
Secondhand and Antiquarian Bookshops in the UK and Republic of Ireland

The Old Saddlery Bookshop has closed
A and Y Cumming has closed
Scarlet Pimpernel has closed
Vintage etc of Eastbourne has closed.
new bookshop Christopher Thompson Gallery at the Rye Emporium
new bookshop Black Gull Books Flies South, St Leonards
new listing Hanushka Coffee House, Hastings
Lewes Book Centre seems to have closed
New listing Boulevard Books and Thai Cafe, Hastings
The Tiny Bookstore of Rye has closed
new listing Bateman's Scullery Bookshop Burwash
Wax Factor Brighton no longer sell books
new branch of the Last Bookshop in Brighton

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32 Seconds/NEWHAVEN/32 High Street
32 Seconds   Open at advertised times
32 High Street    NEWHAVEN  BN9 9PD
Open: Tuesday - Sunday 9.30 - 2.45
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Small shop which has books as well as stamps, and a few videos. Prices are erratic, but occasionally good things turn up. There is no other reason for visiting Newhaven. I wouldn't make a special journey.  Richard 
A shop I have visited regularly over the years. Although layout appears chaotic worth a look as bargains often turn up. Reasonably priced too.  Steve Newman 14.02.15
This is one of the last surviving shamelessly chaotic bookshops in the land. Collapsing shelves, slumped stacks, mounds of stock on the floor. You just have to get down on your knees and rummage. My companion rescued some old American railroad mags.  Nicholas Sack 28.10.23

Albion Books/HASTINGS/34 - 35 George Street
Albion Books   Open at advertised times
34 - 35 George Street    HASTINGS  TN34 3EA
Open:  Monday - Saturday 11.00 - 5.00
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Secondhand, mainly popular fiction  Alastair Palmer 15.05.08
Visited on a day off from my own bookshop. Mostly paperbacks but a very good selection of military related and some excellent esoteric items.  Steve Marshall 26.09.11
I've had it with this dump. The stock is mostly nerdy scifi rubbish (as opposed to quality scifi) in a pretty awful state left lying about the place in piles. The place is dirty and smelly. The owner is a bad-tempered man who doesn't respond to questions or look you in the eye, and only really converses to whinge. A key whinge is that he has too many books (he's not a reader himself) and can't sell them. So why doesn't he tidy and clean up a bit? Don't bother trying to get in touch with him - he doesn't do telephone, email, or reply to mail. The place is a dump and an eyesore on George Street. Get a grip and stop feeling sorry for yourself, or alternatively find a line of business you like - perhaps a grotty old pub for other miserable old f**ts.  Badge 10.05.12
Found a very small piece of tatty paper on the door saying 'Back in 10 minutes' which I really hate. Why can't they state a time but from reading other comments it seems wasn't worth a visit anyway.  Tikit 12.07.12
Standing outside closed shop 3:30 sign says 6 days a week 9 to 5 approx. big margin of error there. Peering thru window books look like on par with Jeffrey Archer. Glad I didn't make special trip advise others not to either.  Yossarian 02.11.13
A telephone number would be useful???  Stewie 20.06.15
Judging by the above comments, I was lucky to find this place open. Not for the faint-hearted: this is an obstacle course of disordered piles on the floor. Mostly pulp fiction, but surprisingly decent stock of transport and military history.  Nicholas Sack 18.04.16
I have mixed feelings about this place, unlike others I have always found it open. But going inside is a nightmare - piles of books stacked in teetering unstable piles, collapsing under their own weight and getting under your feet to be crushed. I'm always afraid to actually breathe in case I set off a landslide of paper. The guy on the till looks as though he's slept in the same sweater since the 70's and smelt like it frankly.

Which is all a shame. Because somewhere in here is a good bookshop. If you can wade past the tired old stock and fire hazard like statis of the place there are good finds. A good stock of military and transport titles, often with unusual and obscure subjects represented. Science fiction section features authors you don't often see. Trouble is you're so araid of being crushed by books you don't really explore ...
  Clive 24.03.19
Called in today, as the previous post states piles of books all over the place does make it a hazardous place to navigate. However there are some good finds here and at reasonable prices. Worth pointing out there are plenty of remaindered books mixed in with the second hand stock, one Transport book reduced from £40 to £12.50p. Others similarly discounted. Plenty of other books too in the numerous Antique/Curiosity shops in the Old Town area, so well worth a visit.  Steve Newman 09.10.21
By way of an update called in last Saturday on a visit to the Hastings area. My comments from last year still apply, well worth visiting if in the area.  Steve Newman 12.07.22
Oh dear! First impressions were not good, with peeling paintwork and messy window displays. Inside, the unsteady piles of books made exploration hazardous, and the floor looked as if it had not seem a vacuum cleaner for months. There were a few transport bargains, but my impression was that they are mainly publishers' remainders, with little in the way of genuine second hand items for those looking for that elusive title. Opening time is 11.00 am, like many of the premises in this predominantly visitor-oriented street.  Wessexman 07.09.22
Mostly remaindered titles (especially military and transport) or paperback fiction, faded and yellowed. The whole shop is untidy and dusty with piles of books everywhere but they do seem to have sorted the leaking roof (on our last visit it was covered in plastic sheeting) Uninspired window display, looks like it hasn’t been changed for years. Not a pleasant place to browse and as previously commented, little secondhand stock.   HB 10.10.22
Oh dear!!!
This place is in quite a mess. All of the above descriptions summarise it well. It still has a blue bulging plastic sheeting suspension covering a huge area of the roof. This looks ominous and dreadfully unsafe!!

The stock, if you bother to look, is voluminous- especially with cheap poor quality paperbacks. But set against this is quite a large stock of remaindered classic serious novels. Eg most of George Orwell’s books can be bought here, new in paperback, at 30% of their cover price!

There is also a huge section of military books with some very good stock of books on WW2.

I met a young girl assistant who was desperately trying to cheerily battle against the massive chaos which surrounded her. She asked me if I was looking for anything in particular. I asked her if they had a history section. She motioned to a shelf behind her. I dodged the piles and strewn half-dead books on the floor to examine the shelf in question. It was devoid of any history books!!

It’s a great shame that this place is ‘such a pickle’ and it’s disturbing to think it may be emblematic and prophetically totemic of the future of the whole secondhand book industry: shambling, disorganised, ailing but with the odd erratic gem if you look hard enough.
  PeterD 23.06.23
Albion has defeated me! I was attracted to several transport titles on shelves - but they were simply inaccessible beyond precarious stacks on the floor. Part of the shop has been cleared for redecoration, so let's hope better order will reign soon...  Nicholas Sack 14.07.23

Antiquarian Book Company /BRIGHTON/49 Hampstead Road  
The Antiquarian Book Company   Appointment necessary
49 Hampstead Road    BRIGHTON  BN1 5NG
tel:  01273 389526  e-mail   web
Open:  Monday - Saturday 9.00 - 5.00 by appointment.
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Private premises. I specialise in Brighton/Sussex material, publishers' bindings including early dust jackets and crime fiction especially bibliomysteries. I also buy and sell manuscripts, maps, photograph albums and ephemera. I sell only at book fairs: twice a month with ETC Fairs in Bloomsbury and many PBFA Fairs across the country. I also have a regular stand at the Lewes Book Fair. There is a calendar of fairs on my website. I am not on abe books. Trade visitors are welcome by appointment only.

Barbican House Bookshop/LEWES/169 High Street
Barbican House Bookshop  Open at advertised times
169 High Street   LEWES   BN7 1YE
tel: 01273 486290  e-mail  web 
Open:  Monday - Saturday 10.00 - 5.30, Sunday 11.00 - 5.30.
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Fundraising bookshop for the Sussex Archaeological Society. New and secondhand books on history and archaeology, particularly of Lewes, Sussex and the South Downs.

