similar themes. To peruse these volumes while the greatest hits of Bonnie Tyler blasted through the windows from the CD player in the engineering firm next door was a slightly surreal experience. But the gravel-voiced Welshwoman rasped huskily on, and I checked out the entire stock...

A small amount of adult fiction, just five shelves (three of Christian fiction and two secular). Quite a lot of vintage children's novels, mostly dating from the late 19th and first half of the 20th century, either with overtly Christian themes or of a generally uplifting kind deemed suitable to be given as Sunday School prizes. A few small shelves of modern children's fiction, divided into Christian and secular, with the former predominating. Three shelves of Ladybird books, vintage and modern, at £2 each. Also a few shelves of generally unexciting and aged travel books from, I would suspect, the libraries of elderly Christians who have downsized or died. One minor surprise among all the religion-imbued volumes was a reasonable selection of (mostly secular) poetry - although nothing too daring, so don't expect to find the works of Allen Ginsberg or Anne Sexton - and again, mostly of a certain vintage, with some of the poets having lapsed into obscurity (in certain cases deservingly so). A stockroom, which can be entered with the permission of the very helpful staff, houses a few shelves of rare and antiquarian Christian books, including various complete sets of volumes, some of them priced at well into three figures. For the more ordinary books on the open shelves, prices are generally low, in many cases notably so. There is currently a half-price sale for all open-shelf stock, although this ends on 31st July.

Book Aid is a five-minute walk from Lower Sydenham railway station. If travelling by rail from central London, cross the railway footbridge, walk up the short approach road, turn left into Kangley Bridge Road, a rather unpleasant thoroughfare that is lined with light industrial premises, and it is a short way down on the right-hand side. The books are upstairs, on the first floor, so access is difficult for those with disabilities. Cash and card payments. Not worth a visit unless theology and Christian literature are your areas of interest, in which case a trip here is pretty much essential.
  Booker T 25.07.24

Book and Record Bar/WEST NORWOOD/20 Norwood High Street
The Book and Record Bar  Phone before travelling
20 Norwood High Street   WEST NORWOOD   SE27 9NR
tel: 07971 265228 
Open:  Tuesday - Saturday 10.00 - 6.00.
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Interesting stock of hardback and paperback literary fiction at fair prices. Also sells vinyl records. Premises are the former Gipsy Queen pub.

Went to visit today at 11am but premises closed, though looked like it was still a going concern. No information on opening hours displayed outside, so if you are thinking of visiting I would advise you to phone first.  Steve Newman 04.05.17
I found this open thankfully. The entrance is just around the corner in Cotswold Street, a short walk from the railway station and I thought I had walked into a Student Union disco, happily playing tracks that I recognised. It transpires that a local radio station is also run from the premises.I have to say it was rather loud and the massive speakers did impede examination of the shelves.

The 'bar' element of the shop title refers to a rather good coffee bar with several tables dotted around. The smell of the fresh coffee was enticing but it was already getting late and I resisted with some difficulty .

The stock is eclectic, although fairly organised, and there is a good stock of vintage Penguins of the varying colours as well as fiction and non fiction titles. A couple of books attracted me but they were out of my price range. Lighting was quite subdued and it may be worth taking a torch or using the one on a phone to look at some of the lower shelves. One to re-visit I think, when the light is better and I have more time. Opening hours as supplied by the Manager Tuesday - Sunday 10.30- 6 p.m. - Sunday 11-5. There is an Emmaus shop on Knight's Hill with a fairly large selection but nothing of any great interest.
  Firedrake 07.01.22

Bookshop on the Heath Ltd/BLACKHEATH/74 Tranquil Vale
The Bookshop on the Heath Ltd  Open at advertised times
74 Tranquil Vale   BLACKHEATH   SE3 0BW
tel: 020 8852 4786  e-mail  web 
Open:  Monday & Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 11.00 - 5.30, Saturday 10.00 - 6.00, Sunday 11.00 - 5.00.
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A wonderful and varied selection of fine, old & rare hardback books plus original posters, prints, postcards, football programmes, ephemera and 100s of cheap paperbacks at 3 for £5. Specialist areas: Local history, Children's books & James Bond first editions. "An absolutely fabulous bookshop!" (The Independent: Britain's 50 Best Bookshops)

