
Secondhand and Antiquarian Bookshops in the UK and Republic of Ireland

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St Richard's Hospice Bookshop Tewkesbury has closed
New listing Lions Bookshop Thornbury
New listing Dursley Bookshop
new shop Cotswold Canal Trust Bookshop, Stonehouse
the Top Banana book unit in Tetbury has closed
New listing Chapel Bookshop, Hidcote NT
The Old Ironmongers Centre Lechlade has closed

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Attic Books/CHELTENHAM/14 St James Street
Attic Books   Open at advertised times
14 St James Street    CHELTENHAM  GL52 2SH
tel:  01242 255300 
Open:  Wednesday - Saturday 10.30 - 4.30.
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Small stock of interesting and collectable secondhand books. All books currently half-marked price.

Nice cosy shop with an owner who knew quite a bit about his stock. Various antiquarian books amongst the rest and well worth a visit if nearby.  Chris Harte 31.12.09
Excellent small shop packed with good value books on most subjects.  Norman Davies 24.04.10
Larger stock than I expected from the entry and comments. Those interested in the excellent non-fiction sections will find a large overflow on the first floor as well as the fiction collection. Prices are reasonable and the owner very helpful, but you need to pay by cheque or cash. There is a long-stay car park virtually opposite the shop.  Geoffrey Warner 18.07.11
Always worth a visit - books half the advertised price. Parking opposite. Well worth a detour and near to many of the charity shops.  The Drifter 14.02.15
Lovely and cramped but still a muddle even six years on from my last visit. A good bookshop for general titles with fiction on the first floor. Pay a visit.  Chris Harte 24.05.16
A real treasure trove. Takes some sorting through but worth it.  David 15.02.20
Despite knowing that we should have checked before travelling we came to Cheltenham on Monday to find that Attic books opening hours have changed. They are now open from Wednesday to Saturday from 10.30 to 4.30. Sign still in window staying that half price sale on.  David 01.12.21
Small, dark, limited stock. The sale is still on and seems a good idea considering some of the prices I noticed.   Laurence Purcell 13.07.23
There didn't appear to be much change in the stock since our last visit. The half price sale seems to be a permanent feature. As noted by a previous reviewer this is just as well since it makes the prices more acceptable. To be fair we have purchased from here previously but not on this occasion.  David 29.07.24

Books _ Ink Bookshop/WINCHCOMBE/6 North Street
Books & Ink Bookshop      Appointment necessary
6 North Street    WINCHCOMBE  GL54 5LH
tel:  07392 509498  e-mail   web   
Open: by appointment 7 days
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Currently available for browsing are: second hand paperback fiction, vintage pelican, puffin and penguin books, second hand / vintage children's books, selection of second hand OS maps, vintage hardback pocket editions of literature, "Books by the Yard" for decoration / art projects, a very small selection of new children's books and a small gift / jigsaw puzzles / greetings cards range.

Please email if you'd like to see any other stock/online items. Card payments only at present.

Not open as a bookshop due to Covid.  TBG2 14.01.22
I went to visit and found the shop was completely empty with the windows whitened.  Chris 07.08.22
I checked with the shop and they say that the shop next door is empty and white-painted and they have two windows of book displays. Could you have got the wrong shop Chris?  TBG2 08.08.22

Bookworm /TEWKESBURY/150 High Street  
Bookworm   Open at advertised times
150 High Street    TEWKESBURY  GL20 5JP
tel:  01684 438385  e-mail   web
Open:  Monday - Saturday 10.00 -45.00.
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Bookworm is a charity shop specialising in second-hand and antiquarian books, sheet music and collectable stamps.

Superior charity bookshop WWAD if in area better prices and selection than Oxfam.  Norman Davies 05.08.13
I find that Oxfam bookshops do have wider selection. Bookworm trying hard (cheap pricing, clean books) but small shop and limited stock.  Brian Stringer 20.10.14
Excellent charity shop with a very good selection at very reasonable prices. Well worth a detour for the discerning buyer. Free parking nearby.  The Drifter 22.10.14
Useful extra bookshop in Tewkesbury - just hope it doesn't take anything away from the Cornell books.. Friendly staff and possible to find a bargain.  Mary 06.10.16
This is an excellent little shop.Staff are very helpful and considerate. Great books and really good prices. A return is planned. Delighted.  Jon Davies 16.02.17
It is rather hard to realise that this is a charity shop. Two floors of good quality titles, well arranged and easy to peruse. Prices most reasonable, if not slightly low. The manager on the day of my visit was very knowledgeable on both the book-trade and about books. A pleasure to visit and already marked for a return.  Chris Harte 27.02.17
Agree with earlier comments. Good quality stock, reasonably priced and well-organised.  Lost Club 08.04.17
Since my last visit the shop has expanded to the second floor. Found the stock a little underwhelming, although it was well organised. Prices lower than many of the local charity bookshops.  Booksellerbull 03.01.20
Good range of stock and prices very reasonable. Two Bagfuls purchased. Well worth a visit.  David 01.12.21
Another splendid visit. Over three hours checking all the holdings and a bagload of books resulted. Prices are very competitive. With Cornell a few doors away an afternoon can easily pass by.  Chris 18.05.23
I would concur entirely with Booksellerbull's verbict that the shop is well organised but a little underwhelming.   Laurence Purcell 24.06.24
We have previously made some interesting purchases here but not this time nor indeed on the previous occasion. Prices are good but the stock is somewhat lacklustre. As a charity shop it is dependent on donations of course so there is always a chance of things looking up.  David 29.07.24
A well organised shop over two floors (I was told to switch the lights on when I went upstairs as they hadn’t been up there yet!). There’s a decent amount of books with reasonable prices and the quality is a cut above most charity shops’ offerings. Nothing caught my eye on this visit, sadly, but it’s still worth a look if you’re in the charming town of Tewkesbury.   Jon R 24.12.24

British Red Cross Bookshop/CHELTENHAM/200 Bath Road
British Red Cross Bookshop  Open at advertised times
200 Bath Road   CHELTENHAM   GL53 7NE
tel: 0124 257 5732 
Open:  Monday - Saturday 9.00 - 4.00.
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Donated books, CDs & videos.