A surprise find tucked away off the High Street. Although the books mainly reflect Sussex interests there are other good titles scattered around. Prices are remarkably reasonable.  Chris Harte 10.09.13
Nice area. Tried it but nothing special I needed. Interesting that SAS members do get items a little cheaper.  Chris K 15.09.17
Sussex Antiquarian Society by the way! Excellent for archaeology and medieval history plus local. Nice browse on those subject areas. Is in castle ticket office, not where you might expect.  Norman Davies 31.05.18
Very much what it says on the tin: a small stock of historical and topographical works, with a concentration on Sussex, reasonably enough. Very nicely presented.   Laurence Purcell 08.10.21
Yes you have to keep looking for the books which are in a side room a few steps down. A good selection of largely historical works.  Herne 20.12.23

Bateman_s Scullery Bookshop/BURWASH/Bateman_s, Bateman_s Lane
Bateman's Scullery Bookshop    Phone before travelling
Bateman's, Bateman's Lane  BURWASH  TN19 7DS
tel:  01435 882302  e-mail   web
Open: Summer 7 days 10.00 - 5.00 but check website
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NT secondhand book at Kipling's house in the heart of the Sussex countryside. Access is through the house which may prove difficult for those with mobility problems. NT membership or entry ticket required.

Small stock, reasonably priced. Most of the hardbacks (especially fiction) look rather elderly. Commendably, there are a lot of books by and about Kipling. Worth looking at if you're visiting the house but NWAD unless you have a particular interest in Kipling. New Kipling-related titles are sold in the adjacent NT shop which has the usual NT stock of bags and hats, woolly articles, trinkets and so on.   Laurence Purcell 29.04.24

Black Gull Books Flies South/STLEONARDS-ON-SEA/34 London Road
Black Gull Books Flies South    Open at advertised times
34 London Road  ST LEONARDS-ON-SEA  TN37 6AN
tel:  07877932094    web  
Open: Monday - Sunday 10.00 - 6.00
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Opened in January 2023. The sign still says "Who's Wearing What", the previous shop.

As its name suggests, a southern outpost of Chris Overfield's East Finchley establishment, opened within the last month. Very well stocked with a full range of books, attractive premises, sensible prices and especially strong on art. My only gripe is my usual one that the (not very numerous) hardbacks are mixed up with the paperbacks in the fiction section.  Laurence Purcell 20.01.23
Extensive stock of art books - monographs and collections - including modern and contemporary. Fair prices for high quality. Plenty of room for comfortable browsing - in contrast with the other bookshops in St Leonards and Hastings!  Nicholas Sack 14.07.23

Bookbuster/HASTINGS/39 Queens Road
Bookbuster     Open at advertised times
39 Queens Road    HASTINGS  TN34 1RE
tel:  01424 539726  e-mail   web   
Open: Tuesday - Sunday 10.00 - 5.00
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Bookbuster is a book shop that sells secondhand, remainder/bargain, and (local author/publisher) new books. We offer an ordering service, too. We also sell records and CDs, both secondhand and (local musician) new. We hold a range of greetings cards, around half of which are from local artists - and regular music and book events in the store, too.

Exactly as described. A decent range of low to middlebrow books of the sort people actually enjoy reading, friendly and helpful owner.  Richard Powell 22.12.14
Mostly remaindered stock on popular subjects; strong on local history, with stacks of Amberley and Phillimore titles at knock-down prices. Cheerful proprietor.  Nicholas Sack 18.04.16
Good mix of bargain secondhand and remainder titles. The owner Tim always has time for a pleasant chat (but don't abuse this, buy something) and he does his best to stock local writers and cards. On my recent visit I picked up a Bernie Gunther novel (P Kerr) which is always good to find in this type of shop.  Mark the bookseller 19.08.21
Well stocked shop and not quite as hazardous as Albion Books. But getting that way! Found nothing I wanted on this visit but a well worth a visit in future. Stock well laid out and knowledgeable owner.  Steve Newman 09.10.21
By way of an update called in last Saturday on a visit to the Hastings area. My comments from last year still apply, well worth visiting if in the area.  Steve Newman 12.07.22
This is a great bookshop. For the serious reader of non-fiction this is a goldmine! The owner has great sections on Politics, History, Military History and many many other subjects.

Unfortunately I arrived only 30 mins before closing time. This was not enough time to browse his stock thoroughly. I would need a couple of hours to do it justice.

The owner is extremely well read and will keenly engage you in serious conversation on most topics with great advice and recommendations on what else you should read. His prices are realistic.

I would highly recommend this bookshop. I will be returning very soon.
  PeterD 23.06.23
Absolutely crammed with mostly remaindered stock on a wide range of subjects at fair prices. Strong on local history. Well worth a visit.   Nicholas Sack 14.07.23

Bookkeeper/STLEONARDS-ON-SEA/1A Kings Road
The Bookkeeper               Open at advertised times
1A Kings Road    ST LEONARDS-ON-SEA  TN37 6EA
tel:  07807136641  e-mail   
Open: Thursday - Saturday 10.00 - 5.00
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A friendly family run shop selling and buying second hand books of most genres and supporting local authors with the sale of their published works. Happy to pay home visits to view books for sale or collection.

An enterprising young chap and his mother opened this attractive small shop a few yards from St Leonards Warrior Square station in 2015. Some unusual titles, all neatly shelved; worth a browse for art, history, mystic, occult, religion, and Penguin fiction. Also artworks, vinyl 45s, and monthly poetry readings. I came away with two local history titles at knock-down prices.  Nicholas Sack 18.04.16
A comparatively modest stock but well worth a visit; there are gems to be found!  Laurence Purcell 24.08.21
A pleasant and well laid out shop close to Warrior Square station. The helpful owner brought a box from the back room for me to browse through, and I bought several items.  Wessexman 07.09.22
This is a good bookshop with an interesting stock. It has good sections on poetry, philosophy, history, art, social science, and many other subjects. It also has a good stock of serious paperback classic novels.

I arrived at around 1300 and it had the ominous sign ‘back at 2' on the door. I decided to go next door and get a good coffee at the bakery. Fortunately the owner duly re-opened at 1400. But I would caution arriving early or late or at lunchtime.

The prices are fair and reasonable and it’s very close to the railway station if you are arriving by train.

This shop is worth a visit or a detour if you are on the way to Hastings to visit the curious bookshops there - see my other comments below.
  PeterD 23.06.23
Seven years after my last visit, soon after The Bookkeeper first opened, and this little shop is flourishing: bursting with stock, much of it eye-catching and unusual. Good for Sussex history. Cheerful staff.   Nicholas Sack 14.07.23

Books for Amnesty/BRIGHTON/15 Sydney Street
Books for Amnesty  Open at advertised times
15 Sydney Street   BRIGHTON   BN1 4EN
tel: 0127 368 8983  e-mail  web 
Open:  Monday - Saturday 10.00 - 5.00, Sunday 1.30 - 5.00.
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Charity bookshop.

A well-stocked shop run by very pleasant people.  The Bookman 16.07.11
Some time since I had visited this vividly painted and very pink shop but stock is ever changing, very varied and attractively priced, well worth a visit.  Jon Morgan 14.08.12
A good charity bookshop that's much better than the usual, pretty large and more than its fair share of interesting stock - also reasonably priced. Definitely worth popping in.  M&O 29.09.12
Small but well-stocked and busy shop with a good vibe. Plenty of classic and modern fiction, an inviting annexe for music, and an upper floor of miscellaneous stuff. I have chanced on a few out-of-print novels here. Always affordable too.  Paul O 13.10.12
Excellent bookshop if you want quality second-hand contemporary fiction at very low prices (the best in Brighton for this) - and generally in good condition. Staff helpful and friendly.  The Nephologist 26.03.13
Recommended shop with interesting stock and fairly reasonable prices. Worth a detour.  The Drifter 14.08.13
Back again. Still a good a varied fictions stock Modern lang stock in first floor back room not bad and good for languages for Kids as well (An Asterix in French I had not got. ) Amnesty has yet to be afflicted by Oxfam price inflation and is worth a visit.  JM 16.11.13
Still worth a visit although the upstairs has now closed (the stairs were v steep) and it seemed to me that the stock had contracted in terms of fiction at least. A good History and topography section and prices continue to be reasonable.  Jon Morgan 12.08.14
Excellent shop. Just down the lane from Oxfam bookshop. Good stock of non-fiction for languages and religion, among others. Reasonable prices - £2 seems the average.  Novparl 20.10.14
Time for a re-visit. Decline in modern fiction stock, quantity and quality. Otherwise unchanged. Prices still reasonable. That said, Brighton overall was a disappointment in quantity and variety. See spirit review on Savery Books as the exception.  Jon Morgan 26.09.15
Interesting range of topics and generally affordable.Good range of topography.  Herne 05.11.15
Down on the 5th of September 2017. Did find a £2.50 item. Some of the books need to be made proper on the shelves though.  Chris K 15.09.17
Disappointing, not a patch on Bristol, Malvern or Hammersmith shops. Good on modern politics as expected but otherwise very "ordinary".  Norman Davies 31.05.18
The fiction has a slight but interesting skew towards authors in translation. They also have themed window displays (cinema, local history etc) and special selections inside -- this time on drama. And the "Old and interesting" section isn't all lumber waiting to be bought as decor for pub windowsills -- there are actually items worth rescuing. I rarely come away empty-handed.  Paul O 22.08.21
An arts section should be attractive and interesting, and is a usually a good measure of the quality of stock throughout the shop. I agree with Norman Davies' comment of 2018. The stock here is dull.  Nicholas Sack 31.01.22
I'm afraid that I have to agree with Norman D and Nicholas S. Pop in if you're walking past, otherwise forget it.  Laurence Purcell 22.03.22