Superb stock but grossly overpriced  Chris Harte 14.04.09
Discovered this shop from blogger "Read Head" and went along to investigate. http://readhead89.blogspot.com/2012/02/bookshop-on-heath.html. Fantastic selection, Old Penguins & Pelicans galore at £1.80 each and lots of original Enid Blytons like I used to read. My partner loved the travel posters too. Will be back again!  Lingli Guan 13.03.12
Called in yesterday, a half price sale just started. The owner is selling up, but would prefer to sell as a going business rather than just close down. Prices become reasonable at half price but stock selling fast!  Steve Newman 08.02.14
Now under new ownership.  TGB 08.06.14
Worth a visit. The new management has renewed and reorganised the stock and the shop is now open every day of the week except Wednesday (usually from 11am). These are all good things but prices of hardbacks remain generally high, some eccentrically so: does anyone pay £20+ for even a mint copy of a book from the Companion Book Club?  Laurence Purcell 29.08.14
Now up and running under new ownership. Stock remains good quality, but at good quality prices. But great to see it has remained open and apparently prospering.  Steve Newman 19.01.15
The appearance promises much but the quality and quantity are middle-ranking. They are apparently going to extend into the basement, so the stock should expand.  Michael Ross 17.04.15
You have hit the nail on the head, Mr Ross; despite the attractive window displays the new owner has yet to thoroughly shake up the stock. Strong on theology (the owner's specialist subject) and children's books, but the arts stock desperately needs culling: artists' monographs from the 1970s printed in black & white, the ubiquitous Christie's catalogues... The pending opening of the basement will be an excellent opportunity for this ideally sited shop in a cultured 'village' to up its game.  Nicholas Sack 24.04.15
The basement is now open: three inter-linked rooms, increasing the total stock by perhaps 30 percent. This is an attractive shop, but I don't see the merit in charging more for a secondhand title than its new equivalent on Amazon.  Nicholas Sack 23.10.15
The shop is artificial and unorganized. Most of the books are priced three times higher than the standard rate. There are plastic crates in front of some shelves. The antiquarian books are unavailable to view. There are paperbacks locked inside glass cabinets.  John Roberts 30.08.18
Absurdly overpriced books. A very disorganised shop. The staff are rude and unpleasant. Not worth a visit.  Werner Voss 30.08.18
As a regular visitor to this shop,it would never have occurred to me to describe it as disorganised. The books are displayed in the usual categories though some (particularly fiction) have additional, specially featured sections. There were three plastic boxes there this morning but these I imagine contained new stock (always a good thing)and did not pose much of an obstacle to browsing. I'm sorry to hear that the staff were rude to Werner Voss; I have always found them pleasant and helpful. I would agree that some of the pricing is on the high side. It's still worth a visit.  Laurence Purcell 06.09.18
There seems to have been a freshening up of stock since lockdown. Prices are still inclined to be high but there are interesting shelves and boxes of bargains displayed outside.  Laurence Purcell 06.11.21
I agree with Laurence, I have always found the staff helpful and knowledgeable. It certainly is not the cheapest bookshop in London, but did change hands just prior to the Covid Lockdown. Some decent stock here, and perhaps a more realistic approach to pricing these days too. Well worth looking in if in the area. But if you want cheap books the Junk Shop Emporium is just 10 minutes away on the 386 bus!  Steve Newman 02.04.22
Shabby Chic Bohemian. Polite & eccentric. A higher proportion of older books than elsewhere found though condition is on the careworn side. A pleasant unkempt browse. Stock levels on the thin side in places. On the floor at the back is a large dollop of old Trollope.   SaltaireTom 07.05.23

Calder Bookshop and Theatre/WATERLOO/51 The Cut
Calder Bookshop and Theatre      Open at advertised times
51 The Cut    WATERLOO  SE1 8LF
tel:  020 7620 2900  e-mail   web  
Open:  Monday - Saturday 11.00 - 8.00 (- 7.00 on performance days), Sunday 1.00 - 6.00
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Stock has increased recently - secondhand, several thousand plays and theatre and some general subjects, also new books.

Mainly new books, specialising in drama and theatre studies, but with a large table of general secondhand stock plus some odds and ends outside make it well worth a look if you have time to kill at Waterloo Station over the road.  Steven 06.06.15
As well as theatre and drama, politics and philosophy feature strongly in the neatly shelved new stock. Secondhand material is limited to a small selection of arts, biography and literary fiction. Note that the internet holdings - I wanted to check on a Carel Weight catalogue - are stored elsewhere and thus not available for inspection.  Nicholas Sack 02.04.16
Does what it says on the tin and very well too. This shop and the drama section of Skoob's underground shop at Brunswick Square are the places to go to first in London if you're looking for out-of-print or older editions of plays.  Laurence Purcell 11.09.21
Yes, since I last visited the front shop room is now entirely books. Currently two-thirds are secondhand, and nearly all are related to the performing arts. Probably half the shop is new and second-hand plays. Currently strong on runs of annuals.  Adrian 08.04.23

Crofton Books/BROCKLEY/315 Brockley Road
Crofton Books        Open at advertised times
315 Brockley Road    BROCKLEY  SE4 2QZ
tel:  020 8694 9373    web   
Open:  Monday, Wednesday & Saturday 9.00 - 5.00, Tuesday & Thursday 9.00 - 7.00, Friday 9.00 - 6.00, Sunday 11.00 - 5.00
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Crofton Books is a vintage book shop run by team behind local publishers Tlon Media, it offers cheap classics, rare editions and new titles. The range is eclectic and includes work by South East London writers

A dedicated space within a community library offering average-quality stock in most categories. Hardbacks are generally priced at two pounds. Note that the books are not ex-library.  Nicholas Sack 15.05.17
Prices have risen a bit since my last visit, but bargains will still be found by those persisting with the awkward narrow aisles. I seized a handsome collection of American art published by the Whitney Museum for a fiver. Strongest on humanities and social sciences; there is a section of Black writing. Opening hours have been extended.  Nicholas Sack 15.02.20
Since the closure of the shop at Crofton community library, Jason - proprietor and poet - has established these highly attractive premises a little way along Brockley Road. Ninety per cent of stock is secondhand, neatly shelved and categorised in ground-floor and basement rooms. Most genres are covered in fiction and non-fiction, with strong sections on cultural studies, politics and contemporary thinking. 'Esoteric and Oddities' offers unusual titles; there's even a section on the subject of sleep. Staff are cheerful and knowledgeable. Recommended.  Nicholas Sack 05.10.21

Faction Bookshop/LEE/2 Leegate
The Faction Bookshop   Open at advertised times
2 Leegate    LEE  SE12 8SS
Open:  Tuesday - Saturday and occasional Mondays 3.00 - 7.00
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A wide range, especially strong on paperback fiction, pop culture, the cinema and TV.