Better than one would think and unbelievably cheap.  George Marshall 06.02.09
One of the cheapest but best organised charity bookshops we have seen. Large stock, variable but at that price...  Norman Davies 24.04.10
Excellent stock at reasonable prices - free parking nearby.  The Drifter 22.10.14
Well organised with good prices. Worth a look if I'm the area.  David 15.02.20
Quite a way from the town centre, but this is always worth visiting, and is deceptively large as the shop extends a long way back from the door. As usual I came away with half a dozen well-priced items. Volunteer staff always helpful too.  Wessexman 22.10.21
As previously noted this one is a little way out of town but free parking is available. It is well worth the journey though as it stocks a good range of titles at excellent prices.  David 01.12.21
Some recent management input has seen a spring clean and reorganisation of many of the shelves. The section with my main interest seems to have shrunk considerably but possibly the paperback fans will be pleased with the changes. If these result in an increase in turnover, it is not for me to question the rationale!  Wessexman 23.03.22
This shop is paperback heavy but is certainly worth a look if in the area as we purchased a few excellent books at extremely acceptable prices. And, as a bonus, we were able to park right outside on this occasion.  David 29.07.24

Chapel Bookshop, Hidcote NT/CHIPPING CAMPDEN/Hidcote Bartrim
Chapel Bookshop, Hidcote NT  Phone before travelling
Hidcote Bartrim  CHIPPING CAMPDEN  GL55 6LR
tel:  01386 438333  e-mail   web
Open: Open: Summer 7 days 11.00 - 3.00 or check website
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No entrance fee needed to visit the bookshop.

Visited on a beautiful summers day in June stunning gardens to walk around and a lovely 2nd hand book collection inside the old chapel.

Books covered all the usual subjects: modern fiction, cookery, history, children's, sci-fi. We checked with the NT staff and they informed us you don't have to pay an entrance fee to visit the book area. Payment is made in the nearby gift shop. We came away with 4 Asterix comics and a modern rock biography.
  Laurence Batchelor 12.07.24

Cheltenham Rare Books/CHELTENHAM/12 Imperial Square
Cheltenham Rare Books  Appointment necessary
12 Imperial Square  CHELTENHAM  GL50 1QB
tel:  01242 361594, mob: 07782 325916  e-mail   web   
Open: currently by appointment only
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Cheltenham Rare Books deals in first editions, fine and rare books including fiction, poetry, plays, crime fiction, science fiction and fantasy, illustrated books and private press.

I love going into bookshops where the owner greets you and then spends time assisting with your various queries. If only more bookshops could be as customer friendly as this one. Alas, I had a frustrating visit as all the books I would have purchased were already on my shelves. This did not worry my new friend one bit as he shook hands as I left. I will most certainly return (and, hopefully, then find something I want).  Chris Harte 24.05.16
Not open on Tuesday 7th Nov 2017. Wonder if opening hours have changed?  BookfinderGeneral 20.11.17
Would seem that they have - I've updated them now  TBG 20.11.17

Christopher Saunders /NEWNHAM-ON-SEVERN/Kingston House  
Christopher Saunders   Appointment necessary
Kingston House    NEWNHAM-ON-SEVERN  GL14 1BB
tel:  01594 516030  e-mail
Open:  Monday - Friday 9.00 - 5.00 by prior appointment only.
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A large stock of books and memorabilia on cricket and other ball sports. Catalogues published.

Cirencester Antiques Centre/CIRENCESTER/25 Market Place
Cirencester Antiques Centre  Open at advertised times
25 Market Place    CIRENCESTER  GL7 2NX
tel:  01285 644314  e-mail   web   
Open:  Monday - Saturday 9.30 - 5.00, Sunday 11.00 - 4.00
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A small room of cheaper general secondhand books, has recently been joined by another bookseller with a small selection of older books.  TBG 
Two book areas within antiques rooms. Disappointingly ordinary and rather expensive.  Norman Davies 24.04.10
One of two bookstalls in an interesting Antiques Centre. Shelves neatly arranged into subject categories. Easy to browse and some bargains to be had.  Chris Harte 10.08.15
This is a chimera. I was told in the tourist information office that there is no such thing as the Cirencester Arcade tout court. There may be confusion here with the Cirencester Antiques Centre at 25 Market Place.  Laurence Purcell 22.06.24
The answer seems to be rather complicated. The Corn Hall has been turned into a shopping arcade, with "and Arcade" appended to its name since about 2020. This is the location we list as "Cirencester Antiques Market", open on Fridays.

Opposite this is the Cirencester Antiques Centre, and its name until about 2013 was Cirencester Arcade! Its website shows a photo of a bookroom so it seems to warrant inclusion.

This entry, until now listed as Cirencester Arcade, is now given its present name here.
  TBG2 22.06.24

Cirencester Antiques Market/CIRENCESTER/The Corn HallMarket Place
Cirencester Antiques Market   Open at advertised times
The Corn Hall  Market Place    CIRENCESTER  GL7 2NW
tel:  0171 263 6010    web
Open:  Friday 9.00 - 3.00
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Two stalls offering general secondhand books, sometimes more.

