
Secondhand and Antiquarian Bookshops in the UK and Republic of Ireland

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Birnam Reader/BIRNAM/Station Road, Birnam, Perthshire
The Birnam Reader       Open at advertised times
Station Road, Birnam, Perthshire  BIRNAM  PH8 0DS
Open: Wednesday & Thursday 10.30 - 5.30, Friday 10.30- 6.00, Saturday & Sunday 10.30 - 6.30
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Independent bookshop offering wide range of secondhand books and classical CDs

An interesting shop, with a high-quality stock and a pleasant feel to it. Two airy and nicely laid out rooms of books of a distinctly intellectual cast, mainly hardbacks published in the past few decades and all in very good condition. Culture, history, psychology, philosophy, ethics, music, art and design feature prominently. So, for example, this is the sort of place where you might readily find books on the history of thought, the morality of fiction, the place of women in Chinese society etc. Also works on Roman and Ancient Greek civilisation. You get the idea. Challenging subjects and relatively little mass-market stock here. The fiction includes a carefully curated selection of Penguin classics by authors British and foreign, including many often regarded as "difficult". Also a shelf of French-language classic fiction. A small selection of children's books (some new), also new journals on art and design and a few new books on the local area. Reasonable prices, given the quality of the stock. The shop sells coffee and cakes (for which it is locally renowned); the tables for those eating and drinking do not get in the way of those looking at the books. The ETGOW proprietor, Frazer, is very likeable. Birnam is only a small village, but has a remarkably thriving arts scene, as well as literary connections in its ancient oak of 'Macbeth' fame, and its Beatrix Potter exhibition and garden. The Birnam Reader must be almost unique among second-hand bookshops in that it opens on Christmas Day for a few hours (usually 11am to 4pm), a tradition it established at some earlier point in its seven-year existence and now continues annually.  Booker T 29.05.24

Caberfeidh Horizons/KINGUSSIE/Social Enterprise Charity Bookshop16 High Street
Caberfeidh Horizons   Open at advertised times
Social Enterprise Charity Bookshop  16 High Street    KINGUSSIE  PH21 1HR
tel:  01540 661000 
Open: Tuesday - Saturday 10.00 - 4.30
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Situated on the main street, some parking outside. The main room contains a large selection of hardback and paperback fiction, children's books, DVDs and some local interest books which are full price. Two rooms to the side contain non-fiction. The first is mainly stocked with typical charity shop fare, the room to the rear has a good selection of Scottish interest items, classics and some antiquarian books. Shelves are tidy and clearly marked. The pricing policy is £1 for paperbacks and £2 for hardbacks with some special items individually priced.  Booksellerbull 25.03.19
A relatively large charity bookshop in a small town in the Highlands bypassed by the A9. 5 rooms in all, well laid out, pleasant to browse. Lots of paperback fiction, virtually all £2 each. Also plenty of other books, children’s, cookery, biographies, history, military etc, much of it standard charity shop. Almost all are £2 pb, £3-4 hb but anything unusual has a higher price (up to £30) Large Scottish section includes fiction and non fiction, a good selection of more unusual titles and some locally produced new books. A glass fronted cabinet is filled with ‘collectibles’ but these are mostly old children’s books etc. Worth visiting if you’re on holiday and looking for paperback fiction or background Scottish reading. Like all charity shops, I suspect it depends on what they’ve had donated recently   HB 20.06.24

Highflight Books/DINGWALL/2 High Street
Highflight Books   Open at advertised times
2 High Street    DINGWALL  IV15 9HL
tel:  07580 291 856   e-mail
Open:  Monday - Saturday 9.00 - 5.00
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A specialist stock of 2,000 aviation books including gliding, aviation in the north, military and other aspects of flight and flying. Also a broad range of general non-fiction books on subjects including history, biography, military history, maritime, mountaineering, Scottish and local history.