Located in a blighted shopping precinct. Strong on pulp fiction and popular culture, with a case of books about conspiracy theories; the proprietor believes the moon landing was staged in the Nevada desert. Stacks on the floor obscure some shelves. Thousands of videos and vinyl upstairs.  Nicholas Sack 15.08.15
There are gems in here. I know I found one a Freeman Wills Croft first from 1945 in Penguin Crime edition (green) But it does sorely test the devotion. This shop has some real goodies and is quite literally stacked from floor to ceiling. I caused several minor avalanched by moving the stacks in front of the lower shelves. Prices were most reasonable. The owner was very friendly and oddly convincing in his conspiracy theories ... (I kept looking around for a) the camera an b) the Special Branch / CIA observer). This shop, albeit in a decaying south-east London concrete shopping centre where even the charity shops have closed, badly needs to decide what it is. There are so many DVD /VHS/CD taking up shelf space that the books are suffering. This is a shame as there must surely be some more gems to mine. (NB I did not venture upstairs.)  Jon Morgan 01.10.15
Good to see that Jon Morgan (above) also found a gem among the chaos. It's worth moving the mountains on the floor; I found a couple of rare local history titles, keenly priced, lurking on the shelves behind. The whole precinct is scheduled for demolition to make way for Asda (despite there being a Sainsbury's over the road) but the kindly and helpful proprietor assured me he will be trading for another 18 months at least. Perhaps the best feature of all is the life-size plaster statue of Marilyn Monroe, skirt billowing, in the window - "rescued from a nightclub and yours for a grand".  Nicholas Sack 10.10.15
First visit and despite the chaos of books piled all around pleasantly surprised. Friendly owner who knows where he has hid the books you want, so just ask if you can't find what you are looking for. Reasonably priced too, and the new Halcyon shop just 10 minutes walk away, so well worth a detour to visit both.  Steve Newman 04.04.16
This may now be the most impregnable bookshop in the land. Waist-high piles obscure the shelves; one of the two narrow aisles is blocked by a mountain of books on the floor. Browsing is now virtually impossible, though the kind-hearted proprietor will direct you vaguely to your area of interest. Roll up your sleeves and start digging.  Nicholas Sack 30.10.17
Still no sign of Asda and the shop survives but, as Nicholas Sack says, browsing is more or less impossible unless you're young, strong and fit. Still, there are things to buy other than books: if you're looking for an Alma Cogan cassette, there was one there when I visited this morning ...  Laurence Purcell 11.11.18
One of my favourite bookshops in London. Of the cheap and cheerful variety, friendly owner who can tell you where books are and if you can get to them. Far too much stock for the size of the shop, and needs a tidy up after being used for a recent Anchor Butter commercial! Check out Anchor - Caf' on wheels on you tube.   Steve Newman 02.04.22
As dauntingly chaotic-looking as ever. As Steve Newman says, the owner is helpful but I like to browse, not read from a prepared statement. I didn't stay long but had time to see that the Alma Cogan cassette is still available.  Laurence Purcell 13.04.23
The days of this chaotic and maddening shop are numbered... at about 150, at least at these premises. The stunningly decrepit Leegate Shopping Centre (built in 1967) has squirmed out from under the heel of developers on several occasions over the years, but its luck has finally run out. Lewisham Council has given approval for Leegate to be bulldozed, with 562 new homes, including a 15-storey tower block, to be built on the site. The handful of remaining tenants - the others are charity shops or social enterprises - have been given until October at the latest to pack up and get out; the two I spoke to have been issued with notices to vacate by 30 September. The hour was too early to speak to Faction's eccentric proprietor, who does not usually open his shop until mid-afternoon these days. But his establishment too will be reduced to rubble along with those of his neighbours. So anyone who is undaunted by stupendous levels of clutter should head down here in the next few months for a valedictory rummage.  Booker T 02.05.24

Ginger Kitty Vintage/GREENWICH/Greenwich Market
Ginger Kitty Vintage  Phone before travelling
Greenwich Market  GREENWICH  SE10 9HZ
tel:  07734 047 105 
Open: Thursday, Saturday & Sunday usually 10.00 - 5.30
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Stall consisting of two large tables of fiction, located in the main trading area of the market, directly outside Rare Books and Curios (but no connection to that establishment).

A fairly solid stock of literary, classic and mid-market fiction at this stall. Nothing too exceptional, but no out-and-out dross in evidence. Many paperbacks and some vintage hardbacks, mostly in good condition. Prices, especially for the latter, are on the high side, but the ETGOW owner may be willing to negotiate if multiple purchases are made.

The stock is relatively small, but the stall’s proximity to Rare Books and Curios and also the Oxfam Bookshop makes its inclusion here worthwhile.
  Booker T 26.02.24

Halcyon Books/LEE/266 Lee High Road
Halcyon Books          Phone before travelling
266 Lee High Road    LEE  SE13 5PL
tel:  020 8318 5500  e-mail   web   
Open:  Monday & Wednesday 9.00 - 5.00, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9.00 - 6.00, Saturday 10.00 - 6.00
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Good secondhand & new books.