Reasonable range of books particularly subjects mentioned. Seemed rather pricey.  Norman Davies 05.08.13
Quite limited choice and prices on the high side. We did buy a rather nice figure of Shakespeare from one of the other units though. Worth checking out if I'm the area.  David 15.02.20
Very interesting selection of 19th and early 20th century books. I bought 2 and got a discount. Would always visit if in the area. Like a miniature version of Cornell Books of Tewkesbury really. The dealer is Mathew Nutt with several other outlets and an exhibitor at many book fairs. See https://www.matthewnutt.com   Biblioshelf 16.02.24
Though visiting on a Friday, I could not find any bookstalls in the Corn Hall. I did find Matthew Nutt's holding across the road in the Cirencester Antiques Centre at 25 Market Place and wonder if there has been some confusion here.   Laurence Purcell 22.06.24

Cornell Books/TEWKESBURY/The Wheatsheaf
Cornell Books  Open at advertised times
The Wheatsheaf  132 High Street   TEWKESBURY   GL20 5JR
tel: 01684 293337  web 
Open:  Monday - Saturday 10.30 - 5.00. Also Bank Holiday Mondays and occasional Sundays 12.00 - 4.00.
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Medium-size general stock with an emphasis on topography, children's books and O.S. maps. Books also online via AbeBooks.

Superb old fashioned shop with large stock. Came away with a pile. Don't miss the bargain front room. Magnificent old building too, allow a decent time.  Norman Davies 05.08.13
What a splendid bookshop. Bargain shelves in a side alleyway and inside a treasure trove. Everything properly itemised and a backroom full of really quality material. I found some very hard-to-find titles and willingly spent a fair amount. Prices completely fair. WWAD.  Chris Harte 17.06.14
An excellent stock, properly organised but not over-tidy. Paperbacks numerous in the entrance corridor, much on Art, tall shelves on many subjects (but little fiction); and above all maps, in plenty. A lovely building, and people, too.  James Mackay 13.08.14
Worth visiting (15th century building) but not for history (very sparse but some military), crafts, and biographies. My interests therefore not served (can't always be), and I came away in two minds whether focus on art, topography, maps and fiction paperbacks etc is sufficient for others.  Brian Stringer 20.10.14
Excellent shop with a wide ranging selection at very reasonable prices. Well worth a detour for the discerning buyer. Free parking nearby.  The Drifter 22.10.14
Well organised and with that special atmosphere of a traditional secondhand bookshop. It's a lovely building and is very good for maps and topography. I could have spent a lot longer browsing and came away with some good purchases. Very reasonable prices and looking forward to making a return visit before too long.  SteveBrissle 07.03.15
I deliberately made considerable time on this revisit to be able to scan the holdings in some detail. I'm glad I did for I found some wonderful new additions among quality stock. This is a bookshop with something for everybody. I spent too much - but it was worth it. Just as a side comment, I thanked the owner for the excellent way he had packed books I had purchased from him online. The best I have yet come across.  Chris Harte 24.05.16
Agree with other buyers - so good to see a decent bookshop. Agree it does depend on your subject area but a browse can reward you with a gem you didn't know you wanted!  Mary 06.10.16
This is a lovely bookshop. It does depend on your subject area and there was not much for us but it is well worth visiting if you are in the area.  David 01.12.21
As usual an excellent selection of books of all categories. The £1 room is full of bargains. Always allow at least an hour for browsing.  Chris 18.05.23
What is it with these Gloucestershire booksellers that they have so little regard for us poor punters? I turned up on a Monday to be greeted by the notice: OPENING TIMES THIS WEEK-MONDAY CLOSED-WITH APOLOGIES FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE. It was good to get the apology but better to have been able to visit the shop. Ring and check beforehand is my advice.

Across the road and down an alley is an antiques centre with the usual small outcrops of of seemingly randomly-acquired books. This is not worth a visit, never mind a detour.
  Laurence Purcell 24.06.24
Excellent shop. The pound room also had some folio society marked down to £5.00 on this visit. Prices in the rest of the shop are not bargains but are fair and we made a few purchases. There was a regular flow of customers whilst we were there. Definitely WAD.  David 29.07.24
There’s an alleyway running down the side of the shop that leads to the main entrance. Along here you will find various bargains and plenty of orange and green classic Penguins. Towards the end of this corridor there are a few shelves of their yet-to-be-processed stock with a sign saying to ask for a price on anything you might be interested in - if only all bookshops did this! There are three main rooms inside. The fiction titles I looked at were priced quite steeply I thought, but this is probably because there were a lot of first editions, although they didn’t draw attention to this. The front room has a good selection of Folios at reasonable prices. They seem to specialise in OS maps here, especially pre-war ones. So if that’s your thing then this is the place to come.   Jon R 24.12.24

Cotswold Canal Trust Bookshop/STONEHOUSE/6 Queen_s Road
Cotswold Canal Trust Bookshop    Open at advertised times
6 Queen's Road  STONEHOUSE  GL10 2QF
tel:  01453 703717, mob: 07761 902967  e-mail   web   
Open: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday 10.00 - 4.00
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'Whether it’s a classic vinyl album you’ve been searching for or that rare cookery book from another century you are sure to find it at the one of the largest book and music shops in the area.'

The CCT opened this branch in 2022, following the success of their shop a few miles away at Brimscombe (where the takings average upwards of £7,000 a month). The Stonehouse shop, although not as big, is still quite sizeable, with two large rooms and two smaller ones. The stock is of a similar standard (above-average for a charity outlet) - there is just less of it. So if you only have time to visit one of the CCT shops, Brimscombe might be the better option (Saturday is the only day both shops are open). That said, this shop is a bit easier to reach by public transport, just a two-minute walk from Stonehouse railway station and about the same from the bus stops on the High Street. Here too, the prices are low. Paperback fiction is almost all 60p each, or three for £1.50; hardbacks £1.50 each. A good stock of classics and literary fiction, as well as mid/mass-market titles, and lots of sci-fi. The poetry section is poor, but the drama is a bit better. Lots of children's books (50p unless otherwise priced). For non-fiction, the better sections include local history and walks, canals, architecture, history, travel, art, crafts, natural history (especially ornithology), cookery and gardening. The politics, sport, railways and military sections are at least as strong as at Brimscombe. Other categories with a fairly good stock include religion, health/lifestyle, cinema/TV and music. The biographies are less good than at Brimscombe, but the quality is still reasonable. This is a less busy shop, with a more relaxed feel to it (and a very comfortable sofa). There is a small step up to the entrance, but ramps within the premises. Stonehouse is by no means the most picturesque town in this part of Gloucestershire, but the squat little St Cyr's church is a rather nice building and there are pleasant walks to be had along the towpath of the Stroudwater canal.  Booker T 11.11.24

Cotswold Canal Trust Bookshop/STROUD/Brimscombe Corner, Brimscombe Hill
Cotswold Canal Trust Bookshop      Open at advertised times
Brimscombe Corner, Brimscombe Hill  STROUD  GL5 2QN
tel:  01453 703717 mob: 07761 902967  e-mail   web   
Open:  Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday 10.00 - 4.00
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Very large charity bookshop with huge range of fiction, non-fiction and children’s books at low prices.