I have visited Highflight Books on several occasions since it opened and have been impressed with its range of aviation books - as well as books of more general interest. Bill Anderson has a good knowledge of aviation and can assist in finding books related to specific areas of interest. The shop has a friendly informal atmosphere which is conducive to spending time browsing without feeling there is pressure to hurry or to make a purchase I would recommend this shop to anyone with an interest in aviation but also to general readers who are also liklely to find many books of interest.  Tor Justad 09.12.11
Currently in a complete state of flux with books all over the floor rather than on the shelves, all due to recent dry rot repairs. Some extremely interesting titles to be found whilst rummaging though, so patience rewarded. Plenty of non-aviation related titles so worth a look and the owner is very friendly.  Graeme Rendall 30.09.19
Opening times are quite fluid - 1115 on the day of my visit! Bit of a curate’s egg - much reasonable general stock at average prices but the better transport and Scottish books priced to top internet levels and it a few cases to quite eyewatering amounts - £100 for an Oakwood railway softback is I think a record!. Aviation section is reasonable but not massive and little to excite the serious enthusiast. Rather cluttered and difficult to access some shelves. Probably worth a look if you’re in the area but NWAD  Ghost of Drif 19.06.24

Highland Bookshop/FORTWILLIAM/60 High Street
The Highland Bookshop   Phone before travelling
60 High Street    FORT WILLIAM  PH33 6AH
tel:  01397 705931  e-mail   web
Open:  Monday - Saturday 9.30 - 8.00, Sunday 11.00 - 5.00.
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The Highland Bookshop's secondhand selection is a curated mixture of outdoor, Mountaineering nature, a small selection of antiquarian and burgeoning Scottish history and fiction selection of titles. Books are taken in by appointment or if staff member Kelsey is here and available.

Highland Bookshop/FORTWILLIAM/60 High Street
The Highland Bookshop   Phone before travelling
60 High Street    FORT WILLIAM  PH33 6AH
tel:  01397 705931  e-mail   web
Open:  Monday - Saturday 9.30 - 8.00, Sunday 11.00 - 5.00.
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The Highland Bookshop's secondhand selection is a curated mixture of outdoor, Mountaineering nature, a small selection of antiquarian and burgeoning Scottish history and fiction selection of titles. Books are taken in by appointment or if staff member Kelsey is here and available.

The secondhand department is upstairs in an excellent bookshop which, not surprisingly, is strong on Scottish interest books and outdoor pursuits. This is also true of the secondhand books but there is also a good selection of fiction, history, biography and travel. Very reasonably priced, I picked up a historical biography for £1.95, a book about working in a secondhand bookshop (!) for £3.95 and my husband found a history of a shipping company for £4.95. Worth a visit if you’re in Fort William, we managed to see a steam train too!   HB  14.07.22
Called in here recently but not for very long. A very spacious shop with new books mostly and as said, a smaller used section upstairs. It was pretty small, amounting to a few bookcases and shelves - mostly travel, outdoor pursuits and Scottish interest (which is similar to the "new book" stock too). Not particularly well stocked downstairs either - very spacious and nicely laid out. Just not that many books. We were literally in and out in 5 minutes.  Flip M 26.05.24

Leakey_s Bookshop  /INVERNESS/Greyfriars Hall  Church Street  
Leakey's Bookshop    Open at advertised times
Greyfriars Hall  Church Street    INVERNESS  IV1 1EY
tel:  01463 239947  e-mail   
Open:  Monday - Saturday 10.00 - 5.30.
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Over 100,000 books in stock

A general stock of perhaps 100,000 books and, according to some, the largest secondhand bookshop in Scotland - although it's owner, Charles Leakey, is the first to admit that: "size isn't everything".  TBG 
This ex-church has transformed nicely into a place of earthly promise. A huge stock of books and prints, with the comforting scent of coffee brewing in the choir stalls above, offer immediate sensual gratification rather than a vague promise of unspecified delights in the afterlife. The fire and brimstone of past preachers is replaced by something you don't expect to see in the middle of 100,000 books - a roaring log fire (possibly a useful place to dispose of superfluous stock, I wish I had one.) I very much like to browse in warmth with the promise of coffee or a bowl of heartening soup on hand when I flag, therefore all my needs for comfort and well-being are met here.  Carol Argyris 
What can I add about this excellent shop that hasn't already been said? A short walk from the main Inverness shopping area, it would certainly give the largest of the Glasgow and Wigtown shops a run for their money in size. It is well laid out and despite the huge amount of books and prints, retains a spacious atmosphere. The mezzanine level, reached by a large circular metal staircase, is mainly a café/coffee shop which, unlike Books and Beans in Aberdeen, complements rather than interferes with the rest of the shop.  Jeremy Briggs 
There is a remarkable sense of arrival here: mouth-watering display cabinets in the porch and beyond the door a great galleried cavern of books awaits. This is a shop that weaves it's magic slowly. The longer you linger and browse, the better the books get. Disappointed at no coffee; perhaps the cafe is just a weekend thing?  TravellingLibrary 18.07.15
Just as a rider to the above comment, I understand from the proprietor that the cafe closed last year. Such a shame. But all is not lost: you can fuel up with coffee at Sunset Cafe opposite, in one of Inverness' most historic buildings.  TravellingLibrary 15.08.15
Large stock and a welcome real fire in an impressive interior, the shop being on the edge of the city centre. Prices varied (some books a little overpriced) but my two purchases were good value.  SteveBrissle 04.05.17
Well a couple of days after visiting Barter Books I feel better at appraising very large bookshops. This one claims only 100,000 books and that seems realistic, making Barter's claimed 350,000 look optimistic.