Boulevard Books and Thai Cafe/HASTINGS/32 George St
Boulevard Books and Thai Cafe  Open at advertised times
32 George St  HASTINGS  TN34 3EA
tel:  01424 436521  e-mail  
Open: Tuesday - Thursday 5.00(pm) - 10.00, Friday & Saturday 5.00(pm) - 10.30 5
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Bow Windows Bookshop/LEWES/175 High Street
Bow Windows Bookshop    Open at advertised times
175 High Street    LEWES  BN7 1YE
tel:  01273 480780  e-mail   web  
Open:  Monday - Saturday 10.00 - 4.00
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About 15,000 books. We buy and sell old, rare and fine books on many subjects, as well as maps. Much of our stock is attractively displayed in our shop, and we have a special emphasis on books in overall excellent condition.

Did not realise that I was a specialist in my field and waved me away with a swatting motion of the hand. Some stock appeared to be mutton dressed as lamb.  Chris Harte 01.04.09
Found staff helpful and very friendly, so maybe Chris Harte just caught them on a bad day? Reasonable selection of stock, all of it well presented. Did think that presentation meant some items were slightly over priced.  Emma 05.05.09
A very attractive shop, inside and out with a very helpful member of staff albeit little of interest to me personally. It is what a good bookshop should look like but unlikely to attract a lot of casual trade.  Jon Morgan 14.08.12
Nicely presented, but the mutton dressed as lamb comment above is still apt. Pricing was comedically optimistic in places.  Inverdale's Rug 02.09.16
Did buy 2 rather more expensive items - I still like to add more Middleton Press railway ones.  Chris K 15.09.17
Pricing seemed a bit more relaxed since my last visit and found several things of interest. Good topography section.  Herne 23.10.17
The best bookshop in town. High-end titles attractively shelved in pleasant and relaxed surroundings. About three yards of photographers' monographs with some rarities - fine artists here, no Fleet Street snappers. With notable exceptions, prices are rather ambitious.  Nicholas Sack 13.08.19
A select stock, professionally and atractively presented, but I suspect that this is not a shop to visit looking for bargains. Coronaterror still prevails; ordinances on the door enjoin masking before you enter and cleansing woth oils after you do.   Laurence Purcell 08.10.21
Living in Cornwall I needed this book sending to me. Carefully wrapped, book arrived in perfect condition, all exactly as described. Thank you for your attention to detail!  GavOutWest 13.06.22
Very good quality stock but plenty priced for the average buyer. Added to my collection of Britain in Pictures with an unusual title but modestly priced. Lewes is currently benefiting from an outpost of Charleston with exhibition space.  Herne 20.12.23

Camilla_s Bookshop /EASTBOURNE/57 Grove Road  
Camilla's Bookshop   Open at advertised times
57 Grove Road    EASTBOURNE  BN21 4TX
tel:  01323 736001  e-mail
Open:  Monday - Saturday 10.00 - 5.30.
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A stock of some 50,000 titles, including children's, needlework, art & antiques, transport, military and antiquarian.

So many books, but they are everywhere. Very difficult to browse downstairs with the ever present fear of being hit by a falling book. Huge selection of books on all subjects.  John F Bacon 
Books piled everywhere. You need at least half a day to do justice to a wide and varied stock.  Chris Harte 01.04.09
Revisited Camilla's recently. Browsing purposefully got me nowhere and neither did asking for specific items/categories. Camilla has been there for years but the stock now looks tired, unloved and tatty. The gems are lurking somewhere but are well hidden!  Mary Corin 11.01.10
We were on holiday last week in Eastbourne and visited this shop - probably some very good books but you need a spade to find them ! no wonder OXFAM opposite does so well !  Gavin Richardson 24.02.10
I was delighted to see the parrot still flourishes ! I found plenty to tempt me in transport and fiction as well as topography. Almost all the stock is accessible but a ladder is needed for some of the higher items.  Herne 30.03.11
Packed with loads of great stuff, including lots of very interesting older 20th century material, but sadly it really is rather heavy going to navigate and plough through.  David C 10.01.13
What a wonderful cave of books ! If you have plenty of time and a love for old books this is the place for you. There's not enough shops like this left.  Bookmadmart 16.02.13
I had great fun rummaging in the boxes outside - so much so that I ran out of time before I even got through the doors. As several have said, this place needs time.  Steven Whitehead 06.03.13
The parrot's still there and as vocal as ever but they have apparently stopped doing their distinctive bags. Never fail to buy something ... and more.  Herne 28.05.13
Half a million books they claim - and I believe them! Yet I managed to find one I had been looking for within minutes so Camilla's is now my favourite bookshop in Sussex.  Steve 20.02.14
Good to see the pink bags are back and the front is now clear. Did not leave empty handed. No parrot but I gather he'll be back soon. Francois round the corner is good for ephemera.  Herne 01.04.14
Where to start, More books in one place than I have seen outside a Book Town. Some real gems and some hidden ones, literally hidden under piles and piles of books. Books are literally floor to ceiling and the ceilings are high! There is a pyramid of books in the centre of the ground floor which I suspect will disappear one day in to the cellar, Did I mention that the shop is also back rooms, basement, first floor etc. I am told that the parrot is only in residence when Camilla herself is present. With a good clear out and all books shelved and accessible this could be one of the best stocked and priced shops in the country. Fantastic kids sections old and new; CS Forester, Excellent military an history section on the first floor. Books I have never seen before..... I could go one but you will be very frustrated that you cannot see or get to many of the books. NB Tomes also WWAD, Many charity shops but none , even the Oxfam, are really worth a visit.  Jon Morgan 19.04.14
A heavenly place, well worth a visit, put aside hours and forget you're in the 21st Century. This bookshop is a haven of a lost Britain. You will always find something you want in here.  Lew 21.05.15
Much the same as it always was, but for any railway enthusiasts out there they have just acquired a collection of some 5,000 good quality railway books. Regulars will wonder how another 500 books could be squeezed in let alone 5,000, but for the railway buffs among you ...  Steve Newman 06.06.15
For those who know this wonderful shop, it is still chaotic. Local rumour has it that following a fire safety visit thousands of books found a new home rather quickly. A further inspection gave the shop it's safety all-clear. Since then the piles in the aisles have grown even higher. A treasure-trove for me as I left with two boxes full to the brim. A quick visit is impossible; allow at least half a day.  Chris Harte 08.04.16
Back to Eastbourne to find the parrot in excellent form and now aged 21. Some of the books are rather older but you're bound to find something good at a fair price. Raliways seem to have been a growth area of late.  Herne 26.07.16
Great bookshop with too much stock. The shelves and stacks of railway books included some good titles at very reasonable prices but it took some time to check through them. The parrot kept my partner occupied and I will return when I should have more time for a proper hunt. Recommended.  SteveBrissle 05.12.16
I last went to this shop many years ago and fondly recalled it as one of the best ever and must re-visit. This week I was shocked to find they have gone insane in filling every bit of floor space in front of all the shelves, up and down stairs, so that one can not reach anything on the shelves anymore, even a ladder is of little help because of so little floor space. The books are piled 3 or 4 piles deep up to at least 4 foot high. I asked for a ladder to try and reach one small shelf and the attitude of the man behind the desk was horrible. I walked out totally disappointed. I shall never return, they have spoilt the shop with greed hoarding too many books in the gangways which are also inaccessible.  UAX13 10.03.17
I agree that the ridiculous amount of books can be overwhelming, and it's a real effort to shift the piles about to get at hidden books, often on your hands and knees - but then I have unearthed so many unexpected gems over the years, at such reasonable prices! Well, like proper pubs, I remind myself one day I'll arrive to find a closed shop, never to be replaced; enjoy while you can.  Yossarian 13.03.17
After I went to the Oxfam I found this shop much too late. Lots of items outside and many cheap ones just inside. Had to walk on then to the art gallery for this exhibition. Too in need of going on to Lewes to return. Sorry.  Chris K 15.09.17
This wonderful shop either needs a day to excavate all the piles of books mentioned elsewhere or just treat it like a lucky dip. I never leave without something and always think I have missed much more. It should be said that the books are generally well sorted and the bloke behind the till knows what he has and roughly where it might be.  Steven 22.02.18
I agree that negotiating Camillas can almost be like an exercise in 'The Krypton Factor'. I also have a feeling that once you enter this shop you never really leave. I'm sure I've bumped into the same people downstairs on many occasions.