A most welcome newcomer to a borough otherwise devoid of bookshops, this is a bright and airy space with quality stock attractively shelved. Especially strong on art and architecture; Matt, the helpful proprietor, recently bought the entire library of an architects' practice – some 11,000 volumes – part of which is shelved here and the rest is catalogued online. Prices are refreshingly low: I seized four artist's and two photographer's monographs for a fraction of the price charged by other sellers. Well worth a detour.  Nicholas Sack 05.03.16
This is the newly opened branch of the Greenwich shop which is having a slow closing down sale. The decor is like most of the books, smart and modern, with coffee if you need it. It's one room with no piles so won't take too long to browse. Although if you are looking for large art books (which seems to be the main speciality with literature and history also well represented) it may take more than the hours free parking just outside (in London!). Excellent prices even for those getting used to the £1 for everything at their Greenwich shop. WAD.  John Allen 05.03.16
It's worth mentioning this shop's subjects apart from art and architecture. Good selections on history, graphic design, cartography, gardening, modern fiction, and London. The extensive arts stock is the major appeal to me; snapped up an unusual Richard Hamilton monograph for a paltry two quid.  Nicholas Sack 09.05.16
Currently got a half-price sale to reduce overstocking (piles in front of the till are getting bigger).  John Allen 30.01.19
I thought the coffee was excellent. However, the rest of the shop had nothing which appealed to me. I went around the shelves twice and the only books which caught my eye were some fascinating German photographic books.  Chris 30.01.19
Some books in sections (big on Art)but much of the shop is a random jumble. Huge collapsing piles of books taking over. Not easy to browse. Prices decent if you can find a book to buy (I couldn't).  Peter M 15.08.19
Shop remains closed to personal callers, but should re-open by mid-October. Best to phone in advance.  Nicholas Sack 05.10.21
This shop has succumbed to the bad habits of its predecessor in Greenwich with great piles of books on the floor, blocking access to lower shelves and (I imagine) doing no good to the volumes themselves. The main business of the shop seems to be serving coffee. Still strong on art books (if you can get to the ones you want) but otherwise not recommendable. I won't be going again.  Laurence Purcell 13.04.23
How I miss the old Halcyon Bookshop at Greenwich, and the bargain room of books all at £1. True, there are some cheap offerings here, and the stock far better organised whilst threatening to creep back to old habits. A couple of staff busy stacking books on shelves, so hard to say if the boxes on the floor would still be there at closing time! Nothing for me today, books I were interested were 'on line' but if I wanted to browse ABE Books I would have stayed at home!   Steve Newman 02.09.23
First visit for three years and a dispiriting experience, despite a half-decent stock in some subjects and reasonable prices throughout. This shop seems to punch below its weight, except for its extensive selection of books on art, for which it is well worth checking out. The fiction selection is not too bad, with a fair range of modern novels, a couple of trolleys full of Penguin classics (£2 each), and a small but good-quality stock of drama. Most children's books are just £1. For non-fiction, biography (especially literary biography), architecture, social sciences, history and books on London feature fairly prominently, along with modern cookbooks. The premises look attractive, light and airy, and the coffee-shop side of the business does not interfere too much with the viewing of the books. But excess and unpriced stock lies in a giant mound (jumbled together in a heap on the floor, rather than arranged in stacks). The books that form this undesirable anthill appear of insufficient quality to warrant the significant effort needed to examine them and, worse still, they serve the wholly negative function of blocking access to the lowest two shelves of the (rather good) art stock. At Halcyon's rackety old shop in Greenwich, where almost all the stock was bargain-basement cheap, that sort of chaos did not seem too incongruous. But here it really is. Get a grip, Halcyon, and declutter the shop floor. You can do so much better than this!  Booker T 02.05.24

James Francis Books/DULWICH/555D Lordship Lane
James Francis Books  Appointment necessary
555D Lordship Lane   DULWICH   SE22 8LB
tel: 79307 59064  e-mail 
Open:  Call to book an appointment
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Specialising in rare art and first edition books. Based in South East London.