The cafe is long gone but the open log-burner was in action and welcome on a cold spring Inverness day. First impressions; fiction is carefully selected, with large crime, SF, classics and more unusual modern novels and none of the mass market paperbacks that bulk up lower end shops. On the highest level of the shop is a spacious and elegant display of modern firsts and more important books.

The non-fiction was rather patchy. Quality was OK but subjects were very unevenly stocked. Very little science and medicine. Huge transport section.

Arrangement and indexing were not good. A photography section was claimed to exist but I found a mere handful together at the end of the (admittedly huge) arts section, others randomly hidden amongst the painters and sculptors. They seem to make do with a small fraction of Barter Books' staffing levels which would explain this. But then prices were better than there, though more than some.
  Adrian 10.04.22
I agree with Adrian (10.04.22) that the arrangement and indexing is somewhat haphazard. There is plenty of interest to be found but you may have to work to find it and when you have tracked down something of interest you may end up putting it back on the shelf as being too expensive. It may be that I am setting my budget too low and if I had come across that elusive title that fills a key gap in my collection I would have paid up and been glad to but all I found were books that might (possibly, perhaps) have been interesting and on which I would have taken a punt if they were half the price. But I enjoyed browsing and while I would not make a detour to return will gladly go back if ever I am in the city again.  Steven 23.04.22
A visually impressive shop with a large stock, but if you fight through the hordes of tourists who seem to regard it as a photo opportunity and clearly have no interest in the books, then it becomes less impressive. Much of the stock seems to be old, tired and tatty and in need of a good ‘cull’. If they were cheap they might find a home, but prices are generally very high and at times laughable - minimum price for a p/b is £5 and many non-fiction titles seem to have a default of £30, if you persevere you may find something at a reasonable price, the extensive Scottish interest sections seemed slightly better priced. The better internet listed stock seems to be kept hidden away. Probably better visited out of season to avoid the crowds but NWAD for the serious buyer.  Ghost of Driff 18.06.24

Logie Steading Bookshop/FORRES/Logie Steading Visitor Centre
Logie Steading Bookshop  Open at advertised times
Logie Steading Visitor Centre  Dunphail   FORRES   IV36 2QN
tel: 01309 611373  e-mail  web 
Open:  Every day 10.30 - 5.00 March - Christmas. Please phone 01309 611373 for opening hours and days in January & February.
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Secondhand Stock of around 20,000 in a wide range of subjects & prices. Emphasis on quality. Rural location with super cafe, gallery, textile craft, antique country furniture & plant/farm shop.

Spacious and bright premises with a large general stock,catering for all reading tastes. Good on Scottish antiquarian books and nature and wildlife.Has a wall of Folio books too.About 10 mins off main Inverness to Aberdeen road and well worth the small detour.  Allan Campbell 
Logie Steading itself is a 1920s Model Farm which has been converted into an arts and crafts enclave in a wooded valley south of Forres. One of the units is a large bookshop which from the outside looks like it has been converted from the stable block, not that you would guess that from the smart, well laid out interior. The large Scottish section has an entire room virtually to itself and the shop also has a large military history and aviation section. Worth visiting around lunchtime to sample the food in the café opposite.  Jeremy Briggs 
To update the previous comments - I have been the owner since 2006. bookshop is in former cow byre. Folio and military history sections now much reduced but others have expanded! Cafe in new and bigger premises. Specialist whisky & wine shop as of 2014. Now two art galleries plus craft workshops. Open air theatre events in Summer. Bookshop included a room entirely of Scottish books. Books of all ages and for all ages! River walks by the Findhorn & playground.  Helen Trussell (owner) 10.03.14
The steading is a little off the beaten track, but well WAD. Five rooms of excellent, affordable priced, stock are ample to beguile the visitor for an hour or two. I found so much of interest I had to replace the winnowings on the shelves, and still came away with a good haul! Lunch at the popular cafe across the yard completed a most enjoyable visit.  TravellingLibrary 15.08.15