Yet if you're patient, pretty much any book you're after will be in there, somewhere, even if it may take several visits over many years for it to work its way up from the bottom of one of the piles of books. It's a shop to enter with a very open mind.

Camillas is a national treasure. There aren't many shops like this left. I've a feeling that whatever happens to humanity, this shop will still be there, plodding along as if nothing has happened, grumbling cheerfully about how the decline in secondhand bookshops means all the stock gravitates towards them.

So don't fret about the piles of books you either trip over or send flying, or that indeed trap you downstairs, for ever. The books are there because nobody else takes them. Camillas flies the flag. Cherish it.
  Joseph K 26.06.19
My friend toppled a pile of books six feet high that almost set off an avalanche to bury him alive: two thousand railway titles, the proprietor had warned. Perhaps I am just too old for this game, but I don't see the point of tall stacks three-deep, obscuring shelves from floor to high ceiling. Books at the higher levels can be seen, but not identified without binoculars. The photography section - from what I could see of it - is disappointingly middlebrow. Even so, we were glad to rescue an old album of Irish railways and two Middleton Press titles at knock-down prices.  Nicholas Sack 13.08.19
Camilla's isn't a shop, it's a lucky dip - what sort of a business is it that actively frustrates potential customers by denying them knowledge of around 50% of its wares? There's bound to be bibliophile gold in them there piles but there seems little hope that anyone will ever find it. I left, deeply frustrated, with two excellent purchases at very reasonable prices.  Henry Middleton 29.08.19
This shop is really out of hand. So many of the books are totally inaccessible because of the piles of books on the floor. It's a shame because there are interesting books at reasonable prices if only you could reach them.  HB 08.02.20
Camilla's continues to be a paradise for those who love browsing a well-stocked shop. Spread over three storeys of floor to ceiling bookcases, it is impossible to walk out without several reasonably-priced purchases. For some, the shop might seem a little overwhelming as books are often in piles two or three deep, but to me that just makes the search for what is there even more enjoyable. A shop not to be missed if you are in the area.  Wessexman 06.08.21
This shop tries my patience. Undoubtedly there are good things to be had and at reasonable prices but how is one to find them? If you could get it down there, you'd need an excavator to clear a way to the lower shelves of the extensive fiction section in the basement. The scene on the first floor is almost surreal, with shelves of books skyed beyond range of reading the titles and anyway inaccessible because of the barricades stacked on the floor. As you come into the shop you are halted by a vast heap of (mostly Folio) books piled together as if in readiness for an auto-da-fe. This is all extremely frustrating.   Laurence Purcell 24.08.21
Being five foot eleven and when wearing my winter coat taking up more than my fair share of floor space I was prepared for the challenge of the Camilla clutter. I decided not to waste time worrying about what I could not get to and confined my search to only those books I could reach without having to move anything else. Thus some aisles were closed to me and I know I only skimmed the surface but I had a happy forty-five minute browse, found much of interest and left as a happy customer. Yes, there were probably many other books I would have been interested in had I bothered to excavate or brought a skinny friend to wriggle through the narrow gaps on my behalf but life is too short to stress about matters beyond my control and, on reflection, I don't think I would have Camilla's any other way.  Steven 23.02.22
Everything about Camilla's has already been set out above, and in my heart of hearts I love the place, having visited it and made many purchases there for maybe three decades. But when I called today, the huge number of books piled up in front of the bookcases and the lack of aisle space to deploy the stepladder finally defeated me, and I left empty-handed. This is a great shame, and I shall return next year, hoping against hope that the shop reclaims its role as retail premises rather than storage warehouse.  Wessexman 05.09.22
The piles of books are getting bigger, in some areas there are stacks of books 4 deep (how do they pass fire safety assessments?, especially with the number of books on the staircases) The frustration outweighs the pleasure now, there are so many books it’s impossible to see, and many more you can see but not reach. Prices are reasonable and there are some interesting books, it’s just all got out of hand   HB 10.10.22
I agree with most of the comments above. I go regularly to this shop about twice a year and it doesn’t change much. The stock is incredible and it is being added to all the time! As I understand it Camilla’s is one of the few shops that is still buying large collections. Hence, when yet another book shop closes, there is a good chance that the contents will end up here.

This is all well and good - but if a customer can’t see what they have in stock then it defeats the purpose of the shop.

Doing a rough calculation yesterday with many places stacked 5 deep I estimate that you can only see the titles of around 20% of the stock. If you add to this that many of them are in stacks about 6 feet high, it is more or less impossible to actually pull a book out of such a tall (outermost) stack without causing the whole pile to fall on top of you. This means you can only get to about 10% of their stock!!!

Now this fact, to a hardened, inveterate, bibliophile like myself is just so painful it’s not true. You keep on imagining all the books that might be in the shop that you cannot see or retrieve. It’s a heart breaker for a book nut.

So - the question is - is it worth a visit? My answer is YES if you can bear the anguish and frustration of knowing that the book you seek is probably there somewhere- if you could only find it!!

There is no doubt that the prices are reasonable and the visit will be memorable - especially if you engage with the “Hello” from the parrot at the front door.

But if you are prone to having dystopian nightmares about little narrow passages between stacks of books five deep about to topple over at any point in time - then best to stay away.

Personally I love the shop. It’s a part of another, soon to be bygone world, full of books where social media has no place!!

Did I buy anything - NO - I could see what I was looking for - yet I bought 4 books 50 yds up the road at the Oxfam shop where I could see their stock!!!!

QED - I rest my case!!!
  PeterD 15.10.22

Christopher Thompson Gallery/RYE/The Rye Emporium, Jempsons Yard, Winchelsea Road
Christopher Thompson Gallery  Open at advertised times
The Rye Emporium, Jempsons Yard, Winchelsea Road   RYE  TN31 7EL
tel:  07918 664 512  e-mail   web  
Open: Monday - Sunday 10.00 - 5.00
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General stock of about 2000 interesting books, also antique and modern paintings,prints, watercolours, drawings and photographs.

The usual sort of encampment to be found in an antiques centre, a bit more extensive than some. Strong on military books, rather weak on fiction, better on poetry. Prices seem very reasonable. Not a place to set the pulses racing .   Laurence Purcell 23.09.23
The previous reviewer has given a very fair summary of this place. At best, it is only just worth even the very short walk from the centre of Rye, except for those whose interests are poetry or the military. For the latter especially, it is worth checking out, but although the military stock is quite extensive, there seems to be nothing of any great rarity. Prices are uniformly low.  Booker T 08.10.23
As well as poetry, a splendid stock of non-fiction: history, science, topography, transport, biography and the arts - all neatly shelved. Lots of maps, paintings and drawings too. Prices are refreshingly low. Cheerful proprietor. Well worth a detour.   Nicholas Sack 17.02.24

Fifteenth Century Bookshop/LEWES/99-100 High Street
The Fifteenth Century Bookshop   Phone before travelling
99-100 High Street    LEWES  BN7 1XH
tel:  01273 474160  e-mail   web
Open: Saturday 11.00 - 5.00, Sunday 12.00 - 5.00
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Large general stock and children's and Illustrated books.