Junk Shop Emporium/GREENWICH/9 Greenwich South Street
The Junk Shop Emporium   Phone before travelling
9 Greenwich South Street    GREENWICH  SE10 8NW
tel:  0208 305 1666 
Open:  ?
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Has a considerable number of books. Far more than Oxfam at Blackheath, and far cheaper than the nearby Bookshop on the Heath. Indeed Observer Books that cost £20-£30 in Bookshop on the Heath can be had for £4 - £5.  Steve Newman 25.06.09
Very pleasant and helpful people but it is what it says: a junk shop. By no stretch of the imagination is it a bookshop. The books in the shop are from house clearances and not really wanted by the owners. The junk, however, is fascinating.  Chris Harte 12.08.09
A great place for bargains if you buy books to read and use and don't mind library stamps etc.; it's total chaos but I've never left without some rare gems at good prices, particularly on art and architecture.  Paintworks 08.07.10
My revisit was most worthwhile as the new stock of books contained some wonderful treasures. Still recommended.  Chris Harte 12.08.10
Been a while since I've been in, but always worth a rummage - picked up an excellent pictorial biography of Dylan Thomas. Bear in mind that it WILL be a rummage. The place is a picture of beautiful chaos.  IC 17.06.11
I can't understand how this place survives in an area like this. In spite of being in one of the country's main tourist locations it really is a Junk shop not Antique and the book prices reflect this. The books are all over the place on two floors. I think they started from a mass clear out of ravensbourne art college library and many of these art books are still there and not in great condition. However they appear to have acquired some other, not ex library, stock at even cheaper prices. A fun rummage if you're in the area.  John Allen 04.07.11
Chaotic - books scattered everywhere esp. in the basement no organisation but some gems if you are patient. Haggling works.  Jon Morgan 11.09.12
Called in Saturday, this place is gradually going up market but at the expense of some of the book units. Still worthwhile calling in if in the area on a Saturday for the market and the other Greenwich bookshops, but not the bargain basement shop it once was.  Steve Newman 25.11.13
Almost devoid of books but still a fascinating place.  Jon Morgan 31.05.14
Can't agree with the last comment, still plenty of books if you search around. Far more than the nearby Oxfam, and at half the price. Bargains to be had too, on this occasion a 1st Edition 1938 Observer Butterflies for £4. If you want your books neat and tidy, go to Bookshop on the Heath, otherwise ...  Steve Newman 19.01.15
I heartily agree with Steve Newman, above: this place has been tidied up a bit and is still well worth a rummage. Monographs formerly in the library of the Ravensbourne College of Art may be a tad tatty, but are dirt cheap.  Nicholas Sack 27.01.15
Only the brave, only the strong.....this is very much a junk shop (though a very appealing one) and I imagine the books, elderly and exhausted-looking for the most part, came with the junk. They are shelved in clumps, seemingly at random and often inaccessible. Not recommended.  Laurence Purcell 06.11.21
Everything Laurence says is true. Though I would not entirely agree it is not worth bothering with, having found a few cheap gems (albeit dusty) here in the past. Plus there is a fascinating collection of junk to browse through too! Just a pity the adjacent Halcyon Books premises closed down. A hairdressers now!  Steve Newman 02.04.22
Extreme levels of clutter in this long-established junk shop render it a rather daunting environment in which to forage. The books have become somewhat fewer in number in recent years, but there are probably still about 800 or so. Chaos reigns in the basement, where they are dispersed randomly in various locations. The ground floor is a little more orderly, although very cramped, and the books here are of a slightly higher standard. The downstairs stock at one time consisted largely of the former contents of the library of the Ravensbourne College of Art, which the owner had bought en masse. About three decades on, only the last couple of dozen almost unsaleable relics of that haul remain. The rest of the books are a hotch-potch from house clearances, almost entirely mundane and many in rather tatty condition. Although there is practically nothing of any real worth among the books, the prices are certainly cheap and, for those undeterred by disarray on an almost cosmic scale, a half-hour of rummaging might just yield up a bargain or two, perhaps among the music scores. Collectors of ephemera could fare better as the downstairs offerings currently include a large number of theatre programmes from the 1940s and ‘50s, reasonably priced, as well as football programmes of a more recent vintage. The proprietor is a jovial sort of cove, and his assistants are helpful and pleasant. But, despite the tantalising thought that a bargain might be yours for the finding here, if it could only be unearthed amid the jumble, the low quality of the stock means my advice to all but the most determined would be not to bother.  Booker T 24.02.24
As the previous reviewer said: you have to be determined. Alas, I followed his advice for about ten minutes before giving up the ghost. Next time I visit I will make sure that I am wearing my boiler-suit and thick gloves.  Chris 12.03.24

Kirkdale Bookshop/SYDENHAM/272 Kirkdale
Kirkdale Bookshop   Open at advertised times
272 Kirkdale    SYDENHAM  SE26 4RS
tel:  020 8778 4701  e-mail   web   
Open:  Monday -Saturday 9.30 - 5.00, Sunday 12.00 - 4.00
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A wide range of good-quality second-hand books, both fiction and non-fiction. Also new books. The shop has been trading since 1966.

