
Secondhand and Antiquarian Bookshops in the UK and Republic of Ireland

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Click on the 'help and info' button at top left of the map to show this at any time. 'Swipe' (click and drag with the mouse) to move the map to where you want, and zoom in or out using the scroll wheel. The dark blue controls at top left also do this.

When you click on any marker, the shop name pops up. This is a link to the page the shop is listed in.

Some markers are very close to each other and the label can obscure a neighbouring marker and stop it working. To prevent this, zoom in. You may need to click away from any markers or on a more distant marker to clear the first popup, and then click on the marker you want.

Although its bookshops are listed, the Republic of Ireland does not feature on this map. This is because locations are based on UK postcodes. If any reader wants to give some time to help remedy this, please contact us by email or webform

The map is built on OpenStreetMap mapping and uses the OpenLayers library. The book icon is based on one provided by Freepik from www.flaticon.com

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