Mallaig Secondhand Bookshop/MALLAIG/Morrison Building
Mallaig Secondhand Bookshop  Phone before travelling
Morrison Building  Station Road   MALLAIG   PH41 4PY
Open:  Unknown
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Situated in the Morrison Building opposite the railway station, two rooms the first containing paperbacks and DVDs. The second room is full of non-fiction including Scottish history, transport and military. The Morrison building also has a café and toilets. Several car parks nearby although spaces can be at a premium during the summer.  Booksellerbull 12.08.19
A charity shop, supporting a hostel elsewhere in the building. 'Open Seven Days' according to a sign on the door but I did visit during the Easter holidays. Everything in Mallaig seems to be geared around the arrival of the Jacobite steam train so chances are that if the trains is running the shop will be open as well but I would not risk a special journey on the off-chance. (However, the Fort William to Mallaig line is one of the great rail journeys so rail enthusiasts won't mind.) Good mix of stock including some new / remaindered titles. Strong on transport in general and railways in particular but plenty of other subjects covered and a good mix of fiction titles. Certainly worth a visit if you are in town but it is a long way to go on the off-chance that the bookshop is open. Lots of places to eat within walking distance.  Steven 23.04.22
Two rooms of books, lots of paperback fiction priced £1- £3, good selection, ideal for the many holiday makers in the area. Also lots of children’s books. Second room non fiction, esp Scottish, railways, shipping, military. It seems every book has been checked online and some of the prices are towards the top end, even if condition not good. Bargain books outside. Worth a browse if in Mallaig, especially as there are so few bookshops in the Highlands. Notices say open 7 days (not sure if this applies in winter) cash only, if no staff pay in adjacent cafe   HB  10.07.23
In the building opposite where the Jacobite steam train comes into Mallaig, so very easy to find. Rather jumbled and disorganised and a real mix of prices - I saw a hard back 1st edition from the 1940s with its DJ for £40 - but my wife found a PB novel from 1 of her authors and was only charged £1! Well worth a browse if you have the time - there's a lot here, in reasonable condition, and you might well unearth something interesting. Just not very organised.  Flip M 26.05.24

Old Bookshelf/CAMPBELTOWN/8 Cross Street
The Old Bookshelf    Open at advertised times
8 Cross Street    CAMPBELTOWN  PA28 6HU
tel:  01586 551114  e-mail   web  
Open:  Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday 10.30 - 3.30, June - August also Monday 10.30 - 3.30. May close 1.00 - 2.00
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Situated in a quiet street in Campbeltown's historic town center the shop contains around 10,000 titles. Scottish, antiquarian, biography, military, modern firsts, and much more squeeze onto the carefully organised shelves.

Reasonable selection on all subjects, strong on Scottish history and fiction. Not suited to larger customers as the spaces between the shelves are very narrow!  Steven Kelly 08.05.12
A solid enough stock at a pleasingly old-fashioned shop. There are a lot of books packed into a limited space, as the gaps between the shelves are very narrow. A higher proportion of hardbacks than is usually the case, although also quite a lot of modern paperback fiction, including sci-fi and thrillers. Fiction, especially Scottish novels, is one of the shop's main strengths, along with Scottish history and topography. Some antiquarian and also some Gaelic books. Quite good for history of all periods, including military history, as well as art, shipping, sport, natural history, gardening, crafts and cookery. A decent range of children's books. A large biography section contains little out of the ordinary. A tiny and cluttered back room houses poetry and drama, as well as books on railways, psychology, philosophy, religion, and the supernatural and occult; neither the quality nor the extent of the stock in any of those subjects is particularly notable. New books on the local area and by local authors are also for sale. Careful pricing is in evidence throughout the shop, mostly fairly reasonable, but rather on the high side in some categories; there are not many real bargains. Quite a few hard-to-find titles, although some of the stock is rather dated. This shop's continued presence in such a far-flung outpost is very welcome. Campbeltown is a long drive down the very scenic Kintyre peninsula and there are no other bookshops anywhere near this one. As such, it is worth seeking out if you are within a reasonable distance.  Booker T 29.05.24