One of my regular haunts. An eclectic selection on ground floor, and basement. Fiction, classics, philosophy, history, some science (my interest). Friendly staff. I nearly always come out with something,  John 11.05.10
An excellent local resource for new books and some novel greetings cards. Also worth traveling to for the excellent stock of second-hand books in the rear.  Mikey Croft 11.05.10
My first visit for a dozen years and still a bookshop which contains the occasional very rare title. Each subject has its own shelf and the quality of the holdings are top rate..  Chris Harte 12.08.10
Back again after many years and if anything the s/h stock down in the basement is better; maybe my tastes are broader too. Found one bargain and I'll be returning soon for some new local history titles plus...  Chris K 13.03.12
Still there fantastic. Worked in Kirkdale many years ago, visited frequently. Super news.  Derek 03.07.13
Well stocked basement with a wide selection (despite the smell of sewage), but anything half-decent is priced accordingly. Bog standard cookery books, for example, priced at £10. No bargains to be found.  Mandalay Emporium 04.12.13
Strong on hardback non-fiction, especially topography, country sports, and political biography. However, the arts stock is fusty and could do with renewal. Books are neatly shelved in pleasant basement room; no sign of the sewage mentioned above!  Nicholas Sack 07.03.15
Five years since my last visit and, as before, the second-hand basement was as neat and tidy as always. However, the stock seemed tired and was in direct contrast to the new books section on the ground floor which was a hive of activity. Very community orientated, which is to be commended.  Chris Harte 15.06.15
A fabulous shop for both new and secondhand books. The secondhand section downstairs is a treasure trove and often very reasonably priced. Staff are exceptionally knowledgable and very friendly, but also happy to just leave you to browse. I visit as often as I can.  MikeBradburn 29.12.21
Several years since my last visit, and the secondhand stock in basement is still wide-ranging, extensive, and neatly shelved. The strength here is non-fiction; excellent section on London and local history including small-press oddities, and a whole case of railway books. Pricing is variable, with surprises at both ends of the scale. Pleasant and helpful staff. Well worth a visit.   Nicholas Sack 01.08.23
Each time I come here, I wonder why I have left it so long. This stalwart of the south-east London book scene has some very good stock indeed. The only drawback is that many of the prices are somewhat on the high side. Second-hand books make up the majority of the stock, occupying the rear half of the ground floor and the whole of the basement, which has been spruced up in the five or six years since my last visit. The ground floor has a very good range of modern fiction, in both paperback and especially hardback, although some of the latter volumes are rather pricey, even given the high quality. A decent selection of crime fiction too (vintage green Penguins were cheaper than I expected, at £2 to £6, although no especially uncommon titles are currently present). A small and airy side room contains second-hand children's books, including some vintage stock, such as a run of old Biggles hardbacks in very good condition, with dust jackets (£8 to £15). Downstairs is the second-hand non-fiction. Plenty of desirable volumes here, at prices of varying attractiveness. Excellent for history and archaeology, natural history, biography (especially literary biography), literary criticism, art and architecture, and books on London and the local area. Good for a wide range of other subjects, including travel, sport, military history, gardening, transport, cookery, psychology, music, theatre and cinema. A glass-fronted cabinet is filled with rare books, at fairly bullish but not totally unrealistic prices. The basement also contains pre-20th century literature (Penguin classics mostly £2 to £3) and a good selection of poetry. This is a really solid shop of a kind that is becoming all too rare, alas. Only a couple of minutes' walk from Sydenham station (London Overground). To adapt a well-known Drif-ism, "WAD WAD" (worth a detour without a doubt). It is now open seven days a week.  Booker T 24.07.24

Marcus Campbell Art Books/SOUTHWARK/43 Holland Street
Marcus Campbell Art Books  Open at advertised times
43 Holland Street   SOUTHWARK   SE1 9JR
tel: 020 7261 0111  e-mail  web 
Open:  Monday - Saturday 10.30 - 6.30, Sunday 12.00 - 6.00.
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We specialise in out of print, second-hand and rare books on 20th century and contemporary art, with a selected line of new titles.

Generally rather pricey, but the remaindered exhibition catalogues are bargains. Shop is conveniently close to Tate Modern.  Nicholas Sack 24.11.14
Has caused much domestic strife as my wife complains about the several bags of art books to be carried back to Cornwall on our annual visit.  Kelvin Hearn 12.12.14
My earlier comments should have praised the extensive stock of top-quality secondhand and out-of-print titles on all aspects of modern art. Especially strong on British artists' monographs; there is a decent photography section too. But the pricing is occasionally ambitious, with secondhand books costing more than their new equivalents through Amazon.  Nicholas Sack 14.02.15
Despite some ambitious prices in the main stock, there is a case of artists' and photographers' monographs each priced at £5. I came away with four good books, one of which was an absolute steal.  Nicholas Sack 03.07.15

Maritime Books/GREENWICH/66 Royal Hill
Maritime Books  Open at advertised times
66 Royal Hill   GREENWICH   SE10 8RT
tel: 020 8692 1794 
Open:  Monday - Saturday 10.00 - 6.00.
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Maritime and naval history only.

Arguably the best maritime book shop in England. I visited at the height of the Para Olympics around Sept 2012. The owner was most helpful and offerred a discount as I was purchasing around 10 books in 1 go. The books are very well arranged with every conceivable catagory and period covered for both naval and maritime topics. There was also a selection of some maritime journals. The owner also let me have free reign in the back room where many of the more expensive and rare tomes where stacked. I did indeed find many books there which made the trip worthwhile. Price wise I found some books to be very well priced and some expensive, I guess that I'm not use to London prices!  Laurence Batchelor 03.01.14

New Cross Learning/NEWCROSS/283-285 New Cross Road
New Cross Learning       Phone before travelling
283-285 New Cross Road    NEW CROSS  SE14 6AS
tel:  0208 469 0532  e-mail   web   
Open:  Tuesday - Thursday & Saturday 10.00 - 5.00
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Our second hand bookshop has some of the best (and cheapest) books in London. Come check out our Oldies but Goldies collection – cheaper than online bookshops! We get new entries on a weekly basis.