Welcoming, cheap and good for a browse if you're in the area.  Nodnerg 16.07.16
Large stock of mostly paperback fiction. Very cheap but run of the mill.  David 15.02.20
Large stock, especially good for canals, rivers and local history, always well worth a visit and I never come away empty-handed. Also you can park right outside.  Paul H 17.04.22
A surprisingly large stock in a long low shed (formerly used by a joinery firm), near the Ship Inn. Very well laid-out. A huge selection of novels. "Popular fiction" (here more or less everything except the classics) is priced at 60p for paperbacks, or three for £1.50, and hardbacks £1.50 each, unless otherwise priced. A good choice of classic fiction; paperbacks mostly £1.50. Lots of vintage Penguins at £1 each. A large stock of sci-fi, also some graphic novels. A large but disappointing poetry section, mainly anthologies. The six-shelf drama section, in contrast, is good. The half of it not taken up by Shakespeare contains a varied selection of high quality. Several shelves of Folio Society volumes, sensibly priced (most just £3). Lots of shelves of "old and interesting" books, arranged by subject; little that is truly outstanding, but the quality is reasonable. Prices for these are hit and miss, with surprises at both ends of the scale (some as low as £1.50). Superb choice of children's books - a huge selection - many at 50p, others £1. An unusually large stock of children's non-fiction. Very large stock of non-fiction, a cut above the usual charity shop standard in most sections. The strongest categories are history (including social history), politics, railways and canals, health and lifestyle, gardening, travel, local history and walks, British topography, hobbies/crafts, cinema/TV, and cookery. The cookbooks are so numerous that there is a buy one, get one free offer to free up space. A good range of biographies, some of high quality. Fairly good for books on music, both popular and classical. In a portakabin next to the main building are lots of music scores, a decent stock of transport and military history, and a good sports section. Brimscombe is a couple of miles south-east of Stroud and is served by several bus routes from that town.  Booker T 11.11.24

Draycott Books/CHIPPINGCAMPDEN/1 Sheep Street
Draycott Books    Phone before travelling
1 Sheep Street    CHIPPING CAMPDEN  GL55 6DS
tel:  01386 841392   
Open:  Tuesday - Saturday 1 0.00 - 1.00 and 2.00 to 5.00. In summer also open most Sundays.
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Medium-size secondhand and antiquarian stock.

I will always remember finding a very limited edition book (published in 1916) in this shop on a previous visit. I still get that tingle of excitement when going through the doors of lovely old premises. Varied stock which needs time to survey. The owner told me of his titles in a lock-up store: they sounded top value.  Chris Harte 31.12.09
Small and a little unkempt, but this is a good and friendly bookshop - decent on local interest, history, kids etc. and with a gentle turnover of stock that ensures you'll always come up with something.  Neil Goodlad 10.12.12
As you enter that lovely aroma of a good book shop, interesting, well priced stock in a lovely town.  Paulp 02.11.13
Four and a half years since my last visit. The shop is certainly much tidier and categories are very well laid out and easy to peruse. I would have purchased but prices seemed more for the affluent locals or teeming day tourists.  Chris Harte 19.05.15
Made a visit after a gap of two or more years. I was very impressed with the range of books and their presentation. A very pleasant lady was looking after the shop for her son and I assumed that there had been a change of ownership. However she explained that her son is gradually taking over from her husband who has owned the shop for a long time. I enjoyed my visit although ironically I bought only one map.  CB 15.01.16
A good selection with strong points on topography and hardback fiction. Court Barn museum nearby well worth a visit.  Herne 06.10.16
A lovely shop in a lovely Gloucestershire village where all the properties are that beautiful sandstone colour. Parking in August was hard but managed to find a residential street 2 mins walk away so persist! All the books are well categorized with some £1 boxes by the door. There was also a unit by the till with rare and antiquarian stock which, upon inspection, ranged from £5 up to several hundred pounds. That gives you some idea of the varied stock housed here. The stock has the feel that the owner only displays books of quality and I saw nothing too common and several titles completely new to me. I came away with 3 books with a healthy bulk-buy discount, it could have been more, but some were a bit pricey.  Laurence Batchelor 09.08.18
THIS SHOP IS CLOSED TODAY. IT WILL BE OPEN AGAIN TOMORROW AS USUAL. Today being a Thursday and I had made a special journey and was not in a position to come again "tomorrow". Okay, situations arise in life and booksellers, like the rest of us, have to respond to them and I imagine that's what happened here but a word of apology would have been nice.  Laurence Purcell 20.06.24
Decided to visit again after 5 years and rang 3-4 times to check open on a Thursday July morning, but no answer each time, so went to Chipping Norton instead.

Seeing as I am the 2nd reviewer leaving similar comments I would advise to ring before making a special journey.
  Laurence Batchelor 12.07.24
Finally managed to visit on a Summer Thursday morning when shop opened around 11ish. I called before setting off, but no answer...however, Duncan the owner returned my call 20mins to confirm he was indeed open whilst I was already taking a chance driving through the cotswolds.

It's been 5 years since my previous visit and I found parking easier this time as I went in the free spaces 10min walk from the shop in the road called "Backends".