Lovely outside, DISAPPOINTING inside. I try to be a good customer, never rude or demanding. Management is unhelpful and even hostile! Cramped & dusty, as well. I avoid it like the plague now.  E. Long 10.02.09
Completey agree with the comments from E Long. We too have found the management unwelcoming and even rude when asked something. Don't like all the signs asking customers not to touch the books - how is one supposed to decide what to buy wthout looking through the book first?  I and E (enthusiatic book buyers!) 08.03.09
Nice stock but generally priced too high.  Chris Harte 01.04.09
Expect to be treated like a thief, regardless of your age, dress or manner. Not sure why these people want to own a bookshop.  Matthew Barr 02.04.09
Stock-over priced and in poor condition. Was treated as though I was about to steal something - most unpleasent shop i've ever visited.  Emma 05.05.09
While we were browsing there not long ago an inoffensive tourist was shouted at for having the nerve to take a general photo of the interior, and ordered to delete the image!  David Attwood 14.05.09
I was amazed to read the somewhat harsh comments posted in regard to the The Fifteenth Century Bookshop. I have browsed this shop on many occasions and in fact spent the best part of a Saturday morning sitting on the floor re-visiting my childhood books. The owner is extremely helful and knowledgeable. The shop is exactly how a secondhand bookshop should be, it oozes character.  Donna Bastin 11.06.09
I stumbled across this quaint old fashioned bookshop by chance and spent a very enjoyable hour browsing the shelves. A real paradise for the true book lover.  Rachael Boothby 11.06.09
I totally disagree with earlier comments regarding this bookshop. It is one of the few remaining GENUINE bookshops in this country! Over crowded with books, yes! But packed with treasures if you are patient and clever enough to spot them ...  TM Dailly. 25.06.09
I'm afraid I have to agree with the negative comments about the Fifteenth Century Bookshop. My wife asked if she could look at the childrens' books on the shelves behind a pile on the floor and was told no, because the person in charge 'wasn't in the mood'. With attitudes like this, is it any wonder second-hand bookshops are closing in droves? My wife spent a substantial amount of money instead in the Boxroom at the Old Needlemakers, which had a good stock of childrens' books.  Alastair Palmer 25.06.09
It would appear that a few people have some sort of axe to grind against this shop, why I do not know. Wonderful selection of stock and always courteous when I have visited it.  John Rolfe 25.06.09
I think we now have enough comments about this shop to understand that it seems to be loved or loathed in about equal measure, so I don't intend publishing any more.  TBG 25.06.09
A bookshop from childhood memory, but such a narrow entrance and some significant degree of disorganisation. Staff communicative altho not exactly welcoming. Could do with a good clear out.  Jon Morgan 14.08.12
Somnolent, dusty place (which can be kind of appealing), but the selection of local-interest titles is good and I came away with a pleasing 1950s copy of Patrick Hamilton's Brighton novel "The West Pier", the ideal find during a visit to the south coast.  Paul O 13.10.12
Somewhat chaotically organised, and probably not good hunting ground for fine specimens, but the sort of place it's enjoyable to have a good browse in.  Inverdale's Rug 02.09.16
Amendment to opening hours: no longer open on Wednesdays. Judging by the comments above, this half-timbered building might be more interesting on the outside than within.  Nicholas Sack 13.08.19
A notice on the door advises that the shop is now open only on Saturdays (11am-5pm) and Sundays (12pm-5pm). A glance at the older coments suggests that some people won't mind that.  Laurence Purcell 08.10.21
One year on, and the very limited opening hours noted by Laurence Purcell still apply.  Nicholas Sack 24.10.22
Called by today at 1:30pm on a Saturday. Sadly had the air of a closed shop. Hours on the door still as listed, but I am not sure this shop has been open in recent weeks. If planning a visit I suggest you call first.  Steve Newman 18.06.23
Following on from Steve Newman above, the shop was open as advertised on Saturday. While the place is cramped and not easy to navigate, the shelves of Sussex history contain interesting and unusual titles. The rule of no photography within the shop is strictly enforced.   Nicholas Sack 19.01.25

Hanushka Coffee House/HASTINGS/28 George Street
Hanushka Coffee House  Open at advertised times
28 George Street   HASTINGS  TN34 3EA
tel:  01424 426969    
Open: Monday - Sunday 9.00 - 6.00
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A coffee shop established for several years. The thousands of books on the walls are for sale in exchange for a donation.

Thousands of books line the walls of this establishment as part of the decor, including many high quality hardbacks. The books are completely uncategorised and also unpriced: if you want one you're asked for a donation. This kind of set-up is often stocked with junk and worthless but here, if you've time and are prepared to face down and peer over not just coffee drinkers but dogs, babies being breast-fed and resting members of staff, you may well find something you want. I wonder where they got so many good books from; for example, I was surprised to see a very nice copy of Nirad C. Chaudhuri's rare "Autobiography of an Unknown Indian". I didn't try the coffee.  Laurence Purcell 20.01.23
Went in for coffee and cake and can thoroughly recommend both. As the shop / café was so busy (it being half term with the sun shining) I could look at the books on display but it was impossible to get to any, other than the ones within reach of our table. As has been said, the stock is randomly arranged and while there was nothing of interest to me within easy reach I expect I might get lucky some other time and hope to return, even if only for the coffee.  Steven 17.02.23
A very curious place. This is not really a bookshop in any conventional sense. It’s a cafe. Yes it has several thousand books lining the walls as a form of ‘wall-paper’.

Sure, in theory, one can acquire one of the books if you make a charitable contribution. I saw nobody doing this. But this is not surprising as this would literally involve moving people from their cafe tables to peruse the walls. You would clearly not be popular if you tried this!!

There is another problem with this concept. I asked the lady serving behind the counter of the cafe if there was any order or arrangement system to the books on the walls. She said “Yes, of course”. So, what is that I asked. “Oh, if we see a gap emerge we shove a book in it!!”. Clearly, they do not see themselves as a bookshop!! They are right - they are not!

I really don’t like bookshops where there is no order to their stock.

I was relatively lucky as I visited mid afternoon on a weekday so I was able to peer over the coffee drinkers to see some of the walls. There are some good books here but it would just be a lucky dip if you managed to find one! My advice if you visit on a busy weekend is - just have a coffee!!

Strangely the concept seems to be catching on as there is now a Thai restaurant a few doors down on George Street which has lined its walls with books! How frustrating this is to a bibliophile! I am sure it’s cheaper than wallpaper but they just don’t understand what torture this is to a book-nut!!
  PeterD 23.06.23
'Books Do Furnish a Room', as Anthony Powell averred. Stock is difficult to access, for reasons given above. A similar arrangement, Boulevard Books & Thai Cafe, has opened just four doors along George Street at number 32.   Nicholas Sack 14.07.23

Invisible Books/BRIGHTON/Snoopers Paradise
Invisible Books  Open at advertised times
Snoopers Paradise  7-8 Kensington Gardens   BRIGHTON   BN1 4AL
tel: 01273 602558  web 
Open:  Monday - Saturday 10.00 - 6.00, Sunday 11.00 - 4.00.
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we have transferred our stock from its familiar position by the turnstile to the bookshelves just behind the cash desk at the main entrance. There is additional shelving, for our poetry

Invisible Books (aka "Stall 54"), just inside the Snoopers Paradise antiques and retro centre, has a generous selection of mainly twentieth-century fiction, with quite a few limited-edition and hard-to-find titles (I've unearthed some books there that I've never seen anywhere else). It also has some intriguing philosophy and esoterica. Worth a look -- especially as you can drop into two other bookshops on the same street.  Paul O 21.02.18
Some interesting titles, not bad for an antiques centre, Worth a look if in Brighton north laines area.  Norman Davies 31.05.18
Still never fails to astonish me. Fabulous range, with the emphasis on modernists, beat poets, iconoclasts, Londonistas, and visionaries. You'll find out-of-print titles and private press books that you didn't know existed. This time I succumbed to previously unknown John Cowper Powys titles. Plus there are lurid 60s pulp paperbacks and esoterica that's left of left-field.   Paul O 22.08.21
The stock is small (half a dozen cabinets and many paperbacks) so that at first sight it doesn't seem that much of interest could be there but Paul O is right: there are all manner of rare and unusual things to be found. Don't rely on getting them at bargain prices, though!  Laurence Purcell 04.09.21
It speaks volumes about the sad decline of bookshops in Brighton that the best outlet now is merely a corner of a vast indoor market. Edifying stock in good condition: mostly unusual twentieth-century fiction and poetry, including the Beats, Iain Sinclair and interesting obscure novelists. Beats the pants off Amnesty and Oxfam, just a few yards away.  Nicholas Sack 31.01.22

Last Bookshop/BRIGHTON/40 Gardner Street
The Last Bookshop  Open at advertised times
40 Gardner Street  BRIGHTON  BN1 1UN
Open: Monday - Saturday 10.00 - 6.00, Sunday 10.00 - 5.00
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The latest branch in a business that also has shops in Bristol and Oxford. All books £5 or less. "We recycle the remainders, returns and samples; the office copies and the overstocks. We work hard to give them a second life. This means we have an eclectic collection of books, you will find gems and oddities as well as surprisingly recent mainstream books." Also, "recently we’ve been building up our stocks of second-hand books, largely gleaned from local house clearances."