Several large bookcases of secondhand and vintage stock in a community library run by a charity. The quality is pleasingly high, including a number of texts on art and media studies that were donated by a student at Goldsmiths College, nearby. Strong on social history; plenty of unusual paperback fiction. Customers are asked to pay what they think suitable; the advice was “fifty pence or a pound for paperbacks, and up to a fiver for big hardbacks”. So a handsome Thames & Hudson photographer's monograph in perfect nick was a bargain. The very helpful and engaging assistant allowed me to browse the arts stock in boxes in the basement, pending shelving; I came away with a little stack of Bonnard, Victor Pasmore, Peter Doig, George Grosz and more. Well worth a shufty.  Nicholas Sack 12.09.17
Hmmmmm. 'Popped' in today to the new New Cross learning and the bookcases are neither large nor is the stock unusual, couldn't see any vintage - sub charity shop level really, disappointing given the proximity of my old college - Goldsmiths' - across the way - DNWAD!  Jonathan Morgan 25.09.17
An even bigger Mmmmm! Perhaps all the books have been snapped up because there was very little on display today. About half a dozen books in a few shelves marked 'collectors' the rest rather less stock than your average charity shop. NWAD as they say.  Steve Newman 14.06.18
Shop is closed for reorganisation. Should re-open "around Christmas".  Nicholas Sack 05.10.21
The books for sale are located right at the front of this volunteer-run community library. There are about 800 currently on display. The vast majority are donations, but a few are former library books. There are no set prices; customers pay what they can afford. The range is wide, in both fiction and non-fiction, and the quality is equivalent to perhaps a slightly better than average charity shop, but is not exceptional. Quite a large selection of children's books. However, what is on display is the tip of the iceberg. Stored downstairs are several thousand more books that they do not have room for on the ground floor. Visitors can ask to view these. Note that the volunteers prefer anyone who wants to do so to visit on a Saturday if possible, as the staffing level is higher then, although access can usually be granted on other days.  Booker T 23.03.24
They are reliably open on all four of their days; the only issue regarding opening times is that very occasionally they might shut half an hour early.   Booker T 28.03.24

New Leaf Shop/DULWICH/Platform 2
The New Leaf Shop  Phone before travelling
Platform 2  West Dulwich Station  134 Thurlow Park Road   DULWICH   SE21 8HN
tel: 07740 954942  web 
Open:  Saturday & Sunday 10.00 - 6.00, other days - ring first.
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Vintage books and paperbacks. All sorts of subjects but particularly the environment and gardening.

A room of mostly paperback books at reasonable prices. But when I saw a shelf entirely devoted to Will Self I found out that my choice from there was signed and cost £20 ! A hasty retreat was beaten.  Herne 03.10.13
Seems to be shut on weekdays now.  Herne 21.11.13

Oxfam Bookshop/GREENWICH/2 College Approach
Oxfam Bookshop    Phone before travelling
2 College Approach     GREENWICH  SE10 9HY
tel:  0208 305 1656  e-mail   web
Open: Monday - Tuesday 10.00 - 6.00, Wednesday 10.00 - 5.00, Thursday - Saturday 10.00 - 6.00, Sunday 11.00 - 5.00
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Quite a small shop bang in the middle of the tourist area, between the Cutty Sark & the Market.  Steve Newman 18.06.12
This may be small but some quality stuff here and at decentish (for Oxfam) prices. My haul justified the trip on its own esp. as Halcyon was closed contrary to the guide entry and the Junk shop was almost devoid of books. No book stalls in the market either ...  Jon Morgan 31.05.14
Stock still good although prices for hardback fiction have ballooned.  Jon Morgan 10.09.14
Appears to be stocked for the tourist, not the discerning book collector. Many books here you might well find in a 'remaindered' book shop, but not at 'remaindered' prices. Worth checking out if you are in the area visiting the market, or hoping to find Greenwich Book Place open, but not worth making a special journey.  Steve Newman 19.01.15
I've had better luck here than previous posters. Grabbed a volume of Chris Killip's black & white photos of the North-East in the turbulent 1980s - copies on the internet start at 80 quid - for just four pounds. Most unlike Oxfam to miss a trick!  Nicholas Sack 27.01.15
Still small but stock is now no better than an average Oxfam who, let alone a bookshop. NWAD.  Jon Morgan 01.10.15
Improvement in stock quality evident but still constrained by space. Given the literatti / chatteratti and tourist hordes that descend on Greenwich at all times of year, I think Oxfam are missing a trick. A much bigger store and extended stock would pay dividends. Prices not too bad for Oxfam.  Jon Morgan 10.03.18
Small shop yes but staff were friendly enough. Prices on the high side for Oxfam but stock was surprisingly wide ranging and interesting. As others have said, would definitely benefit from larger premises. Only a minute's walk from the Greenwich Cutty Sark DLR station.  Graeme Rendall 08.10.18
I agree with Jon Morgan's opinion. Some good quality stuff on the shelves at very realistic prices. Plenty of new review copies as well as books on British subjects which, oddly, were only published in America. Worth a visit.  Chris 30.01.19
I always look in at this shop when I pay my annual visit to London, and like other times I came away with a number of mainly locally produced books. The shop is incredibly tidy added to which the Scandinavian lady on the till had a knowledge of books which would have put many Londoners to shame. Always worth the trip.  Christopher Harte 07.10.21
Panting on his heels, I would agree with Chris Harte's assessment of this shop which, though small, is above average on the Oxfam scale. It's strong on art, music, history and (especially) literature. The ANTIQUARIAN section is more interesting than usual though, as ever, this description of the books it contains is fanciful.  Laurence Purcell 12.10.21
Small shop, but decent stock and prices, although on the higher end of Oxfam's range, are perhaps reasonable for the area. All that is needed now is for the tourists to return, one day perhaps.  Steve Newman 02.04.22
Externally a handsome building. Internally quite small but crammed artfully with the most interesting selection of books. A happy shop which is clearly well managed making maximum use of limited space. A good collectable shelf. The staff were very approachable, helpful & chatty. The best London Oxfam bookshop I've seen.   SaltaireTom 07.05.23
Another visit and more purchases. This is a very well curated bookshop and, as always, pleasant people looking after it. As stated; one of the best of the Oxfam shops.  Chris 24.05.23
The consensus that this is a good Oxfam bookshop is well-founded. The shop is rather small, but the stock is of generally high quality. A good selection of novels. Almost all paperbacks in both contemporary and classic fiction are priced at £2.99. However, prices in some other categories are perhaps slightly on the high side for Oxfam. There is a good stock in art, design and architecture, as well as in history (including military history). The selection on the “old and interesting” shelves is more extensive than at most Oxfams, and the quality is fairly good, but many of these books are very ambitiously priced, which is a shame.   Booker T 25.02.24
The high quality of the stock and most knowledgeable assistants, makes a visit here extremely worthwhile. I spent two hours going through everything and made a number of purchases. The general history shelves were packed with readable material while the biographies contained the stories of interesting individuals.  Chris 12.03.24