The shop itself is now even more overflowing with stock with small piles on the floor, but not as bad as at the nearby JW books where viewing any bottom shelf there you need to take shovel! All subject matters are sign posted and the quality is high as one would expect in such an affluent town as this.

Duncan tidied up the military area and I was left to browse at my leisure. The shop is 1 ground floor room with probably 1-2 thousand books in all. I spotted some which I recall seeing in 2019 so perhaps stock turn is low. It's a generalised 2nd hand shop so there is something in all major categories, but perhaps his specialism is arts and crafts books which Chipping Campden is famous for.

8 military purchases made and a bulk discount offered without asking. I spotted many books are moved onto sale shelves and chatted with the owner at length about how his shop is not selling as many books today as years gone by. This shop has been there for 40 years but it seems takings are down and he was interested in my thoughts upon how to stimulate trade.

I would recommend supporting this family owned shop but make sure you phone before driving any distance. Price wise I would say it's reasonable and the owner who is ETGOW will likely always knock money off if buying a few.
  Laurence Batchelor 29.08.24

Dursley Bookshop, Longfield Hospice/DURSLEY/22 Parsonage Street
Dursley Bookshop, Longfield Hospice  Open at advertised times
22 Parsonage Street  DURSLEY  GL11 4AA
tel:  01453 543462  e-mail   web
Open: Monday - Saturday 9.15 - 5.00
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A medium sized book room, general stock, typical charity donations, strong on paperbacks.

Emmaus/NAILSWORTH/Market Street
Emmaus  Open at advertised times
Market Street   NAILSWORTH   GL6 0BX
tel: 01453 835036 
Open:  Monday - Saturday 9.30 - 4.30.
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A charity shop some twenty yards from Keogh's Books. Has eight shelves of books with most in categories. Worth looking at if visiting Nailsworth but does not need a detour.  Chris Harte 19.05.15
Stock not very interesting. Worth a look if passing but not worth a detour.  David 15.02.20
Variable stock, all at good prices, sometimes I have found bargains here, sometimes nothing. Always worth a quick look if passing.  Paul H 17.04.22

Fireside Bookshop/STROUD/8 Rowcroft
Fireside Bookshop      Open at advertised times
8 Rowcroft  STROUD  GL5 3AZ
tel:  01453 764500  e-mail   web   
Open: Autumn & winter: Wednesday - Saturday 10.00 - 5.00, Spring & summer also Tuesday and also some Mondays
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General stock of antiquarian, academic and secondhand books, but particularly history and the sciences. 25 years in the Lake District, then in Littlehampton and recently moved to Stroud.

I have always looked forward to my visits to Fireside Bookshop in Windermere over the years, and was delighted to track down its new incarnation in Littlehampton. Bigger and better than ever, the shop occupies bright and spacious high-ceilinged rooms in an historic arcade. Stock is of the high quality that we have come to expect, strongest in the Humanities and presented with charm and wit. Indeed, the extra space has enabled the owners to give fuller expression to their personal pleasure in books and the arts, with the upper walls and bookcase tops used as a gallery for posters, paintings and quirky objects. Sheer delight! I look forward to many more visits and to seeing how the new emporium develops.  TravellingLibrary 10.08.15
Attractive shop, friendly and obviously knowledgeable proprietors, good stock, fair prices: certainly WAD if you are in those parts. I hope they can make a go of it; I wouldn't have thought that Littlehampton had the same pulling power for visitors as the Lakes!  Laurence Purcell 13.02.16
Well worth a detour: convenient location; friendly proprietor; extensive, varied and interesting stock well laid out, strong on history & philosophy & women writers; reasonable prices.  Richard Powell 16.01.17
Always a pleasure; owner invariably friendly and helpful; the place just feels pleasant to be in. Never fail to leave without three or four books on my visits - this time very pleased with a couple of relatively hard to find William Carlos Williams's; a good poetry section. You get the feeling that thought has gone into whats put out on the shelves - even some interesting stuff in the £1 shelves outside in the arcade. WWAD.  Yossarian 10.03.17
A welcoming shop with an interesting stock of mostly modern books covering a wide variety of subjects.  Mike G 13.07.21
A most pleasing shop now in a much more attractive setting than in their Littlehampton phase (they moved there from Kendal). Nearly all categories are well covered but especially history and art. Only the fiction section struck me as a bit patchy with a heavy proportion of paperbacks. Hurry on down in case they move again to (say) Great Yarmouth next time.  Laurence Purcell 09.07.22
Very impressive stock at this pleasant town-centre shop, only a minute's walk from the railway station, but also some high prices. A fine range of fiction, including interesting hardbacks; prices rather mixed. Penguin classics, for example, vary from £2 to £7.50. Quite good for sci-fi. The crime fiction - shelved among the general fiction - is less good. Absolutely outstanding for poetry, and mostly not overpriced. Folio Society volumes also are fairly moderately priced; the owners seem to take a realistic view of the demand for these. For non-fiction, the quality is high in many sections, notably history of various kinds (ancient, medieval and renaissance, military, social, local), archaeology, travel/exploration (some very high prices in this section), philosophy, railways/canals, and science/maths. Exceptionally good for architecture (including ecclesiastical), photography, art (some bargains here) and natural history. Lots of books on the occult, as well as myth and folklore... this is Stroud, one of the most "alternative" towns in England, after all. Also good for books on music, especially jazz. An impressive selection of literary biographies, some of which are in the hallway behind the till, together with signed books, modern first editions (some of these reasonably cheap), plus books by/about an eclectic selection of authors (Tolkien, Shakespeare, the Beat Generation, Beckett, Joyce, the Bloomsbury Group, Moorcock and the Powys brothers). Children's books do not feature strongly, but no shop can specialise in everything. ETGOW owners. WWAD despite the rather elevated prices.   Booker T 11.11.24

Lions Bookshop/THORNBURY/19/21 St Mary St
Lions Bookshop  Open at advertised times
19/21 St Mary St  THORNBURY  BS35 2AB
e-mail   web  
Open: Monday -Friday 10.00 - 4.30, Saturday 10.00 - 4.00
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Two rooms of general stock, paperbacks 50p all hardbacks £1, cash only. Stock changes quickly, often bargains to be had.