Much Ado Books/ALFRISTON/8 West Street
Much Ado Books     Phone before travelling
8 West Street     ALFRISTON  BN26 5UX
tel:  01323 871222  e-mail   web  
Open: Currently closed for renovation
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The shop is filled with hand-picked books, ranging from our latest discoveries to favorite old friends. From general fiction and first editions to books for children; from art (with an emphasis on the Bloomsbury group) to history, from music to humour. We offer a wide range of subjects to delight and interest both the general browser and the seasoned collector.

My idea of a good bookshop - nothing on the floor - no dog eared books - fair prices on the subjects I am interested in and lastly very friendly owners !  Gavin Richardson 24.02.10
Shop has moved about one hundred yards down the road to 8 West Street and is still a joy to visit. The gift-wrapping service is splendid!  Steven 05.11.11
A Marmite of a shop, combining new and secondhand. Some may find it a bit twee and pretentious : I always feel the same when arriving but equally I am always converted again before I depart!  David C 13.09.12
Warning - shop is closing for a sabbatical in January and on into February 2013 so check before travelling.  Steven Whitehead 10.01.13
Fewer secondhand titles than I remember and should perhaps now be described as a new bookshop with some secondhand stock.  Steve 20.02.14
The secondhand stock inside (upstairs) is ok; some reasonable paperbacks outside. The owners have a good eye for interior design, and the well-chosen stock of new books is browsable, but I've always found the atmosphere within to be slightly cliquey.  Lew 29.05.15
An exceedingly well organised bookshop spread across two floors in a delightful, out of the way village in the Sussex Downs. It's certainly worth a visit, as there is a good general range of secondhand and antiquarian books on display. The downside is that this place has an air of snobbery about it, an over-tidy approach and unpleasantly cliquey aura that has been commented on before. There is a superior, pervasively unwelcoming atmosphere that is hardly endearing and off putting to someone new to this shop. A charm offensive free zone which mars an otherwise well stocked and varied bookshop.  Richard 20.07.15
I have an aunt in Eastbourne so get to Alfriston once or twice a year. I think describing this shop as cliquey is unfair. I have always received a friendly welcome and found the staff ETGOW ()easy to get on with - TGB). but they do work very hard to keep the regulars (i.e. locals) happy which may leave the occasional visitors (whether trade or tourists) feeling left out. Since my last note (2014) I think the s/h stock has increased and I would estimate it about 60/40 in favour of s/hand.  Steven 18.02.16
Closing in January 2018 for a major refurbishment. Best check website before travelling.  Steven 20.11.17
Now due to re-open in April 2018 but still open for mail order.  Steven 22.02.18
My first visit since lockdown and very enjoyable it was. Staff are still helpful and the free gift-wrapping service is splendid. The shepherd's hut to the rear of the shop is the place to go for bargains and the main stock is well categorised with s/.hand books of above average calibre displayed amongst the new books. We always find something unexpected and while the top end s/hand stock can be pricey the condition usually makes it justifiable. I estimate the ratio of new books to s/hand at about 55 / 45 in favour of new although many of the new books are from independent and specialist publishers which one does not often see elsewhere. WAD but NB closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  Steven 20.02.23
Back for our annual visit. For a Thursday morning the village was busy (no spaces left in the free car park) and the shop was busy too with questions being answered and recommendations made. As I now know my way around I headed straight for the Shepherd's Hut, their own charity shop in the garden, where bargains are to be found. I enjoyed my browse in the main shop where, as has been said, the s/h books are above average calibre and condition with prices to match. To be fair, the books I looked at were indeed expensive but not for what they are. The new books have an emphasis on the Bloomsbury Group and Arts and Crafts but other subjects are catered for in both new and s/hand and the children's section always has some signed Jacqueline Wilson books (she lives locally) for those that enjoy what she does. I found some poetry I did not know I was looking for and my wife picked up some interesting Jane Austen reprints so we both left pleased. Plenty of places to get a coffee within walking distance.  Steven 01.07.24
The shop is currently closed for a large-scale renovation. It is not yet clear when it will reopen. Part of the work is to add a "bookarts" gallery, which will display exhibits and include space for customers to engage in book-related crafts. Hopefully this will not reduce the amount of retail space devoted to books for sale.   Booker T 05.02.25
According to their website, the shop is re-opening at noon on Saturday 22nd February 2025.  Steven 19.02.25

Oxfam Bookshop/BRIGHTON/30 Kensington Gardens
Oxfam Bookshop  Open at advertised times
30 Kensington Gardens   BRIGHTON   BN1 4AL
tel: 01273 698 093  web 
Open:  Monday - Saturday 10.00 - 6.00, Sunday 11.00 - 5.00.
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Told it had been here for 10 years so must have been one of their first bookshops. Usual Oxfam fare, but even that is better than half of the other 'bookshops' in Town.  Steve Newman 05.10.10
Typical of its kind Not a particularly vast or varied stock but found a couple of gems.  Jon Morgan 14.08.12
A surprisingly poor selection and, unsurprisingly, overpriced. Nearby bookshops and charity shops offer so much more.  The Drifter 14.08.13
Life is like this bookshop- keeping on throwing those punches and one of them may land. 1/10.  The Boxer 14.09.13
Fiction stock seemed to have increased in quantity if not hugely in quality. I bought a couple of French books and the prices are not as unreasonable as some other Oxfam shops. The quality and appearance of the staff have improved immeasurably too!  Jon Morgan 12.08.14
Usual Oxfam stuff at usual Oxfam prices. Nothing to write home about at all. Risible selection of what they read as 'collectable' in a separate section. Some of it wildly esoteric. Really in need of a large new stock injection. Some of it hadn't changed since my last visit a year ago!  Jon Morgan 26.09.15
It is a nice, pleasant KG area to wander around. Could not find anything to buy but the shop is properly kept. Still worth another visit, I think.  Chris K 15.09.17
Plenty to look at here: There's a tempting "99p" section of older, well-thumbed paperback fiction. There's also a huge section of mostly C20th literature. Some good fine art titles too. The "Old and interesting" shelves disappoint, though: trade directories, textbooks, and novels nobody reads, arranged by the colour of the binding. And collectables are optimistically priced. But I usually come away with something.   Paul O 22.08.21
Since the departure of Colin Page and Brighton Books, the secondhand bookshop scene in Brighton is fairly dire. This average Oxfam is not a substitute. OLD AND INTERESTING BOOKS are arranged by colour ("try and find me a nice beige book, darling"). There is a HIGH VALUE section which displays a giddily ambitious pricing policy. Lots and lots and lots of paperbacks.   Laurence Purcell 01.09.21
Laurence Purcell's observations from 2021 are spot-on. The stock here is middlebrow to the point of stultifying. Brighton, a cultural city, deserves better.  Nicholas Sack 31.01.22

Oxfam Bookshop/EASTBOURNE/40 Grove Road
Oxfam Bookshop  Phone before travelling
40 Grove Road   EASTBOURNE   BN21 4TY
tel: 01323 439582  web 
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New and second hand donated books. Fiction and nonfiction on a variety of subjects. Our books are in very good condition.