Oxfam Bookshop/HERNEHILL/9 Half Moon Lane
Oxfam Bookshop   Phone before travelling
9 Half Moon Lane    HERNE HILL  SE24 9JU
tel:  020 7978 8575  e-mail   web  
Open: Monday - Saturday 10.00 - 6.00, Sunday 12.00 - 4.00
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Interesting stock fairly priced and pleasant staff. Recommended.  Mandalay Bookshop 04.02.12
In my two subsequent visits, prices have gone up - no doubt as Herne Hill continues to increase its "Yuppie" status - service has gone down and now they demand 30p for a carrier bag without prior warning. Moreover, the stock is beginning to look somewhat "tired" now.  Mandalay Bookshop 12.07.12
The stock and service continue to deteriorate with each visit. I don't think I'll bother with this place again.  Mandalay Bookshop 16.02.13
Standard Oxfam bookshop. Prices mostly reasonable. I have found the odd treasure here, but more often have purchased nothing. Worth a look if you're in the area.  PeterM 15.09.22
Quite a nice shop, rather small, but well laid-out and with a reasonable stock. A decent choice of novels and poetry, as well as art, history, travel and children's books. The prices for fiction are about average for Oxfam, although some of the non-fiction is priced on the low side. Two sections of "vintage" books, with a slightly better selection than in most Oxfam bookshops, although the pricing for these is rather haphazard, with surprises at both ends of the scale.  Booker T 21.03.24

Rare Books and Curios/GREENWICH/8 Greenwich Market
Rare Books and Curios   Open at advertised times
8 Greenwich Market  GREENWICH  SE10 9HZ
tel:  07905 271 082  e-mail   web   
Open: Tuesday - Friday 11.00 - 5.00, Saturday & Sunday 11.00 - 6.00
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Rare, antique and vintage books with a selection of maps and prints, treasures and curiosities.

Newly moved from a site tucked away behind London Bridge Station, this shop should do well in Greenwich Market. Specialises in early editions of twentieth-century literary fiction: hardback and paperback, British and American. Books are in excellent condition, and most are protected by glassine bags. Several shelves of art and design; also photographic prints and stacks of antiquarian maps. Charming and helpful proprietor.   Nicholas Sack 26.07.23
The previous review is very accurate. The speciality here (other than maps and prints) is 20th-century fiction. Some interesting and uncommon stock, including poetry. High-quality books in excellent condition. But the prices are steep. At the lower end, vintage Penguins vary from £5 to £12, depending on scarcity. At the higher end, expect to pay three figures (or somewhere near that) for some of the first editions, signed copies etc. My impression was that most of the stock, desirable though it may be, was somewhat overpriced, with the tourist market an obvious target. But there are a lot of quite elusive books here (especially hard to obtain in such good condition) and it is clear that the affable proprietor, Tom Pfister, knows exactly how to source a suitable calibre of stock for a shop of this quality.  Booker T 25.02.24
A small but interesting stock with generally high prices but I suppose that's fair enough if you're after first editions. Vintage cookery books are a surprising speciality and another surprise was finding old copies of Playboy and Penthouse tucked slyly around a dark corner. The proprietor is indeed a helpful fellow who seems never to have enrolled at the College of Advanced Misanthropy where so many secondhand booksellers appear to have been eager students.

Outside in the market there is an (unrelated) stall which has a small stock of rather undistinguished books. A speciality there seems to be stray copies from collected editions of C19 classics, offered at highly optimistic prices.
  Laurence Purcell 07.04.24

South Bank Bookstalls/LAMBETH/Belvedere Road
South Bank Bookstalls  Open at advertised times
Belvedere Road  South Bank   LAMBETH   SE1 9PX
Open:  7 days 10.00 - 7.00.
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Bookstalls under Waterloo bridge outside the National Film Theatre.

There were only about a third of the tables here than when I visited a couple of months ago. I guess they have more sellers during the busier tourist season. Mostly standard charity shop type fare of hardback and paperback fiction titles. One section of orange penguins and a table of “ye olde books”. I came away empty-handed.   Jon R 16.10.23
Perhaps I've chosen the wrong days but on recent visits all I've found are three or four stalls with mostly battered paperbacks on offer (generally cheap and rightly so) and a line or two of elderly and uninteresting hardbacks. One stall has a small selection of more expensive, semi-preserved orange Penguins for anyone still interested in these. Maybe there's a more lively scene at the weekends but on a weekday absolutely NWAD.   Laurence Purcell 13.06.24