For a shop run by volunteers, this is pretty impressive. The shop, which is in a pedestrian precinct off the High Street, is light and airy, well stocked and neatly arranged by category. There is of course plenty of paperback fiction but I also spotted shelves with well laid out sections on health, parenting, business, sport, travel, maps and much more. There must be hundreds, or perhaps thousands, of books to browse and all at very reasonable prices. Older collectable titles were not in evidence. The shop is clearly well supported by the local community and is well worth a visit.  Wessexman 01.09.22
Really impressed with them. Great range and almost everything £1 for hardbacks and 50p for paperbacks.  PLF 01.03.24

Matthew Nutt Books/CIRENCESTER/Cirencester Arcade
Matthew Nutt Books  Open at advertised times
Cirencester Arcade  25 Market Place   CIRENCESTER   GL7 2NX
tel: 01285 644214   e-mail  web 
Open:  Monday - Saturday 9.30 - 5.00, Sunday 11.00 - 5.00.
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Unit within Cirencester Arcade antiques centre. Selection of antiquarian and collectable books. Subjects include Gloucestershire, natural history, art & antiques, childrens, leather bindings, ephemera etc. New stock added at least every two weeks.

A dreadful mess which made browsing somewhat difficult. There were some most acceptable titles on the shelves but nowhere near as good as his Leominster holdings.  Chris Harte 10.08.15
Rather limited stock but good quality in an encampment at the back of the antiques centre. The chap taking money at the front told me that the space is shared with another dealer which may account for what appeared to be some duplication of categories. Worth a visit as it's the sort of place where you may find something you've been seeking for ages.   Laurence Purcell 22.06.24

Moss Books/CHELTENHAM/3 Saint George’s Place
Moss Books   Open at advertised times
3 Saint George’s Place   CHELTENHAM  GL50 3LA
tel:  01242 222947  e-mail   web  
Open:  Monday - Saturday 10.00 - 6.00, Sunday 12.00 - 4.00
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Secondhand and collectable books.

A wonderful, slightly chaotic second hand shop with a large and up to date stock that is pushing the limits of the space available. Generally well organised despite piles of books spreading over the floor. The history section is particularly good. Prices are very reasonable.  George Marshall 06.02.09
Good quality books everywhere, currently at half price. Well worth a visit  John Bacon 15.07.09
Books piled everywhere and a poor flustered oriental girl trying hard to make sense of mumbled requests from potential purchasers. I gave it half an hour but the muddle was so great I will have to return once someone has had a good spring-clean.  Chris Harte 31.12.09
The shop is still chaotic, mainly because it has far more books than shelf space. If you are willing to sift through the piles on the floor and look at both rows of books on most of the shelves, however, you will find it very worthwhile. Just allow yourself plenty of time!  Geoffrey Warner 18.07.11
Extraordinarily chaotic shop but well worth it if you have the time. The rows behind the front row revealed some good stuff as did the floor, but unfortunately my arthritis intervened!  Norman Davies 05.08.13

Excellent wide ranging stock at reasonable prices. Downside is presentation - books all over the place and books displayed behind books. Expensive parking nearby. Well worth a detour if you are patient and have plenty of time on your hands.
  The Drifter 19.04.14
Chaotic is putting it mildly, but I've never visited without leaving with a bag full of books and a wallet very little lighter. This is what secondhand bookshops looked like before they discovered efficiency - it should be permanently preserved to demonstrate the beauties of those days.  Carl Boardman 29.08.14
One visit will never be enough unless you spend a few hours here. Spoilt for choice. Saved my day having come away from Churchdown Book Fair (1st Sunday of every month) without a single purchase.  Brian Stringer 07.10.14
Stumbled on this wonderful place by chance. Found some interesting books at extremely good prices. Will return.  John 05.11.15
When I asked about my specialities the same poor flustered oriental girl still had no idea even six and a half years on from meeting her previously. The shop certainly seems to have had a tidy-up in the pasing years but, alas, there was nothing to tempt me to pass over any money. Difficult to categorise. Best to say General Stock.  Chris Harte 24.05.16
I'm visiting Cheltenham next week so may I ask that all the piles of books are tidied up and found homes on shelves before my arrival. Thanks in advance.  Laurence Compton 03.08.18
Still extremely chaotic. Seemed to be just as much stock piled on the floor as on the shelves. Prices variable. If you intend coming here allow a full day.  David 15.02.20
Always something interesting to be found here. Some of the piles blocking the floor have now been moved, but there are still a few shelves of double stacking which can be a touch frustrating.   Wessexman 22.10.21
Cheltenham's best secondhand bookshop. You can easily spend hours here: prices for the most part reasonable, no giveaways but equally nothing I spotted was outrageously priced. As has been noted, factor in time to remove a chunk of books from the shelf, have a look at what's behind, move the books along, repeat the process, etc...  Steven Kelly 11.11.21
Much tidier than on our previous visit. As previously noted there is some double rowing but time spent sorting through is worthwhile. Definitely worth the visit.  David 01.12.21
Great shop, lovely to see real second hand bookshops still exist. Yes, much of the stock is double shelved, but just bear with it and dig in, there is a lot of treasure to be found. Fair prices.  PeterM 15.06.22
DOUBLE BANKING IS AN ABOMINATION! Old and bulky chaps like me shouldn't be expected to do all the lifting, shifting and carrying which it entails. Far better to thin out the unsaleable items and there is scope for that here. Huge stock but the organisation of the rooms upstairs defeated me, though if you collect sets of Heron Books in matching bindings, this is the place for you. Well worth a visit but allow masses of time.  Laurence Purcell 13.07.23
SALE!!!! Moss Books are moving to 3 St.James's Place in October. They are now holding a half-price sale at the Henrietta Street shop of almost all stock until the move is complete. Lots of bargains to be had!! (still a bit chaotic but well worth a rummage).  Cibba 28.09.23
The new shop is smaller and certainly tidier although there is still some double rowing. Most categories are catered for and prices are generally fair. This being Cheltenham there is a section on horse racing next to a section on spies. Some of the Heron sets have survived the move and are lurking in a corner. The shop is well worth a visit.  David 29.07.24

New Gloucester Antiques Centre/GLOUCESTER/26 Westgate Street
The New Gloucester Antiques Centre  Open at advertised times
26 Westgate Street   GLOUCESTER   GL1 2NG
tel: 07484 073364  web 
Open:  Monday - Saturday 10.00 - 5.00, Sunday 11.00 - 5.00.
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Two booksellers, a railwayana dealer and a stamp, postcard and ephemera specialist.