Not the largest Oxfam Bookshop but worth a look when in Eastbourne - as are several other charity shops in the town (all the usual nationals are present along with a couple of locals).  Steven Whitehead 06.03.13
Worth a visit especially as Camilla's is just over the road. Only a small stock of quality items but the prices shown were quite reasonable.  Chris Harte 06.09.13
Not bad stock and, for Oxfam, decentish prices. The volunteer on the till was surly and uncommunicative - I had to tear my own till receipt. He also needs to wash his t-shirt before Christmas, to make room for more food stains!  JM 16.11.13
Limited stock but fairly priced and staff etgow and clean and tidy!  Steve 20.02.14
Very limited stock NWAD even tho Camilla's is v close.  Jon Morgan 19.04.14
Quite good shop - purchased 2 items and it cost me only a fiver. (Walking up that way to visit the art exhibition on the 7th of September.)  Chris K 15.09.17
Neat and tidy but rather bland. I wish I had used the ten minutes I spent here over the road at Camilla's.  Steven 22.02.18
This shop serves as an hors d'oeuvres for Camillas, which is nearly opposite. Worth a quickish browse. Kept tidy and often has amusing, well thought out window displays.  K 14.06.18
Neat and tidy, with a small and uninspired arts section. The antithesis of Camilla's, fifty yards beyond.  Nicholas Sack 13.08.19
Standard Oxfam stock and prices, not very inspiring! The Samaritan's bookshop on the same street provided more interest at far cheaper prices.  HB 08.02.20
Quite small stock but reasonably priced, picked up 2 unusual topography titles (Scotland and Hereford so hardly local) Unlike most Oxfam bookshops had a bookcase of books reduced in price, surely preferable to pulping.   HB  10.10.22

Oxfam Bookshop/HOVE/47 Blatchington Road
Oxfam Bookshop  Phone before travelling
47 Blatchington Road   HOVE   BN3 3YJ
tel: 01273 736212  web 
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Nice surprise, no bookshops listed in Hove. Usual Oxfam fare, friendly helpful staff.  Steve Newman 16.08.11
Bolo punch. 1/10.  The Boxer 14.09.13
Went there on 6th of September 2017. Bought a good item for only £1.99. The older lady working there seemed a good person. Certainly worth a visit as it seems there are no other s/h ones in Hove.  Chris K 21.09.17
Pretty much what you expect from Oxfam, but this small shop seemed to have an extra something. The old-and-interesting shelf actually had items of interest at sensible prices, the fiction section yielded a couple of out-of-the-way novels, and the guy on the counter seemed to know his stock. If you're in the area to visit Hove Museum (which has great galleries on early cinema), it might be worth looking in here.  Paul O 06.09.18
Pop in to this shop regularly. The window display is regularly updated and always interesting. For a small shop they pack a lot in and usually has a good turn over of fiction, non-fiction and kids books. Probably won't find anything specialist here but will definitely pick up a holiday read.   LI 13.10.22

Raining Books (was Rainbow Books)/BRIGHTON/28 Trafalgar Street
Raining Books (was Rainbow Books)  Open at advertised times
28 Trafalgar Street   BRIGHTON   BN1 4ED
tel: 01273 605101 
Open:  Monday - Saturday 10.30 - 6.00.
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Very large general stock.

A fun but messy and rather chaotic shop.  George Marshall 09.02.09
Er, yes. Well, um. Bit retro. Not antiquarian by any stretch of the imagination.  Chris Harte 01.04.09
A great shop: well-stocked, overflowing into untidiness - good fun to explore: set aside three hours for this purpose!  The Bookman 16.07.11
As usual Chris Harte hits the nail on the head, I certainly could not have stood to have spent 3 hours in this place.  Jon Morgan 14.08.12
Unfortunately a complete waste of time - it usually annoys me when people complain about stock not being cared for properly (so long as stock is priced accordingly and there are still things worth buying, just be pleased there are still bookshops around), BUT this place is a tip, particularly downstairs, impossible to look through stock as most of floor is covered - not with piles of books, but just heaps which give the impression the place has been ransacked. Hope they found what they were looking for.  M&O 29.09.12
Looks fun, but finds are quite rare for me here. Going into the basement is like skip-diving, but I did find a hardback of one of Peter and Fiona Opies' heavyweight tomes on children's folk-lore for just a couple of quid, so it's worth persisting.  Paul O 13.10.12
Life really is too short to bother with very messy disorganised shops like this which do not even reward the diligent searcher as there is literally nothing to find. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack when you just know that here is no needle. There are many other far more interesting shops nearby, Oxfam apart, which offer far better fare. Expensive parking nearby. Not worth a detour.  The Drifter 29.08.13
Tomato can. 0/10.  The Boxer 14.09.13
This place is at least consistent - consistently disappointing! There are no doubt some gems here and this time I could at least discern the floor in places. Why put the books on their spines on shelves so that you have to take down each pile? At least have the titles facing outwards. A good clear out and re-organise would assist and the owner may thereby make some money. Not from me though as long as it remains as is!  JM 16.11.13
However, when we asked for something specific, the owner found it - in profusion - within minutes. There's method to it...  Herne 29.08.14
I collect foreign books. Unfortunately most of the foreign stuff is elderly - some of the German books are in Gothic print! Owner's a nice chap tho'  Novparl 02.10.14
I've visited this place a few times down the years. It is true that this shop is messy, to say the least. Particularly the basement, with books strewn over the floor. However, the owner is a nice guy, who was helpful when I asked if he had any Ursula Bloom titles. Within seconds he had unearthed three hardbacks by her. And reasonably priced too. With so many secondhand bookshops biting the dust, shops like this, despite their faults, should be supported while they still exist. Good general stock of hardbacks and paperbacks. And as for expensive parking - the train station is a 5 minute walk away!  Richard 18.07.15
I despair of this place and what it could be with bit of TLC.The arches are more than reasonable if you can find anything. The window is really a warning with its slanting shelves. Inside the books are either piled up on the floor (where at least you can see the titles) or stacked on the shelves with the titles turned away. There is some semblance of organisation and the Chap was unfailingly helpful but it is chaotic and would take very little time to sort out. The basement is another matter. Firstly watch the penultimate stair tread on the way down, it is rotten (dry rot I suspect from the smell) . It is a real elf and safety nightmare down there. When I seize power in my extremely blood coup d'etat, one of my first measures apart from banning the Daily Mail, will be to make it a criminal offence to treat books as they are treated in this cellar. There must be some gems in this place , it is just finding them ...  Jon Morgan 26.09.15
Now called "Raining Books". Tilted shelves in the window as before. Don't know if there are any changes, as I went past on a Sunday.  Paul O 29.04.16
Agree that this shop is not very tidy but did buy a good new local Brighton one for £12.99.  Chris K 15.09.17
Winner of the messiest shop I have ever been in - never literally walked on piles of books to get a title. Bizarre to see most books shelved pages outward. But owner found two of my wants very quickly so obviously he knows where they were even of the customers can't.  Norman Davies 31.05.18
Most of the books are shelved horizontally, bottom edge outwards. I suppose that's all right if you have unlimited time, strength and patience. I admit that I found the general appearance of the shop off-putting.  Laurence Purcell 04.09.21
The neglect and chaos here is a deterrent. Who knows what gems might lurk at the bottom of inaccessible stacks?  Nicholas Sack 31.01.22
When in Brighton I usually pop into this shop. It is one of the very last surviving secondhand bookshops in Brighton, and certainly the most old school to survive. As others have noted, it is chaotic. However, it is crammed full of old books, and the owner knows what he is about and is very helpful when one enquires after a certain author, for example. There are more books in the basement. While untidy, there is a lot to browse here and I think the shop is well worth a visit. It is very near Brighton train station, so it's not out of the way if you are coming by train.  Richard 04.03.24

Revive All/LEWES/The Old Needlemakers
Revive All  Open at advertised times
The Old Needlemakers  West Street   LEWES   BN7 2NZ
tel: 01273 476001 
Open:  Monday - Saturday 9.30 - 6.00, Sunday 11.00 - 4.00.
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Two rooms of general secondhand books in the basement.