Oxfam Shop/OBAN/107/109 George Street
Oxfam Shop    Open at advertised times
107/109 George Street    OBAN  PA34 5NT
tel:  01631 566465  e-mail   web
Open: Monday - Saturday 9.00 - 5.00, Sunday 12.00 - 4.00
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Not marketed by Oxfam as a dedicated bookshop, this branch has a sizable selection of books and CDs out front. However there is a large 'book room' at the back of the shop which probably has more stock than many of the smaller Oxfam bookshops. Seems a shame not to include it. As far as I'm aware opening hours are standard, but Thursday is late-night opening (to 7pm).  Steven Kelly 06.09.12
Agree with the comments above. There is much of interest to browse here. I came away with two carrier bags of excellent titles.  TravellingLibrary 10.07.15
Good quality stock in separate section of general Oxfam shop. Priced well below normal Oxfam prices.  Gary 31.12.21
A sizeable book section takes up the entire right-hand side of this large shop. Prices are at the lower end of the Oxfam scale, especially for non-fiction, although a few of the older books are slightly overpriced. A decent range of fiction, mostly modern (including a lot of crime novels), but some classic literature too, mostly priced at £1.99 for paperbacks and £2.99 for hardbacks. A good stock of books on history, art, gardening, cookery, natural history, travel and outdoor pursuits. OS maps are £1.99. Also lots of sheet music. A fair selection of children's books for all age groups; mostly £1.99 but some only 99p. The shop's main strength is books on Scottish interest (non-fiction, poetry and fiction of a certain vintage, including many novels by authors of passable merit who are these days seldom read). "Antiquarian, rare and collectable" books take up half a dozen shelves, with the quality above average for Oxfam. Prices are fairly reasonable even for these. Strictly speaking, probably NWAD, but think hard before passing it by if in (or anywhere near) Oban as this is the only second-hand bookshop for many miles in any direction. With so little competition, turnover here is quite rapid, according to the volunteers.  Booker T 29.05.24

Picaresque Books _ Galerie Fantoosh/DINGWALL/55 High Street
Picaresque Books & Galerie Fantoosh  Open at advertised times
55 High Street   DINGWALL   IV15 9HL
tel: 01349 863140  e-mail 
Open:  Monday - Saturday 10.00 - 5.00.
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We have now moved to much larger premises allowing us to stock a range of older and rarer books as well as some locally published New books.These are then complimented by a range of maps as well as local crafts etc.

A bright,spacious shop,with a range of stock to suit all pockets.Friendly owner.  Allan Campbell 26.01.15
The owner was very pleasant and knew his stuff - which was good, as we were from Australia. A very pleasant browse amongst old books. We even bought a few.  Exnavybloke 20.02.15
Very small stock, well presented and generally sensible prices but nothing to excite, Scottish section probably the most interesting. The only bookshop I have visited in years to which FARTS applies! NWAD due to small size.  Ghost of Drif 18.06.24

Pitlochry Railway Station Bookshop/PITLOCHRY/Station Road
Pitlochry Railway Station Bookshop   Open at advertised times
Station Road    PITLOCHRY  PH16 5AN
e-mail   web  
Open:  Monday - Saturday 9.00 - 4.30
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Donated books with all the takings going to six charities.

Wide-ranging, medium-sized stock, well-laid out, excellent prices. If you find what you're after, you'll almost certainly get a bargain.  Steven Kelly 02.07.14
A charming station, beautifully cared for with murals, historic photos, Macfarlanes ironwork and a lively atmosphere due in no small part to this 'Friends of the Station' bookshop. Funds are raised for several charities here. The premises are small but bright and welcoming; the general stock is well-presented. We were offered a welcome cup of tea while we browsed and came away with several items, including the memoirs of an Edwardian lady balloonist! All books are £1 unless otherwise marked, so you are pretty much guaranteed a bargain.  TravellingLibrary 08.08.15
Pitlochry's well-preserved Victorian railway station is attractive in its own right, but the presence of this surprisingly good volunteer-run bookshop on Platform 1 is a further reason to visit it, even for those with no train to catch. Pitlochry is a thriving town with an affluent hinterland, and the good-quality and diverse stock here reflects this. Plenty of fiction - mostly modern, but a fair range of classics too - and a small selection of children's books. Lots of vintage novels by little-known Scottish authors. The non-fiction stock is also of decent quality, with history, including military history, one of the shop's strengths. In keeping with the local area, there is a good selection of books on climbing - vintage Scottish Mountaineering Club guides are £5 - fishing, golf and natural history. Prices generally are decidedly on the low side, with most hardbacks £2 and paperbacks £1. There are a few exceptions. OS maps are rather steeply priced, at £3. Penguin paperbacks are £3, as is almost everything in the travel section, although in the latter case that can represent a bargain.  Booker T 29.05.24