Two good book sections with an outstanding railway dealer. Also contains stamp and postcard dealers upstairs for those collectors.  Norman Davies 18.02.16
Among the antiques there are a couple of very decent book sections. Medium size, changing stock, very reasonable prices. Found some worthwhile things. Will definitely visit again.  Bristol Bob 29.10.16
First visit here. Will not be returning. Prices high.  David 15.02.20
There is a good range of reasonably priced secondhand railway books (and other railway items) in the unit operated by Stewart Blencowe plus a limited number of new railway books covering Gloucestershire. The prices of books sold by other dealers are sometimes rather high and their stock does not seem to change much based on various visits over time.  SteveBrissle 09.12.21
The railway book section is extensive, large enough to be called a shop and is well stocked at reasonable prices.  PeterM 15.06.22
The specialist dealer in railway books and artefacts has retired, and the unit has been repurposed. While the Centre still has at least one bookseller, from my point of view the main reason for visiting is no more.  Wessexman 16.05.24

Old Shambles Charity Bookshop/NEWENT/22-24 Church Street
The Old Shambles Charity Bookshop  Open at advertised times
22-24 Church Street   NEWENT   GL18 1PP
tel: 01531 828060 
Open:  Monday - Saturday 9.00 - 4.30.
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Charity bookshop selling donated books.

Surprisingly good selection of books for a charity shop. Everything in categories with a strong section of children's titles. Certainly worth a visit if in the town.  Chris Harte 23.03.15
Not quite as varied as my previous visit but still a good charity shop. Prices low for good general titles.  Chris Harte 23.11.18
Many changes in this charity shop. Virtually no books but plenty of old suitcases, plastic flowers in pots, smelly clothing; glass jars and numerous other objects a sensible person would leave alone. The continual vaping of the person in charge was rather off-putting.  Chris 19.05.23

Oxfam Books _ Music/CHELTENHAM/31 Cambray Place
Oxfam Books & Music  Open at advertised times
31 Cambray Place   CHELTENHAM   GL50 1JP
e-mail  web 
Open:  Monday - Saturday 9.30 - 5.00, Sunday 10.30 - 4.30.
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There are some unfair dismissive comments on this place in reviews of other shops. It's actually rather good, not expensive, and has an excellent CD section into the bargain. Give it a try.  Carl Boardman 29.08.14
Been here several times now with minuscule success. Considering the size of the shop it has little to offer and what there is features standard Oxfam overpricing. Much better fare in nearby charity and bookshops. Expensive parking nearby. Not worth a detour.  The Drifter 14.02.15
Usual Oxfam overpricing. Stock not very exciting. Not worth a detour.  David 15.02.20
This shop always seems well stocked, but not always with my particular interest and it can seem somewhat bland. Yesterday it was a hive of activity as the Christmas stock had just been delivered (groan!).  Wessexman 22.10.21
Certainly worth a look if you are in Cheltenham, but as others have suggested, no particular attractions. This also seems to be one of those odd branches that has a substantial philatelic section.  Steven Kelly 11.11.21
Worth looking at if you are in Cheltenham as it carries a lot of stock albeit skewed towards fiction. Careful searching unearthed a couple of finds.   David 01.12.21
This shop is currently having a half price sale on all books and music. I took advantage of this as it brought down prices to much more realistic levels. Sadly much of the stock in the Collectables and my own favourite section are in poor condition, so even at 50% off the pricing seems optimistic.  Wessexman 07.01.22
One of the better Oxfam bookshops. Quite large, lots of older stock, prices mixed, but the books I wanted were all reasonably priced.   PeterM 15.06.22
Average Oxfam, usual shelf of alleged COLLECTABLES which seemed anything but. Certainly NWAD.   Laurence Purcell 13.07.23

Oxfam Books _ Music/CIRENCESTER/7 West Market Place
Oxfam Books & Music  Phone before travelling
7 West Market Place   CIRENCESTER   GL7 2NH
tel: 01285 658726  web 
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Hideously expensive, and they get their books for nothing! They had Ladybird books in the window at £20.00, even more expensive than Cheltenham.  Ocker 23.08.11
Winner of the most expensive "antique " books yet. Where do they get these prices from? ABE Books top range maybe?  Norman Davies 05.08.13
Totally agree with other reviewers about the ludicrous prices except that the Oxfam in Queen's Road Bristol is even more expensive! But then with a CEO's salary of £119,560 to meet, plus those of others, perhaps these factors are reflected in their price structure.  The Drifter 10.08.13
Standing eight count. 1/10.  The Boxer 13.09.13
Not exactly the most interesting of bookshops. Very ordinary titles on the shelves at sky-high prices. Nothing of value or of interest to me but then again, modern paperback fiction is not my scene.  Chris Harte 10.08.15
No change since Chris Harte's previous comments.  David 15.02.20
It was my lucky day here, and I spent rather more than I had planned. The duty manager was enthusiastic and keen to point me in the direction of my main interests. This well-heeled area seems to support its local Oxfam pretty well.  Wessexman 23.03.22
Very ordinary Oxfam, NWAD.  Laurence Purcell 22.06.24

Past and Present Books/COLEFORD/Meadowside
Past and Present Books  Phone before travelling
Meadowside  Five Acres   COLEFORD   GL16 7QN
tel: 01594 833347  e-mail 
Open:  Thursday & Friday 2.00 - 5.30 or by appiontment.
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Secondhand and antiquarian books and ephemera on the Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire and surrounding counties.

