
Secondhand and Antiquarian Bookshops in the UK and Republic of Ireland

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Guidelines for posting, Privacy and Data Protection

This site aims to list every secondhand and antiquarian bookshop in the UK and Republic of Ireland. This includes anywhere where books for sale can be seen on the premises, at regular times or by appointment.

User contributions

Anyone can contribute - no registration or login is needed. All contributions are moderated before publication, which should normally take no more than a day or two.

When contributing for the first time, please choose a username - which might be your real name or a nickname. On subsequent occasions please remember and use your chosen username.

All contributions are the user's own opinion and not that of thebookguide.

Adding a bookshop

Each bookshop listing page has an Add a bookshop link near the top.

We rely on shop-owners and the book-buying public to update the listings with new shops. (Notifying closures, change of address or opening hours is covered below.)

What belongs here: Any business with a significant stock of secondhand or collectable books, that welcomes visitors at advertised times or by prior appointment. This includes permanent units in antique markets, private bookrooms and weekly market stalls. Stock can be small if good, but books should be the only or main holdings. Thus a charity bookshop should be included, but a general charity shop should not, unless it has a room's-worth of books.

Information you provide for a new bookshop should be demonstrable fact. An impartial description of the shop's size and type of stock is also welcome, plus important facts such as access details. We will try to get the shop itself to review these, and the published description will be our own selection.

Adding a comment or a change to shop details

Each bookshop listing has an Add a comment link under the shop details.

We welcome reviews and comments on listed shops. These should be demonstrable fact or fair comment. Abusive, gratuitously offensive or potentially libellous content will not be published.

The comment field is also used to inform us of changes to basic shop data - name, address, opening hours etc. We will identify such data and apply it to the shop listing, possibly instead of publishing it as a comment, unless it also contains a review. If by separating data and comment we have misrepresented you, please say so in a further comment, marked 'not for publication' and we'll try to correct it. To avoid confusion, it's a good idea to submit shop details and review text as separate form submissions.

Owners and staff are welcome to contribute to their shop's details and comments, but please choose a username that makes this clear, such as 'John Smith (The Bookshop)', or 'John (owner)'.

When submitting a bookshop or comment, please supply your e-mail address (never published or used for any other purpose) if we may conceivably need to contact you about it.

Privacy and Data Protection

Anyone who submits data through the 'Add a bookshop' and 'Add a comment' forms is held to have given permission for its publication on the site, subject to our minor amendments as described above.

Submitted form data is stored in a password-protected area to which only the site administrators and our data processor Bytemark Hosting have access. These may include your IP address (never published), to help identify contributors in cases of dispute and for other important reasons. We also allow you to supply your e-mail address (never published), which we will use if we need to be in touch about the submission. Also, your username may help identify you (e.g. if you use your real name). No other personal data is held about you. We do not share any unpublished data with third parties. We do not use cookies or trackers on our site, nor embed links that do. External links on the site (such as to shops' websites and social media accounts) may do so.

The Data Controller is Adrian Hindle-Briscall who can be contacted by email or webform.