Priory Books/PITLOCHRY/4 West Moulin Road
Priory Books    Open at advertised times
4 West Moulin Road    PITLOCHRY  PH16 5AD
tel:  01796 470485  e-mail
Open:  Tuesday - Friday 10.00 - 4.00, Saturday 10.00 - 5.00
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General 2nd hand stock of around 5000 books, with an emphasis on Scottish interest, railways and transport. Credit cards accepted. Limited parking outside the shop. Two large pay and display car parks within easy walking distance.

Nice little shop just off the main street and a stones-throw from the station bookshop. Bright and well organised. Main holdings seem to be Scottish books and transport, and a general fiction section. Prices reasonable for the most part. Maps seem a little ambitiously priced.  Steven Kelly 13.03.17
A rather good traditional second-hand bookshop, which does a brisk trade in this busy tourist resort. Notably strong for books on Scottish history and topography. Good also for military history, transport, angling, natural history, travel and climbing; most of the vintage Scottish Mountaineering Club guides are £5, but prices vary according to scarcity. OS maps are a steepish £3. The range of art books is limited, but of decent quality. A wide choice of poetry and novels. Vintage Penguin paperbacks are mostly £2.50, although rarer volumes, especially the green-jacketed crime series (of which there is a nice selection here), are marked up accordingly. Also good for children's books, including some uncommon vintage ones. The ETGOW owner, who set up the shop in 2015, told me that the book trade here is largely seasonal, but that the season is a long one, from Easter until the end of October. Certainly worth visiting if you are interested in Scottish books. The only drawback is that some of the prices are a shade on the high side.  Booker T 29.05.24

Ron’s Book Bothy/POOLEWE/Button Bothy, Poolewe Village Hall
Ron’s Book Bothy  Open at advertised times
Button Bothy, Poolewe Village Hall  POOLEWE  IV22 2LD
tel:  07900 692765  e-mail   web   
Open: April - October, Monday - Friday 11.00 - 4.00. July & August also Sundays
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Second hand & new books for adults & children, plus maps, book plates & sheet music.

Attic rooms above Poolewe Village Hall, entry through a craft shop (Button Bothy), some books are displayed downstairs in the craft shop. Quite small space, could get crowded. Mostly secondhand, a few new local books. Seasonal opening (April to October) sells via ABE all year. Scottish interest, fiction, older childrens, biography, natural history, maps. Many of the books elderly and run of the mill, nothing very exciting, fiction charity shop level and very few newer titles. Transport section barely 10 books. Lots of old gardening books. All books priced by sticky labels, not always a good idea! Prices reasonable, bought a couple of Scottish interest and a new local guidebook. Probably not worth a detour but if you are passing (Poolewe is on the NC500 and the Bridge Cafe is excellent) worth a look  HB 27.07.22

Tall Tales Bookshop/THURSO/1A Grove Lane
Tall Tales Bookshop  Open at advertised times
1A Grove Lane   THURSO   KW14 8AE
tel: 07900 284488 
Open:  Monday - Saturday 9.30 - 5.00.
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Small general stock with LP records and postcards also on sale.

A good little bookshop with a fair selection of reasonably priced books, and very helpful owner.  Steve Newman 29.08.14
This highly recommended shop, although small, has a diverse and generally good-quality stock. Strong on topography and Scottish history, but some interesting finds are to be had in most areas, including fiction. The owner, who has been selling books in Caithness for close on 40 years now, is very knowledgeable and an all-round decent sort. Prices are about average, but there are bargains to be had if one looks hard enough. Stock turnover is not especially rapid, alas, as trade seems to have slowed a bit in recent years in this far-flung outpost. This is the sort of solid, old-fashioned shop that is regrettably becoming a rarity on the high street, and especially so in the sparsely populated far north. Thurso is a pleasant place to visit, and a trip to this shop, right in the centre of town, is both enjoyable and worthwhile.  Booker T 30.08.23
Very small and very limited stock - rather randomly arranged. Unlikely to detain the serious buyer especially when anything half-decent has been priced to top internet prices which seems rather optimistic given the generally depressed state of this little visited town! NWAD.  Ghost of Drif 19.06.24