R and R Books/STROUD/4 Nelson Road
R and R Books    Open at advertised times
4 Nelson Road    STROUD  GL5 2HL
tel:  01453 755788  e-mail   web   
Open:  Monday - Saturday 10.00 - 5.30.
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Wide range (5000+) of secondhand books, plus magazines, comics, and ephemera. Includes History, Local History, Literature, Art, Mind Body & Spirit, Children's, Nostalgia and more. Good selection of paperback fiction across the genres, including general fiction, classics, crime/detective, science fiction, fantasy and westerns. We also have a stall in the Shambles Indoor Market in Stroud every Friday and Saturday.

Good general range most subjects average prices. Worth a look.  Norman Davies 24.04.10
Second visit in three months due to positive experience first time. Some unexpected happy finds, including good religion, psychology, MBS, literature and history sections. Shop a couple of doors above Black Books Cafe, so coffee is nearby.  S&S 02.11.13
Nice little shop. Prices good. WAD.  David 15.02.20
A pleasant enough bookshop. I did not find anything but my wife purchased in bulk from the £1 shelves.  Chris 13.05.22
There's more here than seemed likely on a first, brief inspection. I couldn't detect any particular specialities but there is a good range of stock and prices are reasonable. Certainly worth toiling up the hill from Fireside Books.  Laurence Purcell 09.07.22
A good example of what used to be called a "reader's bookshop", with a wide range of stock of solid quality, albeit a notch or two below outstanding (in this town, that niche is filled by the Fireside Bookshop). But this is a shop of considerable merit, enhanced by the fact that the prices are decidedly on the low side. Established in 1994, it has been at these premises, at the edge of the town centre, about an eight-minute (uphill) walk from the railway station, since 2002. Very good for fiction, especially classic and early/mid-20th century. Lots of Penguins. Quite good for crime fiction and sci-fi. The poetry section is very creditable, and the drama only slightly less so. A fair stock of children's books, with a couple of dozen vintage titles alongside the modern editions. For non-fiction, the strongest sections are history (including ancient & classical), biography (especially literary biography), "mind, body and spirit", myth and folklore, and natural history. Also fairly good for art, photography, architecture, transport, military and religion. The co-owner, Ruth, is affable and knows the book trade very well. Almost WAD in its own right, but the nearby Fireside Bookshop certainly is and it would be a grave omission not to visit this shop as well, where the prices are lower.

Two charity shops in the town centre are worth checking out. Oxfam at 45 King Street (open Monday to Saturday 9am to 5pm, Sunday 11am to 4pm) has about 1,000 books (including 250 children's books). The quality is good, especially for non-fiction, and the prices are moderate. The "collectables" section is above the usual standard. Emmaus at 56 London Road (Monday to Saturday 9am to 5pm) has a similar number of books, many of them older volumes. The overall quality is below that at Oxfam, but so are the prices, which are rock-bottom, with most books £1 and some 50p. A few decent poetry, art and history titles here, as well as lots of very cheap modern cookbooks.
  Booker T 10.11.24

Russell Rare Books/CIRENCESTER/The Corner House
Russell Rare Books  Appointment necessary
The Corner House  101A Victoria Road   CIRENCESTER   GL7 1EU
tel: 01285 644 347  e-mail  web 
Open:  Strictly by appointment.
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Natural History: decoratively illustrated books.

Tara Antiques Centre/STOW-ON-THE-WOLD/The Manor House, The Square
Tara Antiques Centre  Open at advertised times
The Manor House, The Square  STOW-ON-THE-WOLD  GL54 1AF
tel:  01451 798146  e-mail   web   
Open: Monday - Saturday 10.00 - 5.00, Sunday 11.00 - 4.00
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Three-storey antiques centre in the town centre; one book dealer.

The top floor of this large antiques centre is where the stock of its only book dealer can be found. The dealer is Ed Bailey (who also has some decent-quality stock in Oxford, at Antiques on High). Here at Stow, he has about 1,800 books on display. As at Oxford, there are impressive arrays of Ladybirds (about 600; almost all £5) and Observer books (about 350; £4 to £45, depending on edition/scarcity). Also 50 Folio Society volumes, including some less frequently encountered titles in nice condition (£6 to £50; mostly £10 to £12). Other than Folios, there is very little fiction (except for children). In contrast, there are quite a lot of vintage children's books. Among the best of these are a dozen 'Just William' and 'Jennings' titles, with dust jackets, carefully priced according to scarcity (£8 to £50; not unreasonable, although not cheap). Also books on natural history, railways, history/archaeology and British topography (including a dozen of the Robert Hale 'County Books', with dust jackets, at £6), as well as hundreds of old comics ('Spider-Man' etc; £4.50 and upwards) and lots of copies of 'The Motor' magazine (£10).

Ed Bailey's stock contains the only books of any real quality here, although a few random scatterings can be found on the other floors. One of these (on the middle floor) might be worth a glance for the minority of folk with an interest in the 'Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society' (20 of the annual volumes; £8 to £10).

Of the town's charity shops, the best one for books is Blue Cross (2 Church Street; Mon-Sat 9am to 5pm, Sun 10am to 4pm), which has about 1,000. Paperback novels £2 each or three for £5; hardbacks mostly £3. A reasonable selection of non-fiction, priced slightly too high. A good choice of children's books. Almost everything in the 'vintage and collectable' section is seriously overpriced, though.

Stow is a very attractive town and worth visiting. The nearest railway station is four miles away at Moreton-in-Marsh, but the 801 bus will take you to Stow from there, or from Cheltenham.
  Booker T 22.12.24