Two rooms in the basement of the Needlemakers Centre (worth a visit for various art shops, and a nice cafe). If in Lewes for Bow Windows, Cummings, & The Fifteenth Century, it is worth a quick look.  Richard 
What a treasure trove for ephemera and magazine collectors. Also a large collection of children's books and annuals. Prices most reasonable. A wonderful oasis.  Chris Harte 06.09.13
Interesting place, but do need to be a bit of a contortionist to see all the shelved items. As Chris H says more to interest ephemera collectors but some decent book titles.  Norman Davies 31.05.18
There is a half-price 'retirement sale' of certain titles over ten pounds until the end of August - when the new owner will refresh and reduce the stock. Pleasant surroundings with a cafe in this Victorian candle factory, partly given over to manufacturing hypodermic needles in the Second War.  Nicholas Sack 13.08.19
A rather limited stock,its display much compromised by various secondhand household articles, bibelots, knitting patterns and so on. It's rather hard to work out the scheme of classification; one section is rather unhelpfully described as ASSORTED GENERAL TITLES.  Laurence Purcell 08.10.21
I have been calling by for years, this is worth seeking out if in the area. Yes, cramped and not particularly well organised, prices not the cheapest either. Probably has one of the largest selection's of Observer Books in the country, a rough count totalled 315! I usually come away with something and today was no exception.  Steve Newman 18.06.23

Rye Old Books/RYE/7 Lion Street
Rye Old Books   Open at advertised times
7 Lion Street    RYE  TN31 7LB
tel:  01797 225410  e-mail
Open:  Monday - Saturday 10.30 - 5.00 (Phone to confirm in winter. Shop closes for annual holidays.)
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General stock, something for everyone, from 50 pence to £3000. Childrens' illustrated, fine bindings, Irish interest literature. Our thirteenth year in business. We search for books at the most competitive price. We post to all corners of the earth.

A very brusque unwelcoming attitude to an opening simple query. Was made to feel totally unwanted. Asked two friends to go in, five minutes apart, each came out with the same feeling. Why go into a bookshop which doesn't want you in it.  Chris Harte 27.06.09
Still the same unwelcoming attitude three years on and by the look of all the dust still the same stock!  Tikit 12.07.12
Rubbery Legs. 1/10.  The Boxer 17.09.13
A laughably rude proprietor: I asked her to show me the Visual Arts section, and she snorted and declared: "ALL arts are visual." (Not true; literary and performing arts are two categories.) Dull old stock. Rye deserves better than this.  Nicholas Sack 29.07.14
A shame you haven't had the good experience I have always had in this bookshop the proprietor is a knowledgeable bookseller with whom I have enjoyed wonderfully engaging conversations (just this week as a matter of fact).  Jen Lindsay 30.08.14
Very pleasant reception (friendly and knowledgeable conversation with me and the customer before me), nice general stock.  Alex Johnson 26.04.19
Picturesque premises but the shelves are thinly populated and much of the stock has a dejected appearance. Pop in if you're visiting Rye but NWAD.   Laurence Purcell 23.09.23

Savery Books/BRIGHTON/257 Ditchling Road
Savery Books  Phone before travelling
257 Ditchling Road   BRIGHTON   BN1 6JH
tel: 01273 503030 
Open:  Monday - Friday 9.00 - 5.00, closed Tuesday.
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General secondhand fiction and non-fiction.

This shop is closed on Tuesdays. Go on another day, though, and you'll find an inviting, satisfyingly old-school bookshop with well-stocked shelves and the occasional pile of paperbacks on the floor.There's a strong selection of modern fiction (some in almost new condition), plenty of fine art, and sometimes intriguing pop culture/esoteric titles in the window. Sensible prices, friendly proprietor. Off the beaten track? Maybe, but while you're there you can also indulge yourself at the independent bakers Raven's nearby.  Paul O 03.07.15
Great little bookshop, not sure how I've missed it for so long (is it newish?)- has a broad selection of literary and modern paperback novels for us lowly "general readers", lol, and some nice shelves on poetry and such; very fair prices too. Not huge, but definitely will be a place I visit regularly.  Yossarian 22.08.15
This place has apparently been going for 20 years. It is the best of all the secondhand bookshop in Brighton. I chose to walk it and had to ask for Oxygen at the end of my trek. Be advised it is a long walk outside the other shops clustered in the New Lanes. That said the no 26 bust from central Brighton (St Peter's Church) stops right outside the bookshop. The stock is good quality and wide ranging . It could do with some central head height shelving to take the piles off the floor. That aside this place is difficult to fault and its prices were most reasonable and the staff / owner very attentive. Their love of and knowledge of books shone thru. It is an approach that many in Brighton and elsewhere could learn from. They had not heard of the Book shop Guide and were most pleased with their (well deserved) write-up. Despite the trek, WAD.  Jon Morgan 26.09.15
Closed when I called on a Monday! However, the nearby Ravens Bakery more than made up for my disappointment.  Chris Harte 08.04.16
Caveat viator! I toiled out to "Fiveways" today (9.01.19) to find that the shop is closed till Saturday 2nd February. Is it one of those annoying seasonal bookshops, I wonder?  Laurence Purcell 21.01.19
A long way out of the centre and predominantly a paperback parade; I suppose that about ten per cent of the books are hardbacks. If you are determined to visit, check in advance that the shop will be open.   Laurence Purcell 04.09.21

Uckfield Lions Charity Bookshop/UCKFIELD/Olives Yard, just off the High Street,just up from the Post Office on the opposite side
Uckfield Lions Charity Bookshop    Open at advertised times
Olives Yard, just off the High Street, just up from the Post Office on the opposite side  UCKFIELD  TN22 1QP
tel:  01825 762065  e-mail   web  
Open:  Tuesday - Friday 10.00 - 4.00, Saturday 10.00 - 1.00
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Quite a large collection of books found both inside the cottage and, on the fine day I visited, outside. Mainly fiction, but cheap and in good condition in the main. Bridge Cottage dates back to 1426 and is a focal point of the town center, located about 2 minutes walk from Uckfield Station.  Steve Newman 24.11.11
Same as my previous visit almost a year ago now. A great little bookshop to browse in, with the added bonus that it is now open Wednesday's as well.  Steve Newman 19.11.12
Has now moved to Olives Yard.  Mei 11.09.14
All books £1.20, standard charity shop fare lots of it but nothing very exciting. Several notices warning dealers that they can only have a maximum of 25 books and only 3 of the same author, I would doubt most dealers would find 25 books! Obviously a story there.  HB 15.02.20
The unpretentious exterior hides a very impressive voluntary-run operation. The interior is well-stocked, clean and well-lit, with very reasonable prices. Shelves are organised by category, eg general fiction, crime, travel and biographies, all arranged alphabetically. There is a smallish Collectibles shelf. Opening hours have increased, with the shop now open Tuesdays to Saturdays from 10.00am to 4.00pm.  Wessexman 07.09.22
This modest shed houses a sizeable trove of low-priced books. All are £1.50 unless otherwise priced; children's books 50p. The large general fiction section contains a mix of mass/mid-market and more highbrow paperback novels, although mainly the former, with a lot of romance titles. Additionally, there are five shelves of historical fiction, three shelves of sci-fi, one of "military fiction", and about 20 of crime fiction/thrillers. Also five shelves of classic fiction, mainly in paperback. The poetry section is small and dull. The "collectables" consist largely of old children's books by lesser-known authors, but are cheaply priced: most £2, some £3. The biography section is impressive, both in numbers and in quality. Those three staple subjects that are so often the backbone of charity shop non-fiction - cookery, gardening and hobbies/crafts - are here in abundance. The transport books are quite good, especially for aviation. The military history section is not too bad, but the general history stock is thin by comparison and rather poor in quality. The travel and sports books are rather unexciting. Not as much on natural history as might be expected, but the standard is quite high. A good stock of children's books, mainly recently published paperbacks. Coloured stickers on the spines denote how long the books have been on the shelves; those unsold after four months are sent to be pulped. Uckfield is basically a one-street town as far as shopping is concerned and there are lots of charity outlets dotted along the High Street. The only one worth a look is the St Peter & St James Hospice shop (on the same side as Olives Yard; open 9.30am to 5pm Monday to Saturday; 10am to 4pm Sunday). It has only about 500 books and the non-fiction is barely worth a second glance, but the 300 paperback novels are of quite a high standard, with a lot of literary fiction among them (mostly priced at £1.50).   Booker T 10.11.24